The Frivolity of Dreaming by Mahi Chauhan

Down by the river I sit and dream, of all the worldly pleasures the mankind screams. In this there lurks a free irresponsibility, emancipates me from the smothering vicinity of fetters of love and compassion, illusions, carnal sins that deprave, delusions. Uninhibited I delve into the frivolity of being, challenge the dogmas of life, as […]

The Eve of Saint Agnes by Malcolm Massiah

The Eve of Saint Agnes by Malcolm Massiah ‘Twas on the eve of St Agnes’ Day, When young virgin’s minds fly astray; Stacey lay her body bare To January’s freezing air. She cast her liquid ebon eyes, Up to the boundless starry skies, Hoping to find in that heavenly place, The image of her true […]

The end by Mahak Raithatha S

Alongside the morning’s silent fields Driving my convertible, roofless to say Sitting by my childhood crush Felling the gush, within The windmills passing by loud Tulips swaying proud We pass, silent Admiring just each other’s presence She smiles like she knows, Of the unspoken crush I hope, she knows (Reminisced the benches Where far away […]

The cake by Mahak Raithatha S

Soon shall I be On my way For my tongue’s ache Of devouring a cake That you bake End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by subject Some external links: The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave  Talking Writing Monster. – the alternative in the US – a search engine from France, and […]

Thanksgiving by Mac Hammond

Thanksgiving by Mac Hammond The man who stands above the bird, his knife Sharp as a Turkish scimitar, first removes A thigh and leg, half the support On which the turkey used to stand. This Leg and thigh he sets on an extra Plate. All his weight now on One leg, he lunges for the […]

State of Siege by Mahmoud Darwish

Here, where the hills slope before the sunset and the chasm of time near gardens whose shades have been cast aside we do what prisoners do we do what the jobless do we sow hope In a land where the dawn sears we have become more doltish and we stare at the moments of victory […]

Southern Song by Margaret Walker

I want my body bathed again by southern suns, my soul reclaimed again from southern land. I want to rest again in southern fields, in grass and hay and clover bloom; to lay my hand again upon the clay baked by a southern sun, to touch the rain-soaked earth and smell the smell of soil. […]

Soul by Malkia Charlee NoCry

Soul by Malkia Charlee NoCry I was sent on earth to pester thesewomen and men of many years and easeIllness rattling my bodyboiling my skinOver-stretched and lying flatMy body could sail to heavenand this would suit me.So I gather my skirts around meHolding cloth where the sweatgrips between the breastsI look behind me andthere lies […]

Sonnet V by Mahmoud Darwish

I touch you as a lonely violin touches the suburbs of the faraway place patiently the river asks for its share of the drizzle and, bit by bit, a tomorrow passing in poems approaches so I carry faraway’s land and it carries me on travel’s road On a mare made of your virtues, my soul […]

She’s Flawless by Mandy Williams

Her eyes are deep Like the ocean She’s flawless Full of emotion Let her in Although she May push You away She is afraid Of being broken Copyright ©:  Mandy Williams End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by subject Some external links: The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave  Talking Writing Monster. – […]

She Looks by Mac McGovern

She Looks by Mac McGovern She awoke, he was passed away from her. Wondering the halls, searching rooms, dirty, unused, cold and damp, she looks for him. Outside, the grounds are vast, courtyards, where many elaborate events echoed joyous laughter, echo no more, further frustrate her search. She looks for him, for forty years she […]

She got her wings by Mahak Raithatha S

Her mind as free as a mountaineer’s; Her eyes staring as a Painter’s; Telling the world She doesn’t care She doesn’t cry For anything they criticize Thus she got her wings And she flew high End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by subject Some external links: The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave  Talking […]

Set out by Mahak Raithatha S

There’s a light beyond the woods Don’t you wanna set out to see? What makes in shine. There’s a girl in your dreams Hoping on the leaves Don’t you want to set out to see? Who she is. There’s a place painted in your dreams Don’t you wanna set out to see? How beautiful it […]

Rita And The Rifle by Mahmoud Darwish

Between Rita and my eyes There is a rifle And whoever knows Rita Kneels and plays To the divinity in those honey-colored eyes And I kissed Rita When she was young And I remember how she approached And how my arm covered the loveliest of braids And I remember Rita The way a sparrow remembers […]

