My Miracle Valentine by Tirtha Raj Baral (Sanu Punatare)

I never make-believe that there can be this day, This is the day of love which could find its way. Every day I lookout the sunrise and the sunset, I enjoy the beauty of flowers bloom around me. I can float on the breeze and fly on the wind, I can travel the cosmos, watch […]

Mother’s Day, 1993 by Todd H. C. Fischer

Mother’s Day, 1993 by Todd H. C. Fischer A knock at the door and I’m pulled from bed, my brother calmly saying, “You better come upstairs.” Voices are raised in the bedroom; mom is pulling on a shirt, “Talk to him!” she yells. On the bed lies my father, covers rumpled, a wet spot on […]

Mother Earth; Her Beauty And Her Destruction by TMBedell

I awake to hear her voices, her smells bring me alive, and Mother Earth is all around me wanting for me to step outside. I see her creatures playing, the birds singing a tune, and the grasses are swaying to her sweet breaths perfume. Beauty is all around me, life in full bloom, waiting for […]

Manifestations by Tom Shea

i trace your face with this pencil tip and every time i miss your lips: the line of your jaw as you set your mind on an ideal that you could never find in a house as once upon a time as mine. i trace your face; i get it wrong. i look for you […]

Love’s Divinest Power by Timothy Thomas Fortune

Let mad ambition strive to gain The cherished wish that yields but pain; Let others seek for wealth alone, And with its cares their lives atone; But let me live my fleeting hour The slave of Love’s divinest power. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic […]

In Token Of The Love You Gave by Timothy Thomas Fortune

In token of the love you gave, The faith, the trust, reposed in me, When our young hearts were gay and free, I plant this flower upon thy grave! The world is far too poor to give A value like it took away! I nevermore a joyous day, Since you are gone, shall know or […]

Imbrium by Todd H. C. Fischer

Imbrium by Todd H. C. Fischer The horse of Hades with its pale white flesh flows across the ceiling its black plathian eyes staring fire that chills shadow blotting unicorns angels on strings quiver in its breath weirdfruit smell like a strung-out tortoise bear’s fur curls in fear under equine gaze wooden bars darken ragged […]

I Make My bed Of Roses by Timothy Thomas Fortune

I make my bed of roses sweet! I scorn the frowns of envious Fate! I will my careless song repeat While ’round may surge contending hate! For life is what we make it still, And I am master of my will. Then let me quaff life’s nectar wine And live, a lord, the passing hour; […]

Gentle Heart, Indulge Thy Dreaming by Timothy Thomas Fortune

Gentle heart, indulge thy dreaming! Wake not from thy peaceful mood! The great world around thee streaming Holds no joy one-half so good! Soon thy dreams must have an ending! Thou wilt wake some early morn And, o’er shattered idols bending, Find thy peace from thee is torn! ————— The End And that’s the End […]

Edgar Allan Poe by Timothy Thomas Fortune

I know not why, but it is true-it may, In some way, be because he was a child Of the fierce sun where I first wept and smiled- I love the dark-browed Poe. His feverish day Was spent in dreams inspired, that him beguiled, When not along his path shone forth one ray Of light, […]

Cenotaph, Manitoulin Island by Todd H. C. Fischer

Cenotaph, Manitoulin Island by Todd H. C. Fischer the stone soldier stands at attention his smooth eyes staring down the road rifle clutched in a rigid hand feet planted squarely on a granite slab sun glittering on glass litter on the ground spoor of bored teenagers used condoms lay at his boots and a cracked […]

Beyond The Veil by Timothy Thomas Fortune

Across our path a sunbeam gently lies; We know not whence it came; we think we know; But, as we watch its glories come and go, It fades away! Whither? Into the skies? We seek to follow it, with blinking eyes, Beyond the Veil-of which we nothing know! But e’en imagination is too slow To […]

And Still to USA they get! by Tom Mukasa

Menu+ Home 100 Poetry Monster Poets Directory Best Love Poems Free Poetry Quotes Publish your Poems To leave home, old friends, with nothing, but tales, hope, desire, desperation, fed, into the ears, somatized, every breathe, every step, every dose, of sleep, tinged, with arrival, to USA, a friend, aunt, uncle, friend of, a friend, father, […]

Why the Young Men Are So Ugly by Tony Hoagland

They have little tractors in their blood and all day the tractors climb up and down inside their arms and legs, their collarbones and heads. That is why they yell and scream and slam the barbells down into their clanking slots, making the metal ring like sledgehammers on iron, like dungeon prisoners rattling their chains. […]

V by Tony Harrison

V by Tony Harrison ‘My father still reads the dictionary every day. He says your life depends on your power to master words.’ Arthur Scargill Sunday Times, 10 January 1982 Next millennium you’ll have to search quite hard to find my slab behind the family dead, butcher, publican, and baker, now me, bard adding poetry […]

Turns by Tony Harrison

Turns by Tony Harrison I thought it made me look more ‘working class’ (as if a bit of chequered cloth could bridge that gap!) I did a turn in it before the glass. My mother said: It suits you, your dad’s cap. (She preferred me to wear suits and part my hair: You’re every bit […]

