Evening Hawk by Robert Penn Warren
Evening Hawk by Robert Penn Warren From plane of light to plane, wings dipping through Geometries and orchids that the sunset builds, Out of the peak’s black angularity of shadow, riding The last tumultuous avalanche of Light above pines and the guttural gorge, The hawk comes. His wing Scythes down another day, his motion Is […]
A Way to Love God by Robert Penn Warren
A Way to Love God by Robert Penn Warren Here is the shadow of truth, for only the shadow is true. And the line where the incoming swell from the sunset Pacific First leans and staggers to break will tell all you need to know About submarine geography, and your father’s death rattle Provides all […]
History by Robert Lowell
History by Robert Lowell History has to live with what was here, clutching and close to fumbling all we had– it is so dull and gruesome how we die, unlike writing, life never finishes. Abel was finished; death is not remote, a flash-in-the-pan electrifies the skeptic, his cows crowding like skulls against high-voltage wire, his […]
Dolphin by Robert Lowell
Dolphin by Robert Lowell My Dolphin, you only guide me by surprise, a captive as Racine, the man of craft, drawn through his maze of iron composition by the incomparable wandering voice of Ph?dre. When I was troubled in mind, you made for my body caught in its hangman’s-knot of sinking lines, the glassy bowing […]
Now That You’re Gone by Roberto Cocina
I found myself laying in our bed once again with tears streaming from my eyes. Since here I am crying over you because my heart can’t accept your death. I watched you died in my arms after receiving a gunshot wound to the chest. I watched you bleed in my arms, all life within you […]
My World Destroyed by Roberto Cocina
And I feel my world spiraling out of control once again like before. Mood keeps getting lower and my thoughts keep running into each other. Crashing and breaking into pieces that can’t be put back together. Nerves keep on pounding in my head while the shiny bottle cracked. Could feel all of my emotions slowly […]
My Heart Screams by Roberto Cocina
Here I am once again laying on my bed staring at the ceiling fan. Watching the blades rotate around and around, going faster and faster. Air blowing down on me, drying the tears that escaped my eyes once again. Holding my broken heart in my hands feeling the blood trickle from my palms. Mind running […]
My Beach by Robert Saltzman
Grains of sand on a pristine beach. I gaze in awe at the turquoise Gulf. Ospreys circle, seeking morning prey; Sandpipers scurry to shun the eddy. Sunlight rides the rainbows, edge. Across the horizon, waters remain steady. My day has started. Breaths of sea air To bask in this warmth be my only pledge. Lost […]
Mortal Words by Robert McNamara
A day so crisp it snaps underfoot – dropped wrappings, twigs and leaves – even the shadows of stripped trees on wet pavement, the wafer of sky broken over what shines and gleams – bicycle spokes, the green- grocer pedaling to market, boys clustered around a ball, houses where life goes on in its not […]
Memories of West Street and Lepke by Robert Lowell
Memories of West Street and Lepke by Robert Lowell Only teaching on Tuesdays, book-worming in pajamas fresh from the washer each morning, I hog a whole house on Boston’s “hardly passionate Marlborough Street,” where even the man scavenging filth in the back alley trash cans, has two children, a beach wagon, a helpmate, and is […]
Man And Wife by Robert Lowell
Man And Wife by Robert Lowell Tamed by Miltown, we lie on Mother’s bed; the rising sun in war paint dyes us red; in broad daylight her gilded bed-posts shine, abandoned, almost Dionysian. At last the trees are green on Marlborough Street, blossoms on our magnolia ignite the morning with their murderous five days’ white. […]
Identification In Belfast by Robert Lowell
Identification In Belfast by Robert Lowell (I.R.A. Bombing) The British Army now carries two rifles, one with rubber rabbit-pellets for children, the other’s of course for the Provisionals…. ‘When they first showed me the boy, I thought oh good, it’s not him because he’s blonde— I imagine his hair was singed dark by the bomb. […]
Homecoming by Robert Lowell
