Percy Janes Boarding The Bus
As the bus rumbled on I continued under my breath “Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Percy Janes, Newfoundland writer, poet, just boarded the number something-or-other.” If this was Portugal, a plaque would be placed over the seat where he sat. As it is, you have me mumbling in the street like a tourist in […]
One Word
by ahcene mariche Words are like bees They have honey and vemon Sometimes they are so sweet Sometimes as wounding as knives A word can bring you up Until you reach the top Then, you will know Fame and wealth Glory and power A word can knock you down The […]
Once She Dreamed
by Ajmer Rode Once she dreamed she was Mileva, the long haired Serbian girl who married Albert Einstein. She quietly watched when Einstein twisted the absolutely flat space with his hands. She watched when Einstein broke the absolute flow of time into pieces and spun them around at different speeds. She was […]
O God
by Ahmad Shawqi O’ God ! I wander all day and pine through time, And seek some comfort in my rhyme. The noblest of rhymes overflow with love, The sweetest line – the musical and pure – Are written down for the heart as a cure. Men turn as they pay to […]
Notebook Of A Return To The Native Land
by Aimé Césaire At the end of daybreak. . . Beat it, I said to him, you cop, you lousy pig, beat it, I detest the flunkies of order and the cockchafers of hope. Beat it, evil grigri, you bedbug of a petty monk. Then I turned toward paradises lost for him and […]
Night Words
by ahcene mariche Night words are like butter They melt at the breaking of dawn I advise you the virtuous! Never rely on them! Go to seek for your happiness Beware of lack of will and laziness Hearing soft words Leads to a deep sleep Once you close your eyes You […]
by ahcene mariche If we could make of negligence an arm It would cause disaster Pains and wounds And lead us to despair and failure No one can tolerate it It is the ruin of all hopes We want to keep away from it When we see its doing From our […]
Mustard Flowers
by Ajmer Rode If you see an old man sitting alone at the bus stop and wonder who he is I can tell you. He is my father. He is not waiting for a bus or a friend nor is he taking a brief rest before resuming his walk. He doesn’t intend to […]
Meditation With Feet
by Ajmer Rode Father meditated with feet in a pan of warm water before sleep every evening He never expected my mother who brought him the water to kneel. Rather than wash in hurry he wanted his feet left alone let the dust particles loosen as he quietly thanked his feet and […]
by Ainne Frances dela Cruz Lion-like this mane of hair he combs for dandruff man- -this must be love. Copyright ©: 2011 Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems: External links […]
Little Talk
Don’t you think it’s probable that beetles, bugs, and bees talk about a lot of things – you know, such things as these: The kind of weather where they live in jungles tall with grass, and earthquakes in their villages whenever people pass. Of course, we’ll never know if bugs talk very much […]
Light The Festive Candles
Light the first of eight tonight— the farthest candle to the right. Light the first and second, too, when tomorrow’s day is through. Then light three, and then light four— every dusk one candle more Till all eight burn bright and high, honoring a day gone by When the Temple was […]
by Ainne Frances dela Cruz In dark girls I see your skin. The lines of veins delicately whispering on the underside of your arms. The graceful motion of your fingers, how you always seemed on air, entrapped with wings; you who only had to rise to fly. I, in another time, […]
Labor Pains
I am sick today, sick in my body, eyes wide open, silent, I lie on the bed of childbirth. Why do I, so used to the nearness of death, to pain and blood and screaming, now uncontrollably tremble with dread? A nice young doctor tried to comfort me, and talked about the […]
by Ajmer Rode The baby just born into this world has been greeted, and well taken care of. Already a variety of labels have been etched on him. One for race. One for color. One for religion and maybe one for a caste. at the same time he is told you are born […]
by Ajmer Rode Kalli followed me eight miles to the market where animals were traded like slaves. Cows goats bullocks camels Kalli was black beautiful and six prime age for a water buffalo. She was dry. Repelled bulls as if she had decided never to go green. Hard to afford, my […]
Insect039s Nest
by Aju Mukhopadhyay When it came and built the frame on the wall, briskly I bruised it by a finger. Twice it came again I ignored it then. Now on the wall it has a shelter at the back of my computer; a frail one inch hollow tube upside open downside closed […]
In This Cul De Sac
To make sure You have not said: “I love you,” They smell your breath. They even smell your heart Trying times are these, my darling. They flog love Tied to the post of the cul-de-sac We must hide love in the closet. In this serpentine maze This crooked cold corner They feed the fire […]
I See Chile In My Rearview Mirror
by Agha Shahid Ali By dark the world is once again intact, Or so the mirrors, wiped clean, try to reason. . . –James Merrill This dream of water–what does it harbor? I see Argentina and Paraguay under a curfew of glass, their colors breaking, like oil. The night in Uruguay […]
Gravity Suspended
by Ainne Frances dela Cruz gravity suspended. fowls dreaming of air. so wings. connive and beat. so dread. of pain and air. so distant. the reach from sky to earth. so pain. but after all the sun. The Tower Journal Fall 2010 Copyright ©: […]
From Death