Psalm Three by Mahmoud Darwish

On the day when my words were earth… I was a friend to stalks of wheat. On the day when my words were wrath I was a friend to chains. On the day when my words were stones I was a friend to streams. On the day when my words were a rebellion I was […]

Psalm 9 by Mahmoud Darwish

O rose beyond the reach of time and of the senses O kiss enveloped in the scarves of all the winds surprise me with one dream that my madness will recoil from you Recoiling from you In order to approach you I discovered time Approaching you in order to recoil form you I discovered my […]

Pride and Fury by Mahmoud Darwish

O Homeland! O Eagle, Plunging, through the bars of my cell, Your fiery beak in my eyes! All I possess in the presence of death Is pride and fury. I have willed that my heart be planted as a tree, That my forehead become an abode for skylarks. O eagle, I am unworthy of your […]

Postip by Manolo Arriola

Postip by Manolo Arriola Aquieta tus manos, te inquietaré con las mías, -Aquiétalas- Probaremos con los labios. Dejo dos manzanas en el cesto flores sobre la mesa colócalas en el vaso, son diminutas como nuestros detalles no te bebas el agua deja gotas para mis labios siente el terso de los pétalos mis manos se […]

Poema LX, El albergue by Mara Romero Torres

Poema LX, El albergue by Mara Romero Torres Esta noche derrama silencio  en la quietud aparente de las cosas que siguen el curso vital. Vuelve el agua a su cauce y con ella la serenidad del hogar encontrado tras noches de sirenas en vela y cenizas derretidas. Los guijarros de la luna Encuentran reposo en […]

Poema II, “Pañuelos de La Alhambra” by Mara Romero Torres

Poema II, “Pañuelos de La Alhambra” by Mara Romero Torres Dime, corteza centenaria, si en otro tiempo se acercaron a ti mis pasos y si al reflejo de mis ojos o el sonido de mi voz tremularon tus tallos. Dime, con ese hablar secular que te hace infinita, si una vez me senté bajo tu […]

Pequeña niña mía by Mara Romero Torres

Pequeña niña mía by Mara Romero Torres A mi vida vine sola, a mi muerte sola voy. Y en medio quedas tú, pequeña niña mía, engarzada en mis poemas; latiendo en la tinta negra que llena la página blanca;   amiga de la noche;   enamorada de la mañana;   vestida de hojas secas;   […]

Passport by Mahmoud Darwish

They did not recognize me in the shadows That suck away my color in this Passport And to them my wound was an exhibit For a tourist Who loves to collect photographs They did not recognize me, Ah . . . Don’t leave The palm of my hand without the sun Because the trees recognize […]

Pañuelos de La Alhambra by Mara Romero Torres

Pañuelos de La Alhambra by Mara Romero Torres Qué brillantes son las luces de mi ciudad. ¿Te parecen hermosas? Desde este cerro se vuelven castillos de colores: azules, verdes, rojas, amarillas, blancas. Todas cobijando ilusiones como esta mía de pretenderte en mis ojos compartiendo mi mirada, repartiendo las luces debajo de estas estrellas. Míralas, ¿te […]

Ontological by Maggie Anderson

Ontological by Maggie Anderson This is going to cost you. If you really want to hear a country fiddle, you have to listen hard, high up in its twang and needle. You can’t be running off like this, all knotted up with yearning, following some train whistle, can’t hang onto anything that way. When you’re […]

Only Iraq by Mahmoud Darwish

I remember A’SSayyab*, shouting at the Gulf in vain: Iraq, Iraq, Only Iraq… And from echo comes the only answer. I remember A’SSayyab….at this Soumari space A female had triumphed over the sterility of haze And bequeathed us both the earth and the exile. I remember A’Ssayyab…that poetry is born in Iraq So be an […]

Oh My Father, I am Yusif by Mahmoud Darwish

Father! I am Yusif Oh father! My brothers neither love me nor want me in their midst. Oh father, they assault me, they stone me and with insults they shower me. My brothers wish me dead so they give their false eulogies. They shut your door before me, and from your field I was expelled. […]

October Journey by Margaret Walker

Traveller take heed for journeys undertaken in the dark of the year. Go in the bright blaze of Autumn’s equinox. Carry protection against ravages of a sun-robber, a vandal, a thief. Cross no bright expanse of water in the full of the moon. Choose no dangerous summer nights; no heavy tempting hours of spring; October […]