Homecoming by Robert Lowell What was is . . . since 1930; the boys in my old gang are senior partners. They start up bald like baby birds to embrace retirement. At the altar of surrender, I met you in the hour of credulity. How your misfortune came out clearly to us at twenty. At […]
Home After Three Months Away by Robert Lowell
Home After Three Months Away by Robert Lowell Gone now the baby’s nurse, a lioness who ruled the roost and made the Mother cry. She used to tie gobbets of porkrind to bowknots of gauze— three months they hung like soggy toast on our eight foot magnolia tree, and helped the English sparrows weather a […]
High School Crush by Roberto Cocina
Sometimes I feel like I tricked myself into believing that I’m in love with you. Since you kept appearing in all of my dreams and you kept making my heart beat. You melted away all the sadness I kept hidden inside with your presence around me. And you brought a smile to my face that […]
Greengrocer by Robert McNamara
–at the Campo dei Fiori Six days a week she’s at her stall of prodigal greens, rust-flecked leaves falling around her, the little mouse tails of string beans clipped, the stem ends trimmed like nails. From her hands everything green and less than good spills at her feet. Even what she’ll keep falls first into […]
For the Union Dead by Robert Lowell
For the Union Dead by Robert Lowell “Relinquunt Omnia Servare Rem Publicam.” The old South Boston Aquarium stands in a Sahara of snow now. Its broken windows are boarded. The bronze weathervane cod has lost half its scales. The airy tanks are dry. Once my nose crawled like a snail on the glass; my hand […]
Fake Identity by Roberto Cocina
For my heart to be sane, All I really need is you. Kill the depression please, Embrace me in your arms. I need you to be near me, Don’t be far from me. Even when I’m down, Never stop trying To cheer me up. In all the sadness that consumes me, Think about that one […]
Epilogue by Robert Lowell
Epilogue by Robert Lowell Those bless?d structures, plot and rhyme– why are they no help to me now I want to make something imagined, not recalled? I hear the noise of my own voice: The painter’s vision is not a lens, it trembles to caress the light. But sometimes everything I write with the threadbare […]
Don’t Disappear by Roberto Cocina
Found myself writing again in this notebook filled with dreams. Romance and goals the topic while you remain the subject. Always finding a way to sneak back in my life then away you go. Disappear until months at end, fading into the darkness of my mind. Time makes me forget you existed until your name […]
Crossroads by Roger Hayes
Crossroads by Roger Hayes You can reinvent your life! Is it full of strife? How do you say? Take time to pray. Don’t let the old influence. Your mind is the crossroads of confluence. Your worry will abate, If you meditate. Treat it like a game. And make change your aim. Just begin, And it […]
Artistic Soul Retold by Roberto Cocina
You once told me that I had the most beautiful artistic soul. One you’ve never seen before in your life until you met me. Your eyes found their way to my poetry, words filled with my emotions. Telling stories of how much I loved a boyfriend or how he broke me in two. Each piece […]
Angry People by Roger Hayes
Angry People by Roger Hayes Why all the angry people? Fear inhabits. Mad at the world. Always hating. Empty faces, Soul removed. Let’s learn to cherish, Learn to nurture. Sow seeds of joy… That delights! And your devotion will soothe, Your love can change the world. It starts with you. Together! Poetry In Englishwww.poetry.monster
You and I by Roger McGough
I explain quietly. You hear me shouting. You try a new tack. I feel old wounds reopen. You see both sides. I see your blinkers. I am placatory. You sense a new selfishness. I am a dove. You recognize the hawk. You offer an olive branch. I feel the thorns. You bleed. I see crocodile […]
Who hears the wind by Roland Zoss
Who reads the grass does need no books Who looks at clouds can travel far Who is someone has not to have Who feels the sun has not to fear Who hears the wind does listen for a long long while Poetry In Englishwww.poetry.monster
Waiting by Rohith
I am a lifetime behind myself waiting for a train I missed long ago. Day and night on a candle wick burns my life in this dark room. The octaves I heard once upon a time fell dead as I dusted Gitanjali yesterday. Clock as jailer in barracks hung seriously in my room. As a […]
