Epigram by Samuel Coleridge

Sir, I admit your general rule, That every poet is a fool, But you yourself may serve to show it, That every fool is not a poet. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry […]

Phantom by Samuel Coleridge

All look and likeness caught from earth All accident of kin and birth, Had pass’d away. There was no trace Of aught on that illumined face, Uprais’d beneath the rifted stone But of one spirit all her own ;– She, she herself, and only she, Shone through her body visibly. ————— The End And that’s […]

A Mathematical Problem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

This is now–this was erst, Proposition the first–and Problem the first. I. On a given finite Line Which must no way incline; To describe an equi– –lateral Tri– –A, N, G, L, E. Now let A. B. Be the given line Which must no way incline; The great Mathematician Makes this Requisition, That we describe […]

Fire, Famine, And Slaughter : A War Eclogue by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The Scene a desolate Tract in la Vendee. Famine is discovered lying on the ground; to her enter Fire and Slaughter. Fam. Sister! sisters! who sent you here? Slau. [to Fire.] I will whisper it in her ear. Fire. No! no! no! Spirits hear what spirits tell: ‘Twill make a holiday in Hell. No! no! […]

Fancy In Nubibus, Or The Poet In The Clouds by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

O! it is pleasant with a heart at ease, Just after sunset, or by moonlight skies, To make the shifting clouds be what you please, Or let the easily persuaded eyes Own each quaint likeness issuing from the mould Of a friend’s fancy; or with head bent low And cheek aslant see rivers flow of […]

Epitaph On An Infant. by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Its balmy lips the infant blest Relaxing from its mother’s breast, How sweet it heaves the happy sigh Of innocent satiety! And such my infant’s latest sigh! Oh tell, rude stone! the passer by, That here the pretty babe doth lie, Death sang to sleep with Lullaby. ————— The End And that’s the End of […]

Domestic Peace by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Tell me, on what holy ground May domestic peace be found? Halcyon daughter of the skies, Far on fearful wing she flies, From the pomp of scepter’d state, From the rebel’s noisy hate. In a cottaged vale she dwells List’ning to the Sabbath bells! Still around her steps are seen, Spotless honor’s meeker mien, Love, […]

Despair by Samuel Coleridge

I have experienc’d The worst, the World can wreak on me–the worst That can make Life indifferent, yet disturb With whisper’d Discontents the dying prayer– I have beheld the whole of all, wherein My Heart had any interest in this Life, To be disrent and torn from off my Hopes That nothing now is left. […]

Desire by Samuel Coleridge

Where true Love burns Desire is Love’s pure flame; It is the reflex of our earthly frame, That takes its meaning from the nobler part, And but translates the language of the heart. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the […]

A Day Dream by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

My eyes make pictures when they’re shut:– I see a fountain large and fair, A Willow and a ruined Hut, And thee, and me, and Mary there. O Mary! make thy gentle lap our pillow! Bend o’er us, like a bower, my beautiful green Willow! A wild-rose roofs the ruined shed, And that and summer […]

Come, come thou bleak December wind (fragment) by Samuel Coleridge

Come, come thou bleak December wind, And blow the dry leaves from the tree! Flash, like a Love-thought, thro’ me, Death And take a Life that wearies me. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. […]

A Christmas Carol by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

I. The shepherds went their hasty way, And found the lowly stable-shed Where the Virgin-Mother lay: And now they checked their eager tread, For to the Babe, that at her bosom clung, A Mother’s song the Virgin-Mother sung. II. They told her how a glorious light, Streaming from a heavenly throng. Around them shone, suspending […]

A Child’s Evening Prayer by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Ere on my bed my limbs I lay, God grant me grace my prayers to say: O God! preserve my mother dear In strength and health for many a year; And, O! preserve my father too, And may I pay him reverence due; And may I my best thoughts employ To be my parents’ hope […]

Aplolgia Pro Vita Sua by Samuel Coleridge

The poet in his lone yet genial hour Gives to his eyes a magnifying power : Or rather he emancipates his eyes From the black shapeless accidents of size– In unctuous cones of kindling coal, Or smoke upwreathing from the pipe’s trim bole, His gifted ken can see Phantoms of sublimity. ————— The End And […]

