Anacreontics The Epicure

UNDERNEATH this myrtle shade, On flowerly beds supinely laid, With odorous oils my head o’erflowing, And around it roses growing, What should I do but drink away The heat and troubles of the day? In this more than kingly state Love himself on me shall wait. Fill to me, Love! nay, fill it up! […]

Anacreontics Drinking

THE thirsty earth soaks up the rain, And drinks and gapes for drink again; The plants suck in the earth, and are With constant drinking fresh and fair; The sea itself (which one would think Should have but little need of drink) Drinks twice ten thousand rivers up, So fill’d that they o’erflow the […]

An Answer To A Copy Of Verses Sent Me To Jersey

As to a northern people (whom the sun Uses just as the Romish church has done Her prophane laity, and does assign Bread only both to serve for bread and wine) A rich Canary fleet welcome arrives; Such comfort to us here your letter gives, Fraught with brisk racy verses; in which we The […]

Against Hope

HOPE, whose weak Being ruin’d is, Alike if it succeed, and if it miss ; Whom Good or Ill does equally confound, And both the Horns of Fates Dilemma wound. Vain shadow! which dost vanish quite, Both at full Noon, and perfect Night ! The Stars have not a possibility Of blessing Thee ; […]

Against Fruition

No; thou’rt a fool, I’ll swear, if e’er thou grant; Much of my veneration thou must want, When once thy kindness puts my ignorance out, For a learn’d age is always least devout. Keep still thy distance; for at once to me Goddess and woman too thou canst not be; Thou’rt queen of all […]

Summer Moon

Summer Moon by Frederick Kesner ` There is a mystery about her That even at Night she casts shadows; You’ll find her playful as well as kind, No other friend in the dark to find. She’s out when it’s too early for bed, When the lights are on and […]


Stars, I have seen them fall, But when they drop and die No star is lost at all From all the star-sown sky. The toil of all that be Helps not the primal fault; It rains into the sea, And still the sea is salt. Poetry Monster – Home A few […]

Love Is Just Like The Rain

Love Is Just Like the Rain by Hartati Nurwijaya The dry land Children who have no toys Trees are getting dry Glad the rain is coming River is flooding The ditch is blocked The streets are congested Blame it on the rain Love is just like the rain It comes […]

Xai Kou From Book Seeds Of Faith

Poems about Poetry xai-kou from book -seeds of faith by kapardeli eftichia From my book Seeds of Faith winning first prizes Passionately loved the world Fermented in the sun and became a deep sigh Joined on screaming painful echoes I have the dust of years Do not ask you […]

Xai Kou1

Poems about Poetry xai-kou by kapardeli eftichia From my book PATHWAYS AND PASSAGE Thousands of hearts Thousands of desires Books … in the dust of libraries tireless fighters The beauty uprooted, but the seed Invisible blooms again Hope pinned Stou unknown strobe light The arc ancient dance […]

Xai Kou0

Poems about Poetry xai-kou by kapardeli eftichia A !POETRY PRIZE NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2007-FROM MY BOOK BLUE iris THE eyes wide open stubbornly capture the light of Dawn With the feeling of affection covered his body of Dreams the soul With worn out ideas are not coming back under the […]

Xai Kou

Poems about Poetry xai-kou by kapardeli eftichia ** In the Power of Hope Exits stealth life ** ** Vision of the world Become a citizen of Heaven ** ** Two hands twined much love for life ** kapardeli eftichia Copyright ©:  […]

Vorticism Is A Choka In Its Modular Home

Poems about Poetry vorticism is a choka in its modular home by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé their ballads over again, various, volleying half apparitions – voices end-of-line feelings tethered to a stone or bluing outpost trochee here, tripping now, over tundra trochee feelings like the land slashed by […]

Violets Beauty Passing

Poems about Poetry Violets- beauty -passing by kapardeli eftichia The naked body of your violets dressed in the few days of Spring velvet dress In the intoxication of your arms I got involved in the hot sun in the breeze, at a glance a reeling The flower of the heart […]


Poems about Poetry Victor by kapardeli eftichia In the maelstrom of time you run In the maelstrom of freedom You subjugate In the maelstrom of your brain Comes out victor kapardeli eftichia Copyright ©:  kapardeli eftichia Poetry Monster – […]


Poems about Poetry Untitled by kapardeli eftichia At the dawn of life in a common pathway that God be with my fellow consolation Happy love me knowledge gave me life and became a fighter Heart shield put him to keep because those who love him love them B AWARD […]


Poems about Poetry TRAVELING by kapardeli eftichia Travel!! in the chapel of my heart red sky in the west die out big flame that melts the touch, heart The stars of a chain where a strong following Thoughts …. Who grow up in a confused very old drawing of the sky […]

Tracks In The Private Country

Poems about Poetry Tracks in the Private Country by T. Wignesan The memory in need Is the implacable enemy of the creed, Waits and watches its foe The all-clawing frenzy on tip-toe; Quiescent in the instant’s repose The thud of flurried gnawing years evoke. The poet in his solitary […]

Thoughts Religious Content

Poems about Poetry THOUGHTS RELIGIOUS CONTENT by kapardeli eftichia What is it that leads to truth? What is it that fills our souls with good feelings and noble? The divine word. All others lead to error in panic. The enigma of existence, the mystery of life How […]

The World

Poems about Poetry THE WORLD by kapardeli eftichia The world turns changes hands changes shape resembles matter …where it is flown in holes of sky and ground another time ,again the matter and the earth take soul there or joy the happiness.. feelings where become pretty the simple life I […]

The Sacred Tree

Poems about Poetry THE SACRED TREE by KAPARDELI EFTICHIA In the hands of a twig I hold the olive kisses of the sun medal This resembles the landscape the calcined body earth, golden root vein under the earth secrets an old olive tree deeper root taller and more in the plains cracks […]

