LIGHT ECHOES by Sonya Ki Tomlinson

LIGHT ECHOES by Sonya Ki Tomlinson tip of the flame is lucid blue it’s nucleus a golden spiral of undiminished rapture look at all your bright faces there is an incredible sovereign joy that dances independent of earthly suffering, sorrow and pain Copyright ©:  2013 ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem […]

Life Brings Me to this Journey. by Stephen Sweitzer

Life Brings Me to this Journey. by Stephen Sweitzer I fear of my soulless fears,Hardly known of my ignorant peers, I constantly consume this pain,Leading me to this dark, evil lane,  I lean on man’s understanding,Giving me Satan’s branding,  I, instead, need to trust my Alpha, Calling out for my Almighty Abba, However, my sinful chains […]

Leaving and Leaving You by Sophie Hannah

Leaving and Leaving You by Sophie Hannah When I leave you postcode and your commuting station, When I left undone all the things we planned to do You may feel you have been left by association But there is leaving and leaving you. When I leave your town and the club that you belong to, […]

If It Were Beginning by Sriparna Bandyopadhyay

If it were a beginning I couldn’t imagine anything more beautiful; But it came to be my illusion, And no one was more ashamed than me. The approach was delicate with steps silent. But the withdrawal happened to be so delicate – That left me perplexed, whether ‘it’ was Really an approach! And to my […]

Hypatia by Stanley Wilkin

They attacked her in mid exploration Cutting away her golden thoughts As they cut away her flesh, destroying A mind that they couldn’t destroy in Debate, a sparkling old woman Whose thoughts were spun from steel. The screaming mob desecrated her tiny form Dragging it into the dust, through the rubbish And shit. Tearing off […]

Homosexuality by Spencer Reece

After my mother and father fight, my father takes my hand and we walk down to the Mississippi where he smokes Camel cigarettes. He flicks his ashes away from me. He rarely says my name. All day on TV, I watch monks in Saigon douse themselves in gasoline and light their saffron robes on fire. […]

Highway to Happiness by Stacey Chillemi

Highway to Happiness Dogs bring happiness into your home, Nothing on this planet can replace the special moments you create with your dog. They bring memories to cherish, These memories may be a part of the past However, in my head they’ll always last, I can share these memories with the world And let the […]

High school crush……lonesome awaits by Stephen Allen

Trap in dawn, Night honking its horn. Walking on the north street I stare at my high school crush, I wonder if she knows how much She makes me blush. Coldness creeping underneath my sleeve, If she should say hi my heart would leap. My glances touching her skin like the coldness of the night, […]

God’s Abdication by Snowdon King

God’s Abdication by Snowdon King a whole bureaucracy up to your skies, God… …the waiting lines are long we are obediently waiting for our turn birth, marriage, death certificates the every night prayer the sign of the cross before every meal, the Sunday mass the confession, may our terrible sins be forgiven there were times […]

Family by Stacey Chillemi

FAMILY BOND: Beauty – Obligation – Necessary – Devoted I am so fond when I see people bond Family bonding time is time the family spends, Meaningfully time spent People, Dogs, Cats, Birds And all Special times that create strong ties And loads of love That lies deep within our hearts And remains forever in […]

Everything He Did, He Did In Jest by stanley wilkin

In this contorted frame, badger-like scurrying, Scrabbling for prey, in the midst of fratricidal disputes- The dead lingering like ruptured sores- The dead dripping like candy from Christmas trees, Our lives meandering, our thoughts remain. In this dry season drunken men walk like dragons Scales roaring with white flame: Fangs like industrial weapons Formed into […]

Entropy by Sriparna Bandyopadhyay

A nature full of savageness, A gambling world in force The Creation is a chaos- Mare Cacophonous discourse. I value myself the most; Not that, I’m proud. But there are so many ‘I’s Amorphous in the Crowd. Your pain is yours Only you are there to feel Your cry for life Hardly makes a deal. […]

Disconnect by Snowdon King

Disconnect by Snowdon King and if the server crashed would I still be a poet? and if the Internet crashed suddenly in the whole wide world who’s going to ever hear of me? I would like a law to forbid poetry in public to have to go in specially designed places with a pencil and […]

