In The Train by Sara Teasdale

Fields beneath a quilt of snow From which the rocks and stubble sleep, And in the west a shy white star That shivers as it wakes from deep. The restless rumble of the train, The drowsy people in the car, Steel blue twilight in the world, And in my heart a timid star. ————— The […]

In The Metropolitan Museum by Sara Teasdale

Inside the tiny Pantheon We stood together silently, Leaving the restless crowds awhile, As ships find shelter from the sea. The ancient centuries came back To cover us a moment’s space, And through the dome the light was glad Because it shone upon your face. Ah, not from Rome but farther still Beyond sun-smitten Salamis, […]

In The End by Sara Teasdale

All that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun; All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take them as lightly as girls Pluck flowers after rain. And when they are ours in the end Perhaps after […]

Night Song At Amalfi by Sara Teasdale

I asked the heaven of stars What I should give my love – It answered me with silence, Silence above. I asked the darkened sea Down where the fishers go – It answered me with silence, Silence below. Oh, I could give him weeping, Or I could give him song – But how can I […]

In the Carpenter’s Shop by Sara Teasdale

Mary sat in the corner dreaming, Dim was the room and low, While in the dusk, the saw went screaming To and fro. Jesus and Joseph toiled together, Mary was watching them, Thinking of kings in the wintry weather At Bethlehem. Mary sat in the corner thinking, Jesus had grown a man; One by one […]

Night In Arizona by Sara Teasdale

The moon is a charring ember Dying into the dark; Off in the crouching mountains Coyotes bark. The stars are heavy in heaven, Too great for the sky to hold – What if they fell and shattered The earth with gold? No lights are over the mesa, The wind is hard and wild, I stand […]

In Spring, Santa Barbara by Sara Teasdale

I HAVE been happy two weeks together, My love is coming home to me, Gold and silver is the weather And smooth as lapis is the sea. The earth has turned its brown to green After three nights of humming rain, And in the valleys peck and preen Linnets with a scarlet stain. High in […]

New Year’s Dawn – Broadway by Sara Teasdale

When the horns wear thin And the noise, like a garment outworn, Falls from the night, The tattered and shivering night, That thinks she is gay; When the patient silence comes back, And retires, And returns, Rebuffed by a ribald song, Wounded by vehement cries, Fleeing again to the stars- Ashamed of her sister the […]

In Memoriam F.O.S. by Sara Teasdale

You go a long and lovely journey, For all the stars, like burning dew, Are luminous and luring footprints Of souls adventurous as you. Oh, if you lived on earth elated, How is it now that you can run Free of the weight of flesh and faring Far past the birthplace of the sun? ————— […]

Madeira From The Sea by Sara Teasdale

Out of the delicate dream of the distance an emerald emerges Veiled in the violet folds of the air of the sea; Softly the dream grows awakening – shimmering white of a city, Splashes of crimson, the gay bougainvillea, the palms. High in the infinite blue of its heaven a quiet cloud lingers, Lost and […]

In David’s “Child’s Garden Of Verses” by Sara Teasdale

The dearest child in all the world, Should have the dearest songs, And that is why this little book To David-Boy belongs. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library […]

Love In Autumn by Sara Teasdale

I sought among the drifting leaves, The golden leaves that once were green, To see if Love were hiding there And peeping out between. For thro’ the silver showers of May And thro’ the summer’s heavy heat, In vain I sought his golden head And light, fast-flying feet. Perhaps when all the world is bare […]

In a Subway Station by Sara Teasdale

After a year I came again to the place; The tireless lights and the reverberation, The angry thunder of trains that burrow the ground, The hunted, hurrying people were still the same- But oh, another man beside me and not you! Another voice and other eyes in mine! And suddenly I turned and saw again […]

Less Than The Cloud To The Wind by Sara Teasdale

Less than the cloud to the wind, Less than the foam to the sea, Less than the rose to the storm, Am I to thee. More than the star to the night, More than the rain to the tree, More than heaven to earth Art thou to me. ————— The End And that’s the End […]

In A Restaurant by Sara Teasdale

The darkened street was muffled with the snow, The falling flakes had made your shoulders white, And when we found a shelter from the night Its glamor fell upon us like a blow. The clash of dishes and the viol and bow Mingled beneath the fever of the light. The heat was full of savors, […]

Interlude: Songs Out Of Sorrow by Sara Teasdale

I. Spirit’s House From naked stones of agony I will build a house for me; As a mason all alone I will raise it, stone by stone, And every stone where I have bled Will show a sign of dusky red. I have not gone the way in vain, For I have good of all […]

In A Railroad Station by Sara Teasdale

We stood in the shrill electric light, Dumb and sick in the whirling din We who had all of love to say And a single second to say it in. “Good-by!” “Good-by!”-you turned to go, I felt the train’s slow heavy start, You thought to see me cry, but oh My tears were hidden in […]

In The Train by Sara Teasdale

Fields beneath a quilt of snow From which the rocks and stubble sleep, And in the west a shy white star That shivers as it wakes from deep. The restless rumble of the train, The drowsy people in the car, Steel blue twilight in the world, And in my heart a timid star. ————— The […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

