Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell

Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell 1 Ye Mariners of England 2 That guard our native seas, 3 Whose flag has braved, a thousand years, 4 The battle and the breeze– 5 Your glorious standard launch again 6 To match another foe! 7 And sweep through the deep, 8 While the stormy winds do […]

The Last Man by Thomas Campbell

The Last Man by Thomas Campbell All worldly shapes shall melt in gloom, The Sun himself must die, Before this mortal shall assume Its Immortality! I saw a vision in my sleep That gave my spirit strength to sweep Adown the gulf of Time! I saw the last of human mould, That shall Creation’s death […]

Ode to Winter by Thomas Campbell

Ode to Winter by Thomas Campbell When first the fiery-mantled sun His heavenly race begun to run; Round the earth and ocean blue, His children four the Seasons flew. First, in green apparel dancing, The young Spring smiled with angel grace; Rosy summer next advancing, Rushed into her sire’s embrace:- Her blue-haired sire, who bade […]

Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell

Hohenlinden by Thomas Campbell 1 On Linden, when the sun was low, 2 All bloodless lay the untrodden snow, 3 And dark as winter was the flow 4 Of Iser, rolling rapidly. 5 But Linden saw another sight 6 When the drum beat at dead of night, 7 Commanding fires of death to light 8 […]

Benlomond by Thomas Campbell

Benlomond by Thomas Campbell Hadst thou a genius on thy peak, What tales, white-headed Ben, Could’st thou of ancient ages speak, That mock th’ historian’s pen! Thy long duration makes our livea Seem but so many hours; And likens, to the bees’ frail hives, Our most stupendous towers. Temples and towers thou seest begun, New […]

I love you

Alexander Bashlachev – I love you (translated by Fledermaus,  Евгений Сухарников, Сopyright 2021) I love you I love you I want you I love thee I want thee Yes, the floor in the hunt is now a mess I trust thee I trust thee I trust thee Russian original Я тебя люблю Александр Башлачев – […]