Twelve Years by Paul Celan

The line that remained, that became true: . . . your house in Paris — become the alterpiece of your hands. Breathed through thrice, shone through thrice. ………………. It’s turning dumb, turning deaf behind our eyes. I see the poison flower in all manner of words and shapes. Go. Come. Love blots out its name: […]

Total Recount by Pamela Griffiths

Counting the years as they have gone by I need a recount, I need to know why Where have they gone? What happened, and when? I used to be young and I had a life then Lost in confusion, I live while I can The total years of life have a short span Life can […]

To a Beloved Child by Patrick Pearse

To a Beloved Child by Patrick Pearse Laughing mouth, what tortures me is That thou shalt be weeping; Lovely face, it is my pity That thy brightness shall grow grey. Noble head, thou art proud, But thou shalt bow with sorrow; And it is a pitiful thing I forbode for thee Whenever I kiss thee. […]

The Uses of the Eye by Paul Blackburn

When the door of the next truck is open it reads toward the cab —Z E N T A B L E S, the black dog leaps on the man in pure friendliness—he only wants to leave. . 8 seats to a table except one side of one table, only 3 the cigarette machine sits […]

The Undeniable Pressure of Existence by Patricia Fargnoli

The Undeniable Pressure of Existence by Patricia Fargnoli I saw the fox running by the side of the road past the turned-away brick faces of the condominiums past the Citco gas station with its line of cars and trucks and he ran, limping, gaunt, matted dull haired past Jim’s Pizza, past the Wash-O-Mat, past the […]

The Triumph Of Achilles by Paul Celan

In the story of Patroclus no one survives, not even Achilles who was nearly a god. Patroclus resembled him; they wore the same armor. Always in these friendships one serves the other, one is less than the other: the hierarchy is always apparant, though the legends cannot be trusted– their source is the survivor, the […]

The Rising and Falling of Trees by Patricia Fargnoli

The Rising and Falling of Trees by Patricia Fargnoli They rose up from the riverbank bending their dark shapes over the water like pillars that had been leaning too long in the sun and wanted to rest. And yes the river was lovely in its long feline flowing over and around the river stones. But […]

The One Night Stand : An Approach to the Bridge by Paul Blackburn

Migod, a picture window, both of us sitting there on the too-narrow couch variously unclothed watching sky lighten over the city You compile your list of noes it is incomplete I add another there is no anger we keep it open trying shying away, your all too-solid body melts, revives, stif- fens, clears and dis- […]

The Mother by Patrick Pearse

The Mother by Patrick Pearse I do not grudge them: Lord, I do not grudge My two strong sons that I have seen go out To break their strength and die, they and a few, In bloody protest for a glorious thing, They shall be spoken of among their people, The generations shall remember them, […]

The Choice of Trees by P.J.Reed

The Choice of Trees by P.J.Reed The silver birch ripples As soft shadows race; Leave dark footprints Through its hidden soul. Timid, trembling leaves, Confetti sprinkled On swaying brown tendrils Flowing softly in the breeze. The birch stands tall, Straining over rooftops, Silently watching The people pass by. From seed inception Fated to become A […]

The Café Filtre by Paul Blackburn

Slowly and with persistence he eats away at the big steak, gobbles up the asparagus, its butter & salt & root taste, drinks at a glass of red wine, and carefully taking his time, mops up the gravy with bread— The top of the café filtre is copper, passively shines back, & between mouthfuls of […]

The Blue Guitar by P. K. Page

They said, ‘You have a blue guitar, You do not play things as they are.’ The man replied, ‘Things as they are are changed upon the blue guitar.’ – The Blue Guitar (Wallace Stevens) I do my best to tell it true a thing exceeding hard to do or tell it slant as Emily advises […]

That Light by Paul Hostovsky

That Light by Paul Hostovsky Everything is interesting if you’re of a mind to see it in that light. Claude Monet probably understood this. The stoners back in high school definitely understood that everything is intoxicatingly interesting if you’re of a mind to see it in that light. My grandmother in the emergency room surrounded […]

Teenager by Patrick Connors

Teenager by Patrick Connors Look out the wind-blown window Through the evergreen tree gone bare Sun unseen lights the grey sky Of air so cold even time is slowed Until a bitter, vengeful gust Threatens to take down the tree The snow-covered roof of the house – All which is on the horizon; Try to […]

Teasing by Pamela Griffiths

Teasing by Pamela Griffiths As I walked into the club I saw the woman of my dreams She was dancing on the stage around the spotlight beams Her long blond hair swayed with rhythmic harmony She awakened such desire and warmth inside of me So gracefully she danced with her body gyrating She was looking […]

Summon Me by Walid Saba

Like a little boy, Waiting to un-wrap his gift, I feel when you call for me Like a proud eagle, Soaring in the endless sky, I feel when you hold me Like an emperor, Alexander and Caesar would envy, I feel when you embrace me Like a God, In need of nothing, I feel when […]

Stony Grey Soil by Patrick Kavanagh

Stony Grey Soil by Patrick Kavanagh O stony grey soil of Monaghan The laugh from my love you thieved; You took the gay child of my passion And gave me your clod-conceived. You clogged the feet of my boyhood And I believed that my stumble Had the poise and stride of Apollo And his voice […]

Single Traveller by P. K. Page

What is this love that is my life’s companion? Shape-changer, sometimes faceless, this companion. Single traveller, I wander a wasting world awaiting the much anticipated Companion. A trillium covered wood one April day served as a nearly consummate companion. A horse, two dogs, some cats, a blue macaw each in its turn became a loyal […]

Shancoduff by Patrick Kavanagh

Shancoduff by Patrick Kavanagh My black hills have never seen the sun rising, Eternally they look north towards Armagh. Lot’s wife would not be salt if she had been Incurious as my black hills that are happy When dawn whitens Glassdrummond chapel. My hills hoard the bright shillings of March While the sun searches in […]