Answer To A Child’s Question by Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Do you ask what the birds say? The sparrow, the dove, The linnet, and thrush say, ‘I love and I love!’ In the winter they’re silent, the wind is so strong; What it says I don’t know, but it sings a loud song. But green leaves and blossoms, and sunny warm weather, And singing, and […]

A Soliloquy Of The Full Moon, She Being In A Mad Passion by Samuel Coleridge

Now as Heaven is my Lot, they’re the Pests of the Nation! Wherever they can come With clankum and blankum ‘Tis all Botheration, & Hell & Damnation, With fun, jeering Conjuring Sky-staring, Loungering, And still to the tune of Transmogrification– Those muttering Spluttering Ventriloquogusty Poets With no Hats Or Hats that are rusty. They’re my […]

Broken wings of a Heart by Saajida Gora

Deepest oceans, mountains high, I wish I cud sail Through the libertied sky, Darkness surrounds Silencing the sounds Pangs of memories Are the only thing that hounds The rythmic beating tells a story untold To the world around her Solitude is gold She longs for the sunlight But the ocean sealed a vow She longs […]

Being Underwater by Sahiti Siddharth

Being underwater is like a trip to heaven Being underwater is so sweet Being underwater is like flying in the ocean Where the surface is meters beneath your feet Being underwater is like a dream come true I wish it was real, but the chances are few Being underwater is like returning to childhood When […]

Awake by Sara Herlihy

Awake by Sara Herlihy As dawn breaks and my body stirs, my mind struggles to stay wrapped in your embrace. Warm breath tickles my face as soft lips caress it. Love and yearning penetrate my deepest layers. I never want to leave. A thousand years could pass but a minute would not be missed As […]

Attitude: Don Juan in the Shopping Mall by S. K. Kelen

Attitude: Don Juan in the Shopping Mall by S. K. Kelen Let us fly to bounty land…Aqua I Today’s Don Juan could be any of a million characters: Mohammed Hatim a wayward son of the Mujahideen, Doan Huan sporting a Da Nang pedigree, or Mario Lanza living out a serious fetish for muscle cars, Jim […]

Aspirations by SAAJIDA GORA

The essence of her soul lies within the purity of her heart The breath of her words illuminates a guiding path The voice of her aspiring dreams whispers subtle, compassionate beams The fluttering of her infinite love disperses through the smog filled air grappling through the unstable torrents Will it all be in despair? Poetry […]

ASHA APARTMENTS, 416, S.V. ROAD by Santosh Kumar Panda

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Not Thursday Again Friday Not Saturday This time you disappeared on Thursday Saturday… was my… holiday Crossing the divider & using the long distance route for my destination I waited unknowingly going on in desperate Then here you come & checked me crossing the divider This is alone I look forward to […]

As if by Sara Herlihy

As if by Sara Herlihy Like a cloud Listless Hopeless Floating through a clear blue sky waiting… Just waiting… Until I evaporate and disappear. As if I never was. As if I didn’t impact the millions of eyes who saw my magnificent beauty grace their souls. As if I never was. I KNOW I was […]

Amity’s Death by SAAJIDA GORA

Woe is unto me Thou shalt never see.   Despair, Despair, despair Viciously ripped, unaware   Beams of amity like the essence of air Flowed smoothly through destined to share So precious, so pearly, so diamondly rare Velvety threads of gentle care   Time has sought the light of th sun Time has sought the […]

America, America by Saadi Youssef

God save America, My home, sweet home! We are not hostages, America, and your soldiers are not God’s soldiers… We are the poor ones, ours is the earth of the drowned gods, the gods of bulls, the gods of fires, the gods of sorrows that intertwine clay and blood in a song… We are the […]

A Writer’s Pen by Sahiti Siddharth

A pen, when a writer holds A brand new chapter unfolds A few lines can make him the king It can make him fly on a single wing A writer without his pen Is like a leader without powers A writer without his pen Is like a garden without flowers A writer’s pen Makes him […]

