Madeira From The Sea by Sara Teasdale

Out of the delicate dream of the distance an emerald emerges Veiled in the violet folds of the air of the sea; Softly the dream grows awakening – shimmering white of a city, Splashes of crimson, the gay bougainvillea, the palms. High in the infinite blue of its heaven a quiet cloud lingers, Lost and […]

In David’s “Child’s Garden Of Verses” by Sara Teasdale

The dearest child in all the world, Should have the dearest songs, And that is why this little book To David-Boy belongs. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library […]

Less Than The Cloud To The Wind by Sara Teasdale

Less than the cloud to the wind, Less than the foam to the sea, Less than the rose to the storm, Am I to thee. More than the star to the night, More than the rain to the tree, More than heaven to earth Art thou to me. ————— The End And that’s the End […]

In The Train by Sara Teasdale

Fields beneath a quilt of snow From which the rocks and stubble sleep, And in the west a shy white star That shivers as it wakes from deep. The restless rumble of the train, The drowsy people in the car, Steel blue twilight in the world, And in my heart a timid star. ————— The […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

In The End by Sara Teasdale

All that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun; All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take them as lightly as girls Pluck flowers after rain. And when they are ours in the end Perhaps after […]

In the Carpenter’s Shop by Sara Teasdale

Mary sat in the corner dreaming, Dim was the room and low, While in the dusk, the saw went screaming To and fro. Jesus and Joseph toiled together, Mary was watching them, Thinking of kings in the wintry weather At Bethlehem. Mary sat in the corner thinking, Jesus had grown a man; One by one […]

In David’s “Child’s Garden Of Verses” by Sara Teasdale

The dearest child in all the world, Should have the dearest songs, And that is why this little book To David-Boy belongs. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — the ultimate repository of world poetry. Poetry Monster — the multilingual library […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

“If I Must Go” by Sara Teasdale

IF I must go to heaven’s end Climbing the ages like a stair, Be near me and forever bend With the same eyes above me there; Time will fly past us like leaves flying, We shall not heed, for we shall be Beyond living, beyond dying, Knowing and known unchangeably. ————— The End And that’s […]

In A Garden by Sara Teasdale

THE world is resting without sound or motion, Behind the apple tree the sun goes down Painting with fire the spires and the windows In the elm-shaded town. Beyond the calm Connecticut the hills lie Silvered with haze as fruits still fresh with bloom, The swallows weave in flight across the zenith On an aerial […]

From The North by Sara Teasdale

The northern woods are delicately sweet, The lake is folded softly by the shore, But I am restless for the subway’s roar, The thunder and the hurrying of feet. I try to sleep, but still my eyelids beat Against the image of the tower that bore Me high aloft, as if thru heaven’s door I […]

For The Anniversary Of John Keats’ Death by Sara Teasdale

At midnight, when the moonlit cypress trees Have woven round his grave a magic shade, Still weeping the unfinished hymn he made, There moves fresh Maia, like a morning breeze Blown over jonquil beds when warm rains cease. And stooping where her poet’s head is laid, Selene weeps, while all the tides are stayed, And […]

Dusk In War Time by Sara Teasdale

A half-hour more and you will lean To gather me close in the old sweet way- But oh, to the woman over the sea Who will come at the close of day? A half-hour more and I will hear The key in the latch and the strong quick tread- But oh, the woman over the […]

Dusk In June by Sara Teasdale

Evening, and all the birds In a chorus of shimmering sound Are easing their hearts of joy For miles around. The air is blue and sweet, The few first stars are white,- Oh let me like the birds Sing before night. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems […]

Dusk In Autumn by Sara Teasdale

The moon is like a scimitar, A little silver scimitar, A-drifting down the sky. And near beside it is a star, A timid twinkling golden star, That watches like an eye. And thro’ the nursery window-pane The witches have a fire again, Just like the ones we make, – And now I know they’re having […]

At Sea by Sara Teasdale

IN the pull of the wind I stand, lonely, On the deck of a ship, rising, falling, Wild night around me, wild water under me, Whipped by the storm, screaming and calling. Earth is hostile and the sea hostile, Why do I look for a place to rest? I must fight always and die fighting […]

Advice To A Girl by Sara Teasdale

No one worth possessing Can be quite possessed; Lay that on your heart, My young angry dear; This truth, this hard and precious stone, Lay it on your hot cheek, Let it hide your tear. Hold it like a crystal When you are alone And gaze in the depths of the icy stone. Long, look […]

A Winter Night by Sara Teasdale

My window-pane is starred with frost, The world is bitter cold to-night, The moon is cruel, and the wind Is like a two-edged sword to smite. God pity all the homeless ones, The beggars pacing to and fro. God pity all the poor to-night Who walk the lamp-lit streets of snow. My room is like […]

A Minuet Of Mozart’s by Sara Teasdale

Across the dimly lighted room The violin drew wefts of sound, Airily they wove and wound And glimmered gold against the gloom. I watched the music turn to light, But at the pausing of the bow, The web was broken and the glow Was drowned within the wave of night. ————— The End And that’s […]