Scoring Highly on the Psychopathy Scale by P.J.Reed

Scoring Highly on the Psychopathy Scale by P.J.Reed I am worried about the Career aspirations of my cat; The nightly stalking and the Dismemberments on our mat. She distains from human contact Ignores commands to sit or stay; In quest for isolation Sleeping in her box all day. Loving me in purring tones Seducing every […]

Primrose by Patrick Kavanagh

Primrose by Patrick Kavanagh Upon a bank I sat, a child made seer Of one small primrose flowering in my mind. Better than wealth it is, I said, to find One small page of Truth’s manuscript made clear. I looked at Christ transfigured without fear– The light was very beautiful and kind, And where the […]

Pollination by Pamela L. Laskin

I dig for words in dungeons of darkness- murky oceans where sentences swim among barnacles algae sponges and anemones; sometimes the water stinks like sewers from which I scrape the rust of my mother away. Your seeds grow abundantly fermented in rich soils begonias bloom, pollinated in faraway landscapes: Namibian nuances, Jerusalem juices, irises from […]

This Evening Also by Paul Celan

more fully, since snow fell even on this sun-drifted, sun-drenched sea, blossoms the ice in those baskets you carry into town. sand you demand in return, for the last rose back at home this evening also wants to be fed out of the trickling hour. End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by […]

Landscape by Paul Celan

tall poplars — human beings of this earth! black pounds of happiness — you mirror them to death! I saw you, sister, stand in that effulgence. End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by subject Some external links: The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave  Talking Writing Monster. – the alternative in the US […]

Peace by Patrick Kavanagh

Peace by Patrick Kavanagh And sometimes I am sorry when the grass Is growing over the stones in quiet hollows And the cocksfoot leans across the rutted cart-pass That I am not the voice of country fellows Who now are standing by some headland talking Of turnips and potatoes or young corn Of turf banks […]

Planet Earth by P. K. Page

It has to be spread out, the skin of this planet, has to be ironed, the sea in its whiteness; and the hands keep on moving, smoothing the holy surfaces. ‘In Praise of Ironing’, PABLO NERUDA It has to be loved the way a laundress loves her linens, the way she moves her hands caressing […]

O Little Root of a Dream by Paul Celan

O little root of a dream you hold me here undermined by blood, no longer visible to anyone, property of death. Curve a face that there may be speech, of earth, of ardor, of things with eyes, even here, where you read me blind, even here, where you refute me, to the letter. End of […]

Night Ray by Paul Celan

Most brightly of all burned the hair of my evening loved one: to her I send the coffin of lightest wood. Waves billow round it as round the bed of our dream in Rome; it wears a white wig as I do and speaks hoarsely: it talks as I do when I grant admittance to […]

Motel Pool by P. K. Page

The plump good-natured children play in the blue pool: roll and plop, plop and roll; slide and tumble, oiled, in the slippery sun silent as otters, turning over and in, churning the water; or-seamstresses-cut and sew with jackknives its satins invisibly. Not beautiful, but suddenly limned with light their elliptical wet flesh in a flash […]

Miss Brown by Samuel Stephen Wakdok

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems For a quiver full of ArrowsI bare my chest as a stone. Pierce my heart For life without your seductive loveIs sin without temptation. You are now as rude as a bear,Since I have turned as ugly as sin. […]

Miracles by Paul Hostovsky

Miracles by Paul Hostovsky Spiritual texts are the most boring books in the world. None of them mentions a bicycle or a Ferris wheel, or baseball, or sea lions, or ice cream. They just lump them all together into “the world.” The “world of appearances.” The “world of illusions.” You can walk through this world […]

Memory Of My Father by Patrick Kavanagh

Memory Of My Father by Patrick Kavanagh Every old man I see Reminds me of my father When he had fallen in love with death One time when sheaves were gathered. That man I saw in Gardner Street Stumbled on the kerb was one, He stared at me half-eyed, I might have been his son. […]

Le monstre by Patryck Froissart

Le monstre by Patryck Froissart Ô fétides ténias, ascarides grouillants, Helminthes répugnants, horribles schistosomes, Ô hyènes ricanant, lycanthropes fantômes, Lycaons glapissant, chacals au train fuyant, Ô scorpions embusqués, acariens insidieux, Mygales camouflées, sournoises scolopendres, Ô guivres des marais, vireuses salamandres, Mambas vifs et vicieux, basilics pernicieux, Ô féroces requins, silures carnassiers, Sphyrènes affamées, murènes dévoreuses, […]

Landscape by Paul Celan

tall poplars — human beings of this earth! black pounds of happiness — you mirror them to death! I saw you, sister, stand in that effulgence. End of the poem 15 random poems   Poetry by subject Some external links: The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave  Talking Writing Monster. – the alternative in the US […]

Jokes on You by Rohan Dunbar

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems Home » Topics » Passion Jokes on You by Rohan Dunbar You said I would never make it to see 18 Well the jokes on you You said I would never make it out of the hood Well the […]

Pamela Griffiths – Pamela Griffiths

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In Spite Of by Patricia Farley

In Spite Of by Patricia Farley Promises full of life for my existence That is what you gave to me forever Fulfilling my every need ever known Giving all that you could to me Belonging to me striving for me Doing what is best for me always Going the distance being the one To save […]

In Memory Of My Mother by Patrick Kavanagh

In Memory Of My Mother by Patrick Kavanagh I do not think of you lying in the wet clay Of a Monaghan graveyard; I see You walking down a lane among the poplars On your way to the station, or happily Going to second Mass on a summer Sunday– You meet me and you say: […]