Selecting A Reader by Ted Kooser

Selecting A Reader by Ted Kooser First, I would have her be beautiful, and walking carefully up on my poetry at the loneliest moment of an afternoon, her hair still damp at the neck from washing it. She should be wearing a raincoat, an old one, dirty from not having money enough for the cleaners. […]

Seasons by Tala Bar

I don’t believe in good and evil – Cool is the August Moon; I don’t believe in good and evil – On Midsummer noon; I don’t believe in good and evil – Flowery May so cries; I don’t believe in good and evil When my lover dies. Poetry In

Ritual by Tala Bar

From my peak of a mountain I see you, all. God is sad, but Life awakens my laughter And I laugh the sadness of life. In my heart of a mountain A cry is born, in time! The procession passes in slow motion Round and round the mountain; We bury my god, in time! At […]

Passion of Greatness by Terence Ray Robertson

Roses comes in pairs.  Left off from the weeds,  Cherish yourself cherish your seeds.  Left behind, leave a trail to follow the scents of this love.  Give in to this love watch it bloom forth.    As queens move foward   This battle is not yours.       ————— The End And that’s the […]

On The Move ‘Man, You Gotta Go. by Thom Gunn

On The Move ‘Man, You Gotta Go. by Thom Gunn The blue jay scuffling in the bushes follows Some hidden purpose, and the gush of birds That spurts across the field, the wheeling swallows, Have nested in the trees and undergrowth. Seeking their instinct, or their pose, or both, One moves with an uncertain violence […]

My Sad Captains by Thom Gunn

My Sad Captains by Thom Gunn One by one they appear in the darkness: a few friends, and a few with historical names. How late they start to shine! but before they fade they stand perfectly embodied, all the past lapping them like a cloak of chaos. They were men who, I thought, lived only […]

Meeting at an Airport by Taha Muhammad Ali

You asked me once, on our way back from the midmorning trip to the spring: “What do you hate, and who do you love?” And I answered, from behind the eyelashes of my surprise, my blood rushing like the shadow cast by a cloud of starlings: “I hate departure . . . I love the […]

Lucid Dreams by Talha Jafri

Can we pretend that this isn’t a dream, but a reality that tries to persists even against all my will? Now let’s go back to the days where situations weren’t so complicated With age, wisdom comes, but with age comes complications and emotions Emotions transform into whatever society wants it to become We had simpler […]

Love In Reverse by Talha Jafri

There is no love lost here, I have moved on with a smile on my face Illustrating the pain I went through with the ballsy attitude of trying to make things better for me I often narrate so that I could make things better for all of us Love ends up to be the course […]

Love Equals Insanity by Talha Jafri

Who would have guessed that having feelings for another person would be so hard? Humans don’t tend to think so far ahead when they fall for someone The present is all that matters and when the future begins to loom, Relationships unravel. Can’t understand why, but serious commitment requires hard work If it’s worth the […]

Last Poem by Ted Berrigan

Last Poem by Ted Berrigan Before I began life this time I took a crash course in Counter-Intelligence Once here I signed in, see name below, and addedSome words remembered from an earlier time, ‘The intention of the organism is to survive.’ My earliest, & happiest, memories pre-date WWII,They involve a glass slipper & a […]

In January by Ted Kooser

In January by Ted Kooser Only one cell in the frozen hive of night is lit, or so it seems to us: this Vietnamese café, with its oily light, its odors whose colorful shapes are like flowers. Laughter and talking, the tick of chopsticks. Beyond the glass, the wintry city creaks like an ancient wooden […]

I Want It Now by Roald Dahl

Gooses, geeses I want my geese to lay gold eggs for easter At least a hundred a day And by the way I want a feast I want a bean feast Cream buns and doughnuts And fruitcake with no nuts So good you could go nuts No, now I want a ball I want a […]

Exodus by Taha Muhammad Ali

The street is empty as a monk’s memory, and faces explode in the flames like acorns— and the dead crowd the horizon and doorways. No vein can bleed more than it already has, no scream will rise higher than it’s already risen. We will not leave! Everyone outside is waiting for the trucks and the […]

Considering The Snail by Thom Gunn

Considering The Snail by Thom Gunn The snail pushes through a green night, for the grass is heavy with water and meets over the bright path he makes, where rain has darkened the earth’s dark. He moves in a wood of desire, pale antlers barely stirring as he hunts. I cannot tell what power is […]

Broken Love by Talha Jafri

Caressing her soft skin, The passion in the air was exciting, His heart beating faster than a drum solo Whispers into her ears, I love you. The worst things in life come at no cost for us She looked back at the day when their eyes met An average day with an above average human […]

Black Market Love by Taisha Destin

Black Market Love by Taisha Destin Let me break it down like this He was a lean, clean charming machine Ladies you know what I mean From the way he talked to the style of his walk He stood tall as if he ruled the campus, I mean world I was nothing more than the […]

Attention please! Attention please! by Roald Dahl

‘Attention please! Attention please! Don’t dare to talk! Don’t dare to sneeze! Don’t doze or daydream! Stay awake! Your health, your very life’s at stake! Ho–ho, you say, they can’t mean me. Ha–ha, we answer, wait and see. Did any of you ever meet A child called Goldie Pinklesweet? Who on her seventh birthday went […]

An Act of Faith by Talha Jafri

This has all the implications tied to me that I ran away from for so long I can’t seem to fathom why I put myself in this position Going through a mess of insecurities just so that I put myself in the spotlight Now that’s been missing from me for so long, I’ve seem to […]

