Sunday Morning by Susan King Saunders

street still sleep from sinnin’ saturday night woman on her way to praise the lord she wear that wide white church hat tryin’ to shield her head from god don’t know why she think he can’t see into her cloaked and tellin’ mind woman on her way to church to sit in first pew she […]

Sitting atop the mountain hill by Swami Aaron Thomas

Sitting atop the mountain hill, established in my self, fragrance of bliss evaporates all around from my body and soul. Vapor spreads, starts dancing in form of Shiva. Flutes of Krishna fills the whole valley with its divine melody. Buddha in me dazzles in pristine radiance. I expand and permeate in the whole existence, I […]

Shattered Dreams by SWARAJ PRASAD

Hope, happiness and harmony harness. Dismay, disorder and disharmony discrete. Brutality, barbarism and bloodthirstiness bowdlerize. Vision, vividness and vicissitude vociferate. Transparency, transgression and transcendentalism tranquilize. Quest, query and quibble quieten. Protagonist, protector and Psalmist prosper. Reconciliation, Reconsideration and reconstruction recreate. Let dreams deepen into mighty ocean where nobody has shattered dreams. Poetry In

Romantic Hour by Suuk Simon Subinimah

The birds are chirping Far off vehicles hooting The sun goes sinking Sitting on a stump The brain goes wide Questions come rushing Who is what? Where from that? The brain continues to stride On and on goes he; busy Busy thinking a lot about what is not easy Sitting still on the stump Insects […]

Rememberance of that Power by sylvan lightbourne

Caesar the ruler, Julius the caregiver, two pieces pocket, profit the Roman empire. Fought amongst dreamers, the people want blood. Shrine the outcasts, crucifix the criminals money cents imprints, failure of democracy. Onto the eastern, where queens are fitted, enslaved all nations, the Brittan are equipted. The africans toiled, tell tale incarcerated upon benevolous action, […]

Protest poem by Susan King Saunders

Protest poem by Susan King Saunders don’t try to use me like a hole, dug out of dirt, a drop spot for dead ideas about my identity. i am not a ditch (void, and violable) a storage for stench-held bags of garbage crammed, leaking. don’t try to clothe my eyes with a veil of vanity […]

Od’d(ode) to Whitey Bulger by Susan King Saunders

Od’d(ode) to Whitey Bulger by Susan King Saunders OD’D (ode) TO WHITEY BULGER Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock Yo Whitey I hear you’re from Southy But you’re going Northy You were pretty Mouthy Now you’ll be a shorty You slaughtered the daughter The son father and mother Now your time is […]

Michelle Obama Tribute by Susan King Saunders

Michelle Obama Tribute by Susan King Saunders Michelle Obama Sasha and Malia’s momma First Lady 2008 -2016 is her fate the fashion queen brings class to any thing whether Vera Wang K-Mart Marshall’s or Ralph Lauren Essence Ellen People The View Vanity Fair to name a few Enlightened/ Elegant and so refined assertively she speaks […]

Little Girl Dancing by Susan King Saunders

Little Girl Dancing by Susan King Saunders There was no movie made about the little girl age three, who the doctor said would die in a year who I last saw alive at age five in a wheelchair dancing, dying, singing, smiling, waving goodbye Poetry In

Independent at Birth by Suuk Simon Subinimah

Seated he under the pavilion Grey bare chested with a mood As that of a chameleon An air of pride surrounds him That provokes anger Breasts cupped in two hands The women run around as if pursued By wild bees Infants with piteous faces and Pot-like stomachs dashing after their mothers Sons and daughters are […]

I am not ashamed of myself by Swami Aaron Thomas

I have been dumped by my own people, by my own kids, by my own wife, inflicting emotional trauma, infinite agony, ruthless torture, creating a total havoc in my life. All these things happened because I did not have money; I don’t have money. It’s not so that I am lazy and shirk doing works. […]

Hope by Swaraj Prasad

Sometimes…………………………………………………….. A mighty cup of water wades on waterfall. A silent stone can stomp the smooth soil. A beat-nick bird can bear the bedlam. A quiet breeze can change the chauvinism. A tiny ant can face the fierce fight. And even…………………………………. A broken leaf can linger in a limbo. If these non-livings can change the […]

Ematiated Souls by Suuk Simon Subinimah

Hungry for years , Dying in tears The rodents have no fears. For daily they nibble At our feeble Lifeline – the family cake. We toil sweat and blood to make, Theirs is to come and take. We try to cry but we are too weak. Our hearts are laden with grief and our future […]