In The Metropolitan Museum by Sara Teasdale

Inside the tiny Pantheon We stood together silently, Leaving the restless crowds awhile, As ships find shelter from the sea. The ancient centuries came back To cover us a moment’s space, And through the dome the light was glad Because it shone upon your face. Ah, not from Rome but farther still Beyond sun-smitten Salamis, […]

In A Cuban Garden by Sara Teasdale

HIBISCUS flowers are cups of fire, (Love me, my lover, life will not stay) The bright poinsettia shakes in the wind, A scarlet leaf is blowing away. A lizard lifts his head and listens- Kiss me before the noon goes by, Here in the shade of the ceiba hide me From the great black vulture […]

In The End by Sara Teasdale

All that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun; All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take them as lightly as girls Pluck flowers after rain. And when they are ours in the end Perhaps after […]

In the Carpenter’s Shop by Sara Teasdale

Mary sat in the corner dreaming, Dim was the room and low, While in the dusk, the saw went screaming To and fro. Jesus and Joseph toiled together, Mary was watching them, Thinking of kings in the wintry weather At Bethlehem. Mary sat in the corner thinking, Jesus had grown a man; One by one […]

In Spring, Santa Barbara by Sara Teasdale

I HAVE been happy two weeks together, My love is coming home to me, Gold and silver is the weather And smooth as lapis is the sea. The earth has turned its brown to green After three nights of humming rain, And in the valleys peck and preen Linnets with a scarlet stain. High in […]

In Memoriam F.O.S. by Sara Teasdale

You go a long and lovely journey, For all the stars, like burning dew, Are luminous and luring footprints Of souls adventurous as you. Oh, if you lived on earth elated, How is it now that you can run Free of the weight of flesh and faring Far past the birthplace of the sun? ————— […]

In David’s “Child’s Garden Of Verses” by Sara Teasdale

The dearest child in all the world, Should have the dearest songs, And that is why this little book To David-Boy belongs. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library […]

In a Subway Station by Sara Teasdale

After a year I came again to the place; The tireless lights and the reverberation, The angry thunder of trains that burrow the ground, The hunted, hurrying people were still the same- But oh, another man beside me and not you! Another voice and other eyes in mine! And suddenly I turned and saw again […]

In A Restaurant by Sara Teasdale

The darkened street was muffled with the snow, The falling flakes had made your shoulders white, And when we found a shelter from the night Its glamor fell upon us like a blow. The clash of dishes and the viol and bow Mingled beneath the fever of the light. The heat was full of savors, […]

In A Railroad Station by Sara Teasdale

We stood in the shrill electric light, Dumb and sick in the whirling din We who had all of love to say And a single second to say it in. “Good-by!” “Good-by!”-you turned to go, I felt the train’s slow heavy start, You thought to see me cry, but oh My tears were hidden in […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

In A Cuban Garden by Sara Teasdale

HIBISCUS flowers are cups of fire, (Love me, my lover, life will not stay) The bright poinsettia shakes in the wind, A scarlet leaf is blowing away. A lizard lifts his head and listens- Kiss me before the noon goes by, Here in the shade of the ceiba hide me From the great black vulture […]

“If I Must Go” by Sara Teasdale

IF I must go to heaven’s end Climbing the ages like a stair, Be near me and forever bend With the same eyes above me there; Time will fly past us like leaves flying, We shall not heed, for we shall be Beyond living, beyond dying, Knowing and known unchangeably. ————— The End And that’s […]

I Would Live In Your Love by Sara Teasdale

I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea, Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that recedes; I would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me, I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul […]

“I Know The Stars” by Sara Teasdale

I KNOW the stars by their names, Aldebaran, Altair, And I know the path they take Up heaven’s broad blue stair. I know the secrets of men By the look of their eyes, Their gray thoughts, their strange thoughts Have made me sad and wise. But your eyes are dark to me Though they seem […]

Helen Of Troy by Sara Teasdale

Wild flight on flight against the fading dawn The flames’ red wings soar upward duskily. This is the funeral pyre and Troy is dead That sparkled so the day I saw it first, And darkened slowly after. I am she Who loves all beauty – yet I wither it. Why have the high gods made […]

Grandfather’s Love by Sara Teasdale

They said he sent his love to me, They wouldn’t put it in my hand, And when I asked them where it was They said I couldn’t understand. I thought they must have hidden it, I hunted for it all the day, And when I told them so at night They smiled and turned their […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

Galahad In The Castle Of The Maidens by Sara Teasdale

(To the maiden with the hidden face in Abbey’s painting) The other maidens raised their eyes to him Who stumbled in before them when the fight Had left him victor, with a victor’s right. I think his eyes with quick hot tears grew dim; He scarcely saw her swaying white and slim, And trembling slightly, […]

From The Woolworth Tower by Sara Teasdale

Vivid with love, eager for greater beauty Out of the night we come Into the corridor, brilliant and warm. A metal door slides open, And the lift receives us. Swiftly, with sharp unswerving flight The car shoots upward, And the air, swirling and angry, Howls like a hundred devils. Past the maze of trim bronze […]

From The North by Sara Teasdale

The northern woods are delicately sweet, The lake is folded softly by the shore, But I am restless for the subway’s roar, The thunder and the hurrying of feet. I try to sleep, but still my eyelids beat Against the image of the tower that bore Me high aloft, as if thru heaven’s door I […]