A Traveller’s Guide to the East Indies by S. K. Kelen

A Traveller’s Guide to the East Indies by S. K. Kelen 1. To arrive anywhere tonight you travel a road lit only by fireflies to towns whose names really mean ‘tomb of a hundred martyrs’. Invisible birds sing tinkling vowels — words from a time before history invaded. Frogs roar louder and louder kick-starting a […]

A sense’s addiction to chocolate by SAAJIDA GORA

The sensual mouth’s craving desires are finding sweet addiction’s rapid fires, The enticing chocolate mounds of pure pleasure, melting in a fervent, passionate, river appealing rugged hazelnut mountains, swim in the oceans of chocolate fountains. Sensations so pure, desires so dreamy, A tantalizing taste, so eerily creamy. The earthy, nutty flavour splashing around, spreading sweet […]

A Father’s Hands by Scott Ransopher

A Father’s Hands by Scott Ransopher Men would bet upon her father’s hands. Could he pick up in just one fist A dozen eggs scattered on the table– One by one–cracking none? He’d reach his hand (stretched at five by Pulsing milk from freshened cows) And settle shells beneath knuckle’s crease. Then pressing oh so […]

Welcome To My World © by Shannen Wrass

Have you ever tried to cry But there’s no tears left to shed Have you ever seen the face of misery Or looked into the eyes of dread Have you ever gripped the pain Cause it’s all that’s left to hold Have you ever tried so hard to love But found, your heart was just […]

Time Out To Cry by Shannen Wrass

All alone at the end of the day The time, just a little past ten Evening has come for a short stay It’s time for her sorrow again The smile on her face she’s been holding Suddenly, she lets fall And the feelings begin unfolding She comes out of her personal wall As the world […]

The Wrath of Love by Shawn Ervin

The Wrath of Love by Shawn Ervin It was an autumn morn; the smell of passing in the air was born, For my love, I waited my life for this woman that I adore, In the distance, we heard a bell, towering high, the church of angel, A shriek was heard as time seemed to […]

The Voice of Woman by Shahida Latif

The Voice of Woman by Shahida Latif I am the being, who contains the whole entities, Of the mother and daughter, the sister and wife, And includes the alive buried history of mankind. I am the being, who sacrificed the life full of bliss, By tasting the flavour of forbidden fruit, fearing least For the […]

The Victory by Shahida Latif

The Victory by Shahida Latif Both the parties contest the game of blood, One kills hundred; the other hundred one, The other wins the victory only for the one, But who knows that two hundred and one Who are killed, each one is a mother’s son. Poetry In Englishwww.poetry.monster

The Spring passing away by Shailendra Chauhan

The river is a river everyday The bridge everyday is a bridge The driver, jeep, contractor All the same … Why the mind doesn’t go beyond these? Looking around that day I witnessed the trees Passing away was the Spring. Passing over the Kurjan bridge I saw the sky full of clouds Expanding was the […]

The Ineffectual Dives by Shahida Latif

The Ineffectual Dives by Shahida Latif The World: a moving alive picture, A display, exhibition of pain, Saddening events and agonizing soreness, Where blood flows, shreds lay scattered, Amid the skeletons and dispersed skulls, Under the shadows of spurting mushrooms. A place where demons of troubles, Are nourished, fed and brought up, To make humanity […]

The Earth Trembles by Shahida Latif

The Earth Trembles by Shahida Latif The loathsome earth trembles, Under the load of humanity, At each step rises the wrath, With the surging waves of agony, Bringing ashore, Log-like limbless bodies, Colouring with blood, The coastal sands. Poetry In Englishwww.poetry.monster

The Demon by Shawn Ervin

The Demon by Shawn Ervin This journey I make alone, down further into the brimstone, I enter the realm seeing nothing but anger and hate, A stench of death and decay, the feeling of the prey, Before it is destroyed by the hunter, the feeling it’s too late, It comes for me; I can feel […]