Crazy Insane by Stephen Sweitzer

Crazy Insane by Stephen Sweitzer Every hour, I go insane,Diving into the greatest pain, Only they can understand,Giving me their helping hands, Normal people use their brooms,Sweeping us into lonely rooms, Not until they lick our blood, Will they see our filthy mud, Which runs through our rotten brains, Forever and ever, we are insane. ————— […]

By the Dusk – Ao Entardecer by Soaroir de Campos

By the Dusk – Ao Entardecer by Soaroir de Campos o universo pára ao entardecer maritacas se refugiam em qualquer lugar os cães adormecem enroscados à cauda a dormideira se prepara para a segunda-feira o universo pára ao entardecer jovens ansiando pelo novo sol velhos cabeceando seu crepúsculo padres orando por suas almas o universo […]

By Garpal Stream by Stanley Wilkin

By Garpal stream the young men came Decades before the flood On Garpal field they started the game Quenching the grass with blood. Down by the hill, near the copse, they lie, The first to score was the first to die. Every year the young men came Where the roses and dandelions bud Eager to […]

Buddha’s Laugh by Sonya Ki Tomlinson

Buddha’s Laugh by Sonya Ki Tomlinson Pearl on the tip of my nose drops into the Ocean of Milk flooding my heart I laugh to myself as if awakening suddenly from a lucid dream for so long I have wrestled with an angel danced, courted and eloped with a figment of my imagination not realizing […]

Beautiful Moroccan by Stanley Wilkin

Dressed in black, dark eyes amused She strolls into a room With the specialised tread Of a femme fatale, Tossing her streaming hair in arrogant joy. Her perfect body Contains the calm and unexpected force Of the sea, shifting in a moment between Reason and fury. She graces the men with sure-footed Arabic, Stark, sibilant, […]

Ambrosia by Sonya Ki Tomlinson

Ambrosia by Sonya Ki Tomlinson I covered your wound with a piece of my heart what will it take to stop the bleeding here is my love don’t be afraid when our lips meet radiant petals burst open Drink in the Light of the sun Copyright ©:  2013 ————— The End And that’s the End […]

Alternate Destination by Sriparna Bandyopadhyay

ALTERNATE DESTINATION The Sky is grey in shame. Because celluloid steals it’s Blue To capture games of worms – Reverse evolution from Human to Protozoa. Venus’s gradually losing her shine Due to filthy eject Masculine. The Earth suffers infection all over her Overcrowded body to pollute the Galaxy. Humanity is in desperate search for an […]

Adaptation by Sriparna Bandyopadhyay

Adaptation As long as conscience is not deaf Pains cannot go in silent exile. Frustrations are so shameless Not ready to hide behind a smile. Who am I to register protest? Neither a celeb nor a declared activist- Speechless though having words Boiling in furry, stinging inside to bleed. Better I read a news paper […]

A Veterans Memories Breeze By In the Wind by Stacey Chillemi

As the breeze sets in And the sun sets down on me I comfortably sit on a cliff with my dog Biff Watching the waves of the ocean Dance onto the ocean shore As I sit with my arm around my best buddy Biff Pondering about the good old days Oh, how I remember the […]

A Man, They Made a God by Walid Saba

He danced with harlots He drank with thieves He ate with beggars He slept with killers He conversed with the humble They believed … He defied the high priests He shunned the kings He ridiculed the powerful He snubbed the rich They killed him! And erected a church … In His name Poetry In

A Kind of Life by Stanley Wilkin

Crystallising thin white light Decked with ancient portraits, The air heavy with dust. Beneath the glittering floorboards Rodents scurried, smelling out crumbs. This was where The old man walked at the very end Of his very long life, grappling With pitiless unforgiving memories. In this garish, gargoyle haunted house Amidst the enduring pine trees he […]

A Gemini’s Hurt by Stephen Allen

Winged love lost its wings, striding In another disguise which frowns At he which clod in a mourning glow, A woe as never shined so bright insight. Killed by his own fear In a dream that shed distilled tears. In a crystal drop Joy flat lined on his cheeks, But he hugged that smile in […]

A Dogs Love Is a Never Ending Game by Stacey Chillemi

As I stand beneath the open sky As the heat from the sun pours deep into my soul I quickly stare at the snakeskin clouds that fill the deep blue skies above “Woof! Woof!” My big blue eyes quickly gaze straight ahead Into the big green fields that circle around us Here comes my dog […]