The Poet And Imagination

Poems about Poetry THE POET AND IMAGINATION by Walter William Safar I am going!… I am leaving you, world! How horrible this admission echoes in the company of solitude. And while the northern wind, like an invisible carpenter, peels the bark off the old wooden cross, an old homeless man, with his […]

The Holy Tree

Poems about Poetry THE HOLY TREE by kapardeli eftichia In the hands a branches of olive I keep with friendship of sun medal resembles in this landscape in the calcined body the ground, from root golden vein, under the earth secretively a old olive more deeply it roots and all grows tall […]

The Emigrant

Poems about Poetry The emigrant by kapardeli eftichia Stranger in foreign In another land Joined oblivion parts In all countries of the Sun All I spend my nights And do not forget, light and dawn sorrow intolerable *** I struggled with the memory of the frills In a children’s church Of […]


Poems about Poetry TEARS by kapardeli eftichia In your sweet face of tears … white roses drown in drops made lakes and overflow while my wretched soul they capture *** Tireless acts for you make drops truth heart tears and the hapless soul crush PARTICIPATION IN POET DIARY “And I WILL […]

Simple Heart

Poems about Poetry SIMPLE HEART by SIMPLE HEART -kapardeli eftichia My body has grown to more sweet tunes and fragments of the sounds moments where the thorns from the blossoms stubbornly chose and me with unexplained sighs and questions *** I do free courses the world and dreaming, a forgotten […]


Poems about Poetry Silence!!! by Milton Roza Junior It is strange when I become silent, I become silent when I am defeated, I become quiet when I face humiliation, I become silent when I am eulogized, I become quiet in a whirlwind of emotions. Is there ecstasy in being silent? Maybe […]


Poems about Poetry SHE by kapardeli eftichia SHE And when it rains, the mind runs The mind goes into that the little heart which takes the form of the flower of life, air sunset in the sun’s wormth *** The recollections brushstrokes of purple and her painting the frozen sunbeams […]

Sealed Appropriate

Poems about Poetry sealed appropriate by kapardeli eftichia Separated trees in corridor of the monastery The lemon tree the wrist bent and chestnut nude Persons in the sacred cistern mirrored the hidden saintliness Rose petals in gold embroidery with heavy gospel and prayer thin lines shadows when the body turns on the […]


Poems about Poetry Seal by kapardeli eftichia In My Handful keep a paper A deal of light … .. a Seal closed kapardeli eftichia Copyright ©:  kapardeli eftichia Poetry Monster – Home A few random poems: […]

Sea Salt A Villanelle

Poems about Poetry Sea Salt: A Villanelle by Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé The script of two brothers and a bargain The script of turkey ham or leg of lamb The script of Hermes and another descent The script of fables before winnowing The script of the old man as clairvoyant The […]

Salamis Quot

Poems about Poetry Salamis… …” by kapardeli eftichia Greek Soul Mother Greece death is sweet to a do not fear the life you gave me this to give you with the blessing of the ancestors and paean lips Joined battle the vortex bravely, sacrifice valuable Goddess, the supreme virtue light, […]

Sacrifice And Love

Poems about Poetry Sacrifice and Love by kapardeli eftichia Oh! simplicity Endless Soul Persons meets many flowers a beauty you bruise *** And the flower of your carefully chosen weather and Love the sun breaks *** Sacrifice and Love meet each other in the middle of the times a hidden […]

Rule I By Eric Mottram Stop Writing Literature You Garrulous Indian

Poems about Poetry Rule I by Eric Mottram : ‘Stop writing Literature, You garrulous Indian!’ by T. Wignesan For Michael Hrebeniak’s jazz saxophone [This memorial poem was published in Radical Poetics (Inventory of Possibilities), Issue One (London), Spring 1997, n.p., edited by one of Eric Mottram’s students at King’s […]

Poetry And Politics

Poems about Poetry Poetry and Politics by Eduardo Santos How hard a poem about politics. You sit. Raises. Come on. Think. Write a few words. Off. Nothing. Nothing can describe the poetry in politics. Poetry requires truths that the politics has not. Poetry requires feelings that politics has not. Ethics. Transparency. […]

Poem Stories

Poems about Poetry Poem stories by Tom Mukasa The poets then, and so too now, were bound by code, to tell, tales, of the earth, to say it and make it seen, a mandate, to heal a sore, or bruise, in all its form, emotional, physical, mental, trader-poets, conqueror-poets, warrior-poets, collector-poets, […]


Poems about Poetry PLATO by kapardeli eftichia Efthyfron and Menon Plato The mind of the dissertation unique in the state The reformer Lord of The Guardian and as a warrior Philosophy and justice the greatest power the soul interpreter In are presently, the High, Middle with wisdom, with the truth By […]

Peace Universal Good

Poems about Poetry PEACE universal GOOD by kapardeli eftichia With troubled soul And my eyes injured wars the view Peace search wandering and vigilant *** Inconsolably stood in Death momentum the joy and pleasure I am searching old favorite pronounce her name and I call PEACE *** […]


Poems about Poetry Paralipomemnon by April Mae Berza You coffee is worth a Nobel A novel I am into for that coffee is the same panacea for a patient etherized on my desk. stirring string upon string on my desk the Muse arrived. I am not a […]

Our Refuge

Poems about Poetry Our refuge by kapardeli eftichia Forest … the big river travels the tall trees growing refuge in the oak, the lemon blossom, … the chestnuts, birches the hornbeam, the afroxylies (trees), the almond, the beeches with trees and cherry trees hearts carved in the peel childhood memories hairy skins […]