I have never feared death Even though Its hands were more fragile Than banality. I dread, however, to die In a land where The grave digger’s wages Exceed the price of human freedom. Looking for, Discovering, Choosing freely, And transforming one’s essence Into a fortress. If the price of death is higher than all […]
by Aimé Césaire As soon as I press the little pawl that I have under my tongue at a spot that escapes all detection all microscopic bombardment all dowser divination all scholarly prospecting beneath it triple layer of false eyelashes of centuries of insults of strata of madrepores of what I must call […]
For My Mother
by Afzal Moolla Someone always told me this with tears in her eyes A wife left South Africa in the 1960’s to join her husband who was in exile at the time. In 1970 the husband was sent by the African National Congress to India to be its representative […]
Fly Fly Butterfly
Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly fly butterfly, Fly up in the sky so high. CATERPILLARS! What do caterpillars do? Nothing much but chew and chew. What do caterpillars know? Nothing much but how to grow. They just eat what by and by will make them be a butterfly, But that is more than […]
Even The Rain
by Agha Shahid Ali What will suffice for a true-love knot? Even the rain? But he has bought grief’s lottery, bought even the rain. “our glosses / wanting in this world” “Can you remember?” Anyone! “when we thought / the poets taught” even the rain? After we died–That was it!–God […]
Destiny Far Away
by Akansha Singhal I hop and jump on the floating stones, stones sit on those sharks. A step and all bones, when its not even dark. Dark greens far away I can see and I am destitute the only way to get free, free I want to be but still solitude. […]
by Ai We smile at each other and I lean back against the wicker couch. How does it feel to be dead? I say. You touch my knees with your blue fingers. And when you open your mouth, a ball of yellow light falls to the floor and burns a hole through it. […]
Calling All Angels
by Ainne Frances dela Cruz Towards bright lights and heaven, we hesitate, weakened by gravity unable to fly looping through earth. Satellites, things that catch us make us fall. Nets, I would love to catch and catch those things we lose because gravity, time, makes us give things up. Still, soul-weary […]
At The Locks Of The Void
by Aime Cesaire In the foreground and in longitudinal flight a dried-up brook drowsy roller of obsidian pebbles. In the background a decidedly not calm architecture of torn down burgs of eroded mountains on whose glimpsed phantom serpents chariots a cat’s-eye and alarming constellations are born. It is a strange firefly cake hurled […]
Before being turned to ashes by the wrath of the thunderbolt, he had forced the steer of the tempest to kneel before his might. To test the faith of old he had worn out his teeth on the locks of ancient gates. On the most out-of-the way paths he struggled, an unexpected passer-by whose […]
All In A Word
T for time to be together, turkey,talk and tangy weather H for harvest stored away, home and hearth and holiday A for Autumn’s frosty art, and abundance in the heart N for neighbors and November, nice things, new things to remember K for kitchen, kettle’s croon, kith and kin expected soon S for sizzles, sights […]
A Teenage Pregnancy
by Agustin Antonio Why should my fun have to end? I thought that this was just the beginning. I see my friends go out to have fun. And all I can do is watch as they drive by. As they set forth to discover their youth, I’m well on my way towards […]
A Painting Morning
by Ahmad Reza Rahimi A voice in the morning calling from far away a muezzin and the Night drawing all its weapons to the hoard the sun painting the east in red and I sleeping on my bed! Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems: […]
A Child Of War
by Afzal Moolla as she lies bleeding the girl who skipped and hopped to school all of nine and a half years old with ribbons in her hair and a laugh that was her father’s pride as she lies bleeding the warm bullet lodged in her […]
Ars Poetica
A poem by Aeschylus (c. 525 – c. 456 Before Christ ) by Ainne Frances dela Cruz No, the poet does not live in a beautiful world, a perfect world, does not always see the bright side Nay, too often it is the dark she sees, Not rainbows and stars, […]
The Ugly Little Bird
The Ugly Little Bird by Admiral Mahic Someone has pulled me out of the grass Because I had fallen From a black branch. O sweet! O wild! The cats are evil here! O am an ugly little bird – with my soft beak I keep pecking at the running […]
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Admiral Mahic A Toast To Nations In The Bus That is Frantically Rushing from Cairo to Port Said Mountain Wellhead The Ugly Little Bird Poetry In
Mountain Wellhead
Mountain Wellhead by Admiral Mahic This is where God breathes! Here is the mountain wellhead that cannot believe our bodies are drenched in darkness. Drops of water burning bright like verses from holy books. Here my heart smiles at Goethe’s heart, like a sun at a sun when they meet in […]
In The Bus That Is Frantically Rushing From Cairo To Port Said
In The Bus That is Frantically Rushing from Cairo to Port Said by Admiral Mahic I could have gotten married in Egypt With one sun ray, That is masterfully openinig gates of fields in front of the bus that is frantically rushing from Cairo to Port Said … Beside me, the […]
Facebook A Poem about Facebook by Fledermaus Facebook is neither a book nor a face Facebook is type of a disease A plague of sorts, and a disgrace A vast cesspool of filth and sleaze Facebook is a defeat of human spirit Facebook deprives you of your face Of soul, of dignity, of feelings […]