Nube by Manolo Arriola

Nube by Manolo Arriola Allá en el Momotombito Hay un ciudadano chiquito Llamado Manuelito Volador de nubes Una chiquilla risueña, cantarina Le echó un copo de harina Jugando, jugando fueron llegando -Un día- le pidió una estrella Alcánzala, dijo él Vas a volar en el cielo Tan alto, tan alto……….. ¿Y si me caigo?………….. Depende […]

No Matter What You Write by Mac McGovern

The paper upon which I write a testament to my failure; words scratched through, lines obliterated, soon join paper wadded, torn strewn around the floor. My pencil, nearly a stub readies a new sheet, a clean slate, radically blurs back and forth above the paper as if frustrated to be put to use. My eyes […]

Neighing at the Slope by Mahmoud Darwish

Horses’ neighing at the slope. Downward or upward. I prepare my portrait for my woman to hang on a wall when I die. She says: Is there a wall to hang it on? I say: We’ll build a room for it. Where? In any house. Horses’ neighing at the slope. Downward or upward. Does a […]

My Mother by Mahmoud Darwish

I long for my mother’s bread My mother’s coffee Her touch Childhood memories grow up in me Day after day I must be worth my life At the hour of my death Worth the tears of my mother. And if I come back one day Take me as a veil to your eyelashes Cover my […]

For My People by Margaret Walker

For my people everywhere singing their slave songs repeatedly: their dirges and their ditties and their blues and jubilees, praying their prayers nightly to an unknown god, bending their knees humbly to an unseen power; For my people lending their strength to the years, to the gone years and the now years and the maybe […]

Muhammad by Mahmoud Darwish

Muhammad Living on his father’s lap frightened by the sky’s inferno: Protect me father from flying above, my wing is too small for the wind… and the light is pitch-black Muhammad wants to return home without a bicycle or a new shirt. Wants to go to the school bench to the syntax and etymology notebook. […]

Lulu by Manolo Arriola

Lulu by Manolo Arriola ¿Qué prístino canario es ese? Posa los cristales de avellana Ave canora revolotea la mirada ¿Qué besos son esos? Guindados de frambuesas Dulces, hermosas………………………… Tiernos, amorosas ¿Qué besos serán? Te vi en el pajar Te escabulliste Fugabas entre mis yemas La mañana, el mar, el sol La brisa al rostro El […]

Khanaa’s Song by Mallika Sengupta

Listen o listen: Hark this tale of Khanaa In Bengal in the Middle Ages Lived a woman Khanaa, I sing her life The first Bengali woman poet Her tongue they severed with a knife Her speechless voice, ‘Khanar Bachan’ Still resonates in the hills and skies Only the poet by the name of Khanaa Bleeding […]

In Jerusalem by Mahmoud Darwish

In Jerusalem, and I mean within the ancient walls, I walk from one epoch to another without a memory to guide me. The prophets over there are sharing the history of the holy . . . ascending to heaven and returning less discouraged and melancholy, because love and peace are holy and are coming to […]

If Old Men Fought by Mac McGovern

If Old Men Fought by Mac McGovern An old man, looking out his door, gaze fixed on a distant shore, reminiscing to a time, not of happiness, or, the prospect of a bright future in store, to when he was sick to his very core, to when as a youth, he went to war A […]

Identity Card by Mahmoud Darwish

Write down ! I am an Arab And my identity card number is fifty thousand I have eight children And the ninth will come after a summer Will you be angry? Write down! I am an Arab Employed with fellow workers at a quarry I have eight children I get them bread Garments and books […]

I Didn’t Apologize to the Well by Mahmoud Darwish

I didn’t apologize to the well when I passed the well, I borrowed from the ancient pine tree a cloud and squeezed it like an orange, then waited for a gazelle white and legendary. And I ordered my heart to be patient: Be neutral as if you were not of me! Right here the kind […]

I Come From There by Mahmoud Darwish

I come from there and I have memories Born as mortals are, I have a mother And a house with many windows, I have brothers, friends, And a prison cell with a cold window. Mine is the wave, snatched by sea-gulls, I have my own view, And an extra blade of grass. Mine is the […]