Curtis by Susan King Saunders

Curtis by Susan King Saunders a primply prince passed my way no brighter shining sun that day i closed my eyes and prayed Lord let him be my special babe on Intervale Street he proved a pal that I’d soon meet he was sharp and fast on his feet he had his own syncopated beat […]

Caught by Susan Adams

Caught by Susan Adams Two tankers sit at the split between sky and water, our ankles are knit by rockpool eddies and arms wrap the other as linen, we are one cloth, bound. Rock fishermen arrive, its time, they throw lines from precipitous edges, their rods cut arches against smashed foam travelling the jag of […]

A soldier’s Pledge by Sylvan Lightbourne

When the heaven skies, bleed for many years no form of communication had to be shared. You can only hear, can’t feel no fear. What’s it like too build many disguise, to hide whats in but many men sin. Confuse to complain, when did it show self one gain. To pull information from my head, […]

A character of it’s own by Sylvan Lightbourne

A character of it’s own, earned to be earned, earned to be learned, a bitter burden turned. Catches me you called it, catches me you won’t, avoid all the friendship, possibly a curse, break bones softly, possibly a curse, father me badly, came out emberse. The further shall i sturdy, proves all to be a […]

Zoo-Keeper’s Wife by Sylvia Plath

I can stay awake all night, if need be — Cold as an eel, without eyelids. Like a dead lake the dark envelops me, Blueblack, a spectacular plum fruit. No air bubbles start from my heart. I am lungless And ugly, my belly a silk stocking Where the heads and tails of my sisters decompose. […]

You’re by Sylvia Plath

Clownlike, happiest on your hands, Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled, Gilled like a fish. A common-sense Thumbs-down on the dodo’s mode. Wrapped up in yourself like a spool, Trawling your dark, as owls do. Mute as a turnip from the Fourth Of July to All Fools’ Day, O high-riser, my little loaf. Vague as […]

Yadwigha, On A Red Couch, Among Lillies by Sylvia Plath

Yadwigha, the literalists once wondered how you Came to be lying on this baroque couch Upholstered in red velvet, under the eye Of uncaged tigers and a tropical moon, Set in intricate wilderness of green Heart-shaped leaves, like catalpa leaves, and lillies Of monstrous size, like no well-bred lilies It seems teh consistent critics wanted […]

Yaddo : The Grand Manor by Sylvia Plath

Woodsmoke and a distant loudspeaker Filter into this clear Air, and blur. The red tomato’s in, the green bean; The cook lugs a pumpkin From the vine For pies. The fir tree’s thick with grackles. Gold carp loom in the pools. A wasp crawls Over windfalls to sip cider-juice. Guests in the studios Muse, compose. […]

Wreath For A Bridal by Sylvia Plath

What though green leaves only witness Such pact as is made once only; what matter That owl voice sole ‘yes’, while cows utter Low moos of approve; let sun surpliced in brightness Stand stock still to laud these mated ones Whose stark act all coming double luck joins. Couched daylong in cloisters of stinging nettle […]

Words Heard, By Accident, Over The Phone by Sylvia Plath

O mud, mud, how fluid! — Thick as foreign coffee, and with a sluggy pulse. Speak, speak! Who is it? It is the bowel-pulse, lover of digestibles. It is he who has achieved these syllables. What are these words, these words? They are plopping like mud. O god, how shall I ever clean the phone […]

A Winter’s Tale by Sylvia Plath

On Boston Common a red star Gleams, wired to a tall Ulmus Americana. Magi near The domed State House. Old Joseph holds an alpenstock. Two waxen oxen flank the Child. A black sheep leads the shepherds’ flock. Mary looks mild. Angels-more feminine and douce Than models from Bonwit’s or Jay’s, Haloes lustrous as Sirius- Gilt […]

Winter Landscape, With Rooks by Sylvia Plath

Water in the millrace, through a sluice of stone, plunges headlong into that black pond where, absurd and out-of-season, a single swan floats chaste as snow, taunting the clouded mind which hungers to haul the white reflection down. The austere sun descends above the fen, an orange cyclops-eye, scorning to look longer on this landscape […]

Watercolor Of Grantchester Meadows by Sylvia Plath

There, spring lambs jam the sheepfold. In air Stilled, silvered as water in a glass Nothing is big or far. The small shrew chitters from its wilderness Of grassheads and is heard. Each thumb-sized bird Fits nimble-winged in thickets, and of good color. Cloudrack and owl-hollowed willows slanting over The bland Granta double their white […]