A Little While by Sara Teasdale

A little while when I am gone My life will live in music after me, As spun foam lifted and borne on After the wave is lost in the full sea. A while these nights and days will burn In song with the bright frailty of foam, Living in light before they turn Back to […]

A Boy by Sara Teasdale

OUT of the noise of tired people working, Harried with thoughts of war and lists of dead, His beauty met me like a fresh wind blowing, Clean boyish beauty and high-held head. Eyes that told secrets, lips that would not tell them, Fearless and shy the young unwearied eyes- Men die by millions now, because […]

The Years by Sara Teasdale

To-night I close my eyes and see A strange procession passing me — The years before I saw your face Go by me with a wistful grace; They pass, the sensitive, shy years, As one who strives to dance, half blind with tears. The years went by and never knew That each one brought me […]

The Fountain by Sara Teasdale

Oh in the deep blue night The fountain sang alone; It sang to the drowsy heart Of a satyr carved in stone. The fountain sang and sang But the satyr never stirred– Only the great white moon In the empty Heaven heard. The fountain sang and sang And on the marble rim The milk-white peacocks […]

Spring Rain by Sara Teasdale

I thought I had forgotten, But it all came back again To-night with the first Spring thunder In a rush of rain. I remembered a darkened doorway Where we stood while the storm swept by, Thunder gripping the earth And lightning scrawled on the sky. The passing motor busses swayed, For the street was a […]

Sleepless by Sara Teasdale

If I could have your arms tonight- But half the world and the broken sea Lie between you and me. The autumn rain reverberates in the courtyard, Beating all Night against the barren stone, The sound of useless rain in the desolate courtyard Makes me more alone. If you were here, if you were only […]

My Heart Is Heavy by Sara Teasdale

My heart is heavy with many a song Like ripe fruit bearing down the tree, But I can never give you one — My songs do not belong to me. Yet in the evening, in the dusk When moths go to and fro, In the gray hour if the fruit has fallen, Take it, no […]

Longing by Sara Teasdale

I am not sorry for my soul That it must go unsatisfied, For it can live a thousand times, Eternity is deep and wide. I am not sorry for my soul, But oh, my Body that must go Back to a little drift of dust Without the joy it longed to know. ————— The End […]

Like Barley Bending by Sara Teasdale

Like barley bending In low fields by the sea, Singing in hard wind Ceaselessly; Like barley bending And rising again, So would I, unbroken, Rise from pain; So would I softly, Day long, Night long, Change my sorrow Into song. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by […]

Let It Be Forgotten by Sara Teasdale

Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. Let it be forgotten forever and ever, Time is a kind friend, he will make us old. If anyone asks, say it was forgotten Long and long ago, As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed […]

It Will Not Change by Sara Teasdale

It will not change now After so many years; Life has not broken it With parting or tears; Death will not alter it, It will live on In all my songs for you When I am gone. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. […]

It Is Not A Word by Sara Teasdale

It is not a word spoken, Few words are said; Nor even a look of the eyes Nor a bend of the head, But only a hush of the heart That has too much to keep, Only memories waking That Sleep so light a sleep. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem […]

In The End by Sara Teasdale

All that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun; All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take them as lightly as girls Pluck flowers after rain. And when they are ours in the end Perhaps after […]

If Death Is Kind by Sara Teasdale

Perhaps if Death is kind, and there can be returning, We will come back to earth some fragrant night, And take these lanes to find the sea, and bending Breathe the same honeysuckle, low and white. We will come down at Night to these resounding beaches And the long gentle thunder of the sea, Here […]

Houses Of Dreams by Sara Teasdale

You took my empty dreams And filled them every one With tenderness and nobleness, April and the sun. The old empty dreams Where my thoughts would throng Are far too full of happiness To even hold a song. Oh, the empty dreams were dim And the empty dreams were wide, They were sweet and shadowy […]

Gray Eyes by Sara Teasdale

It was April when you came The first time to me, And my first look in your eyes Was like my first look at the sea. We have been together Four Aprils now Watching for the green On the swaying willow bough; Yet whenever I turn To your gray eyes over me, It is as […]

Dust by Sara Teasdale

When I went to look at what had long been hidden, A jewel laid long ago in a secret place, I trembled, for I thought to see its dark deep fire— But only a pinch of dust blew up in my face. I almost gave my life long ago for a thing That has gone […]

Doubt by Sara Teasdale

My soul lives in my body’s house, And you have both the house and her— But sometimes she is less your own Than a wild, gay adventurer; A restless and an eager wraith, How can I tell what she will do— Oh, I am sure of my body’s faith, But what if my soul broke […]

Come by Sara Teasdale

Come, when the pale moon like a petal Floats in the pearly dusk of spring, Come with arms outstretched to take me, Come with lips pursed up to cling. Come, for life is a frail moth flying, Caught in the web of the years that pass, And soon we two, so warm and eager, Will […]

Blue Squills by Sara Teasdale

How many million Aprils came Before I ever knew How white a cherry bough could be, A bed of squills, how blue! And many a dancing April When life is done with me, Will lift the blue flame of the flower And the white flame of the tree. Oh burn me with your beauty, then, […]