The Trouble with Snowmen by Roger McGough
‘The trouble with snowmen,’ Said my father one year ‘They are no sooner made than they just disappear. I’ll build you a snowman And I’ll build it to last Add sand and cement And then have it cast. And so every winter,’ He went on to explain ‘You shall have a snowman Be it sunshine […]
The Time I Like Best by Roger McGough
The time I like best is 6am when the snow is 6 inches deep which I’m yet to discover ’cause I’m under the covers fast, fast asleep. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry […]
The Lesson by Roger McGough
Chaos ruled OK in the classroom as bravely the teacher walked in the nooligans ignored him hid voice was lost in the din “The theme for today is violence and homework will be set I’m going to teach you a lesson one that you’ll never forget” He picked on a boy who was shouting and […]
The Leader by Roger McGough
I wanna be the leader I wanna be the leader Can I be the leader? Can I? I can? Promise? Promise? Yippee I’m the leader I’m the leader OK what shall we do? ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the […]
The Identification by Roger McGough
So you think its Stephen? Then I’d best make sure Be on the safe side as it were. Ah, theres been a mistake. The hair you see, its black, now Stephens fair … Whats that? The explosion? Of course, burnt black. Silly of me. I should have known. Then lets get on. The face, is […]
Survivor by Roger McGough
Everyday, I think about dying. About disease, starvation, violence, terrorism, war, the end of the world. It helps keep my mind off things. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual […]
Stubborn by Roland Flint
Stubborn by Roland Flint On a rainy Sunday I have an optional meeting with my students, and eleven show up. We have a good time talking ninety minutes or so about James Wright’s “To a Blossoming Pear Tree.” Afterwards, though I had thought to stay in my office, I decide to go home, because I’m […]
Soil by Roger McGough
we’ve ignored eachother for a long time and I’m strictly an indoor man anytime to call would be the wrong time I’ll avoid you as long as I can When I was a boy we were good friends I made pies out of you when you were wet And in childhood’s remembered summer weather We […]
Silences still voice by Rohini Bhatia Singj
Silence whispered a tear To me the other day A tear strretching Long shadows Falling into the warmth Yet heavy moments air The intangible consequence Of concrete unbiased time Measuring the moment Unable to capture the space Grains of sand falling like silt To the ocean floor The hollow sound of wooden Floorboards comfort truth […]
Schlummerland – Slumberland / CD by Roland Zoss
1) Teddy bear is jumping on the bed, dancing such a bear-dance and and he says Every child is invited to share his birthday in the „fairy beary brothers land“ 2) The road into the bear brothers land goes there right through the mirror on the wall to where all bears are living all in […]
Prayer by Roland Flint
Prayer by Roland Flint Any day’s writing may be the last, He’s reminded at 2 in the morning, Making this year’s last Italian Notes, before readying his machine And self to get aboard the bigger Machine and fly, Dio Volente, home. And so he repeats the Our Father He said to himself before rising. And […]
Ladies And Gentlemen In Outer Space by Ron Padgett
Ladies And Gentlemen In Outer Space by Ron Padgett Here is my philosophy: Everything changes (the word “everything” has just changed as the word “change” has: it now means “no change”) so quickly that it literally surpasses my belief, charges right past it like some of the giant ideas in this area. I had no […]
ode to love by Rohit Sridharan
The clouds made the dusk fuller As he walked back from the ceremony.. Sermons, memories, adieu to the soul Tears in vain in filling the void. Murmurs around but the loved ones quiet.. Held in deep thought.. glances into the past, A few looks back, at the days spent together.. Unparalleled grief, true love unmasked. […]
My iPod by Roland Bastien
My iPod by Roland Bastien My iPod- By Roland Bastien She dressed a fashionable snug plastic cobalt blue robe on which, images around her reflected their pudgy pixels, a girl yesterday performed for invisible satellite cameras on Robson Street macadam. Her hair, red Bordeaux wine coloured her pale yellow face. Her purple lips, dark almond […]