Waking In Winter by Sylvia Plath

I can taste the tin of the sky — the real tin thing. Winter dawn is the color of metal, The trees stiffen into place like burnt nerves. All night I have dreamed of destruction, annihilations — An assembly-line of cut throats, and you and I Inching off in the gray Chevrolet, drinking the green […]

Virgin In A Tree by Sylvia Plath

How this tart fable instructs And mocks! Here’s the parody of that moral mousetrap Set in the proverbs stitched on samplers Approving chased girls who get them to a tree And put on bark’s nun-black Habit which deflects All amorous arrows. For to sheathe the virgin shape In a scabbard of wood baffles pursuers, Whether […]

Two Views Of Withens by Sylvia Plath

Above whorled, spindling gorse, Sheepfoot-flattened grasses, Stone wall and ridgepole rise Prow-like through blurs Of fog in that hinterland few Hikers get to: Home of uncatchable Sage hen and spry rabbit, Where second wind, hip boot Help over hill And hill, and through peaty water. I found bare moor, A colorless weather, And the House […]

Two Views Of A Cadaver Room by Sylvia Plath

1 The day she visited the dissecting room They had four men laid out, black as burnt turkey, Already half unstrung. A vinegary fume Of the death vats clung to them; The white-smocked boys started working. The head of his cadaver had caved in, And she could scarcely make out anything In that rubble of […]

Two Sisters Of Persephone by Sylvia Plath

Two girls there are : within the house One sits; the other, without. Daylong a duet of shade and light Plays between these. In her dark wainscoted room The first works problems on A mathematical machine. Dry ticks mark time As she calculates each sum. At this barren enterprise Rat-shrewd go her squint eyes, Root-pale […]

Two Lovers And A Beachcomber By The Real Sea by Sylvia Plath

Cold and final, the imagination Shuts down its fabled summer house; Blue views are boarded up; our sweet vacation Dwindles in the hour-glass. Thoughts that found a maze of mermaid hair Tangling in the tide’s green fall Now fold their wings like bats and disappear Into the attic of the skull. We are not what […]

Two Campers In Cloud Country by Sylvia Plath

(Rock Lake, Canada) In this country there is neither measure nor balance To redress the dominance of rocks and woods, The passage, say, of these man-shaming clouds. No gesture of yours or mine could catch their attention, No word make them carry water or fire the kindling Like local trolls in the spell of a […]

Trio Of Love Songs by Sylvia Plath

(1) Major faults in granite mark a mortal lack, yet individual planet directs all zodiac. Diagram of mountains graphs a fever chart, yet astronomic fountains exit from the heart. Tempo of strict ocean metronomes the blood, yet ordered lunar motion proceeds from private flood. Drama of each season plots doom from above, yet all angelic […]

To Eva Descending The Stair by Sylvia Plath

Clocks cry: stillness is a lie, my dear; The wheels revolve, the universe keeps running. (Proud you halt upon the spiral stair.) The asteroids turn traitor in the air, And planets plot with old elliptic cunning; Clocks cry: stillness is a lie, my dear. Red the unraveled rose sings in your hair: Blood springs eternal […]

To A Jilted Lover by Sylvia Plath

Cold on my narrow cot I lie and in sorrow look through my window-square of black: figured in the midnight sky, a mosaic of stars diagrams the falling years, while from the moon, my lover’s eye chills me to death with radiance of his frozen faith. Once I wounded him with so small a thorn […]

Tinker Jack And The Tidy Wives by Sylvia Plath

‘Come lady, bring that pot Gone black of polish And whatever pan this mending master Should trim back to shape. I’ll correct each mar On silver dish, And shine that kettle of copper At your fireside Bright as blood. ‘Come lady, bring that face Fallen from luster. Time’s soot in bleared eye Can be made […]

The Trial Of A Man by Sylvia Plath

The ordinary milkman brought that dawn Of destiny, delivered to the door In square hermetic bottles, while the sun Ruled decree of doomsday on the floor. The morning paper clocked the headline hour You drank your coffee lke original sin, And at the jet-plane anger of God’s roar Got up to let the suave blue […]

The Tour by Sylvia Plath

O maiden aunt, you have come to call. Do step into the hall! With your bold Gecko, the little flick! All cogs, weird sparkle and every cog solid gold. And I in slippers and housedress with no lipstick! And you want to be shown about! Yes, yes, this is my address. Not a patch on […]

The Times Are Tidy by Sylvia Plath

Unlucky the hero born In this province of the stuck record Where the most watchful cooks go jobless And the mayor’s rôtisserie turns Round of its own accord. There’s no career in the venture Of riding against the lizard, Himself withered these latter-days To leaf-size from lack of action: History’s beaten the hazard. The last […]