After Years by Ted Kooser

After Years by Ted Kooser Today, from a distance, I saw you walking away, and without a sound the glittering face of a glacier slid into the sea. An ancient oak fell in the Cumberlands, holding only a handful of leaves, and an old woman scattering corn to her chickens looked up for an instant. […]

Abd el-Hadi Fights a Superpower by Taha Muhammad Ali

In his life he neither wrote nor read. In his life he didn’t cut down a single tree, didn’t slit the throat of a single calf. In his life he did not speak of the New York Times behind its back, didn’t raise his voice to a soul except in his saying: “Come in, please, […]

A Ghost in the Shell by Talha Jafri

I resemble a familiar feeling A ghost in the shell waiting for the walls to come crashing down But like a waterfall, the beauty that falls ends up being the most destructive And when I fell for you, it ended up being my self destruction I defined myself to be by your side Changing to […]

10 Things I Do Every Day by Ted Berrigan

10 Things I Do Every Day by Ted Berrigan wake up smoke potsee the cat love my wife think of Frank eat lunch make noisessing songs go out dig the streets go home for dinner read the Post make pee-pee two kids grin read bookssee my friendsget pissed-offhave a Pepsi disappear ————— The End And […]

You Will Forget! by Timothy Thomas Fortune

You will go hence, sweetheart, and leave me, And may forget We ever met- And that it is, alas! will grieve me! And, yet, the past- How could it last! And could I know you would deceive me! The fleeting hours we spent together- The rambles far ‘Neath sun and star In peaceful calm and […]

Words Of Love Forevermore by Timothy Thomas Fortune

There is rapture in the thought, From thy words of constance caught, That the world contains no prize Like the peace thy love supplies. And I ponder o’er and o’er Words of love forevermore, As they come in tenderest tone From thy heart-which is my own. ————— The End And that’s the End of the […]

What Is Woman But A Song! by Timothy Thomas Fortune

There was love, and there was beauty, In the face upturned to me; And her hair was long and golden, Soft to touch and good to see; Her blue eyes were full of laughter As they burned into my own, Glowing like a priceless diamond- Fascinating as that stone. What is life but love, devotion!- […]

The Pulling Away by Timothy Cole

Some roads rise To meet the men who have set their way. It’s the years that turn around to say goodbye. It’s the setting sun that sends it away. Where is wisdoms light In a future that never came. In bright eyes that once dared to fight It’s an empty wind that calls my name […]

The moon at noon by Tom Mukasa

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems The moon will come out at noon, it will stand in one place, many will raise their heads, to behold the show, the sun will throw its coldness, the chill will burn holes in bones, laments will come out […]

The Leather Suitcase by Tom Berman

They don’t make suitcases like that any more. Time was, when voyage meant train, steamship distances unbridgeable waiting for a thinning mail weeks, then months, then nothing Time was, when this case was made solid, leather, heavy stitching with protective edges at the corners. Children’s train, across the Reich stops and starts again… Holland a […]

The Mocking Bird by Timothy Thomas Fortune

Have you e’er heard, at early morn, The feathered poet sing his song, Clear as a huntsman’s clarion horn, Yet softer, sweeter, and as strong? Have you e’er felt his magic power Soothe, as a balm, your troubled breast, Change into mirth the gloomy hour, Cradle th’ enchanted sense to rest? Have you e’er heard […]

The Heart That Is Pining by Timothy Thomas Fortune

The heart that is pining for love that is vain Will outlive its sorrow and conquer its pain, Will seek where is hidden the balsam ‘gainst woe, And smile with the merry in pleasure’s glad flow. A few rashly seek to forget in red wine Th’ affection they strove with their love to entwine, But […]

The Clime Of My Birth by Timothy Thomas Fortune

Oh, take me again to the clime of my birth, The dearest, the fairest, to me on the earth, The clime where the roses are sweetest that bloom, And nature is bathed in the rarest perfume! Where the songs of the birds awake us at morn With a thrill of delight and pleasure new born; […]

The Bird Has Vanished by Timothy Thomas Fortune

The bird has vanished from its cage- Has left its prison house to me! It will not fill its song with rage Again-for it is free! Will it forget, can it forget, The love, the tender care, I gave, Or feel one throb of sad regret That ’tis no more my slave? Go, nameless one, […]

Taita Falcon above the Zambezi by Tom Mukasa

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems A taita falcon, driven by hunger, or the scenic beauty, from its hidden perch, spreads, its expansive wings, it scans, the, numerous landmarks, the, smoking thundering waterfalls, in their fives, in their tens, whose puffs, turn from snow white, […]

Steeds of Autumn by Todd H. C. Fischer

Steeds of Autumn by Todd H. C. Fischer The wicker horse sits on the farm house veranda beside a straw-stuffed suit of clothes on a porch-swing corn stalks tied to the railing with bailing rope and grinning gourds with brains of flame Its black bead eyes gaze out over the fields watching hands and tractors […]

Sorry by Tom Mukasa

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems You asked to tell you, about the word sorry, about simplicity, a strong honesty, a word, that is wholesome, awesome, humble in its utterance, priceless in its value, anything more, anything less deflates, its sincerity. Poetry In

Ribbons & Pearls by Timothy Cole

Ribbons and pearls, so tender is the age All dressed up with nowhere to go. I know your secrets to your hate and rage A little girl— one too many has tried to know. Deep behind the garden and around the bend Daddy’s hands always seem to find you there The tears of shame escapes […]

Racial Memories of a Chickadee by Todd H. C. Fischer

Racial Memories of a Chickadee by Todd H. C. Fischer The chickadee sat on a birdhouse perch and remembered A time when he was king, when he and his ruled the earth When the other denizens of the forest cowered in fear when he roared When he towered as tall as a tree instead of […]