A Carta/The Letter by Soaroir de Campos

A Carta/The Letter by Soaroir de Campos me postei dormente em torrão de turfa seca como resto de amaryllis esperando Maio. lembra-se? as cores estão se transmutando o céu já é azul-inverno tudo por brotar – do estômago às órbitas esperando resposta. Free Translation by Soaroir The Letter I laid dormant in Dry-turf clay As […]

Woman by Tala Bar

I’m as old as the mountain As young as Spring – Always changing, Always constant; I’m as rush as the river, As still as a pool – Always running, Always there – Waiting for you to discover The treasure hidden within. Poetry In

Walk with Me by Tammy L Ames

take a little walk with me a journey built for two and share with me the steps you took that led you to be you talk to me of onions the layers and the tears the sweet relief of sharing grief that bade you drink for years take a little walk with me so i’ll […]

Today’s News by Ted Berrigan

Today’s News by Ted Berrigan My body heavy with poverty (starch) It uses up my sexual energy constantly & I feel constantly crowded On the other hand, One Day in the Afternoon of The World Pervaded my life with a heavy grace today I’ll never smile again Bad Teeth But I’m dancing with tears in […]

The Woman Of His Dreams by Talha Jafri

The old man didn’t know how to love for his tender love was compensated by a loving wife She loved him endlessly while he did the same for her They were perfect in this imperfect world, Two answers to a larger question asked by God But she left him from the face of the Earth, […]

The Soundless Ocean by Tanmoy

It’s a soundless ocean. Little balls of faint light wave and move inside. A circular passage exists, which leads to another revealation. Each year passes like a second in this space, Every moment is useless here. From time to time, only darkness, someone’s flute plays a music, and throws down to the underlying creation. The […]

The Poet by Thom Douglas Carlisle

=== The Poet . . . ( Referencing Moonglow, ) Novels, novellas, writers of documents and manuscripts, Bred of grace and order, What makes a ‘Fellow-of-Letters’ construct for the mind that which the eye Can never see? New passive resident in moments of ancient breathing, held down, bound tightly In this ethereal, far dimension, Forged […]

The Narrative by Talha Jafri

Like a story told from a book Every detail is drawn in to create a larger picture Every high and low in the story are all drawn together so perfectly All the missing pieces to the puzzle all have a loose end that gets tied up And like a story told from the eyes of […]

The Garden by Tammy L. Ames

Wearied by mine anguish Laden with my strife, I begged The Lord for mercy For flowers in my life. The Gardener took heed the call My desperate, mortal plea, And knowing hands, they tilled in love That life might root in me. The barren land He found there My heart, once cracked and dry, Grew […]

The Eclipsed Past by Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

A long and steep gaze Into the eclipsed past, Provide my thoughts an edge To unroll the bygone past. Paths adorned with flowers Became skyscraper blocks, The playground glitters Sans the delightful brook. Childhood flew into teens Joys became a scarce rainbow, Age changed the directions Flooding me in life’s flow. Some gripping circumstances, Paved […]

The Call of the Crows by Tanmoy

I do not know why the crows are calling in this time of night, as if it is a morning! Now,again their spirits dampen. On the other room, she is an astrologer. She predicts futures,and she gains by showing half accuracy and half control over the mind. But to me,she has never lied. She says […]

The Blind Man by Théophile Gautier

The Blind Man by Théophile Gautier A blind man, on the thoroughfare, Startle-eyed as an owl by day, Piping a dismal little air, Taps here and there, loses his way, Tootles awry his time-old ditty Undauntedly, as by his side Lopes his dog, guides him through the city, Specter diurnal, sleepy-eyed. Days, stark, wash over […]

The Beautiful Heartbreak by Talha Jafri

When the heart aches everyone thinks to the time where the heart achieved so much It’s unable to fathom the fact that it is broken and needs to cured But we carry on through each day routinely Unable to bare the pain, we shield ourselves in the heartbreak We listen to the world’s melody to […]

Snow Flakes by Tala Bar

Gently falls the snow, and Bouncing – My swift, white sisters Dancing Cold, but Melting in the Sun, appearing for A second. Poetry In