The Change by Tony Hoagland

The season turned like the page of a glossy fashion magazine. In the park the daffodils came up and in the parking lot, the new car models were on parade. Sometimes I think that nothing really changes— The young girls show the latest crop of tummies, and the new president proves that he’s a dummy. […]

Special Problems in Vocabulary by Tony Hoagland

There is no single particular noun for the way a friendship, stretched over time, grows thin, then one day snaps with a popping sound. No verb for accidentally breaking a thing while trying to get it open —a marriage, for example. No particular phrase for losing a book in the middle of reading it, and […]

Requests for Toy Piano by Tony Hoagland

Play the one about the family of the ducks where the ducks go down to the river and one of them thinks the water will be cold but then they jump in anyway and like it and splash around. No, I must play the one about the nervous man from Palestine in row 14 with […]

Reasons to Survive November by Tony Hoagland

November like a train wreck – as if a locomotive made of cold had hurtled out of Canada and crashed into a million trees, flaming the leaves, setting the woods on fire. The sky is a thick, cold gauze – but there’s a soup special at the Waffle House downtown, and the Jack Parsons show […]

Reading Moby-Dick at 30,000 Feet by Tony Hoagland

At this height, Kansas is just a concept, a checkerboard design of wheat and corn no larger than the foldout section of my neighbor’s travel magazine. At this stage of the journey I would estimate the distance between myself and my own feelings is roughly the same as the mileage from Seattle to New York, […]

Quiet by Tony Hoagland

Prolonged exposure to death Has made my friend quieter. Now his nose is less like a hatchet And more like a snuffler. Flames don’t erupt from his mouth anymore And life doesn’t crack his thermometer. Instead of overthrowing the government He reads fly-fishing catalogues And takes photographs of water. An aphorist would say The horns […]

Note to Reality by Tony Hoagland

Without even knowing it, I have believed in you for a long time. When I looked at my blood under a microscope I could see truth multiplying over and over. —Not police sirens, nor history books, not stage-three lymphoma persuaded me but your honeycombs and beetles; the dry blond fascicles of grass thrust up above […]

National Trust by Tony Harrison

National Trust by Tony Harrison Bottomless pits. There’s on in Castleton, and stout upholders of our law and order one day thought its depth worth wagering on and borrowed a convict hush-hush from his warder and winched him down; and back, flayed, grey, mad, dumb. Not even a good flogging made him holler! O gentlemen, […]

Memory As a Hearing Aid by Tony Hoagland

Somewhere, someone is asking a question, and I stand squinting at the classroom with one hand cupped behind my ear, trying to figure out where that voice is coming from. I might be already an old man, attempting to recall the night his hearing got misplaced, front-row-center at a battle of the bands, where a […]

Marked with D. by Tony Harrison

Marked with D. by Tony Harrison When the chilled dough of his flesh went in an oven not unlike those he fuelled all his life, I thought of his cataracts ablaze with Heaven and radiant with the sight of his dead wife, light streaming from his mouth to shape her name, ‘not Florence and not […]

Lucky by Tony Hoagland

If you are lucky in this life, you will get to help your enemy the way I got to help my mother when she was weakened past the point of saying no. Into the big enamel tub half-filled with water which I had made just right, I lowered the childish skeleton she had become. Her […]

Long Distance II by Tony Harrison

Long Distance II by Tony Harrison Though my mother was already two years dead Dad kept her slippers warming by the gas, put hot water bottles her side of the bed and still went to renew her transport pass. You couldn’t just drop in. You had to phone. He’d put you off an hour to […]

Long Distance I by Tony Harrison

Long Distance I by Tony Harrison Your bed’s got two wrong sides. You life’s all grouse. I let your phone-call take its dismal course: Ah can’t stand it no more, this empty house! Carrots choke us wi’out your mam’s white sauce! Them sweets you brought me, you can have ’em back. Ah’m diabetic now. Got […]

Jet by Tony Hoagland

Sometimes I wish I were still out on the back porch, drinking jet fuel with the boys, getting louder and louder as the empty cans drop out of our paws like booster rockets falling back to Earth and we soar up into the summer stars. Summer. The big sky river rushes overhead, bearing asteroids and […]

Tony Harrison – Tony Harrison

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In Praise of Their Divorce by Tony Hoagland

And when I heard about the divorce of my friends, I couldn’t help but be proud of them, that man and that woman setting off in different directions, like pilgrims in a proverb —him to buy his very own toaster oven, her seeking a prescription for sleeping pills. Let us keep in mind the hidden […]

I Have News For You by Tony Hoagland

There are people who do not see a broken playground swing as a symbol of ruined childhood and there are people who don’t interpret the behavior of a fly in a motel room as a mocking representation of their thought process. There are people who don’t walk past an empty swimming pool and think about […]

Heredity by Tony Harrison

Heredity by Tony Harrison How you became a poet’s a mystery! Wherever did you get your talent from? I say: I had two uncles, Joe and Harry- one was a stammerer, the other dumb. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. Poems by topic and subject. Poetry Monster — […]

Grammar by Tony Hoagland

Maxine, back from a weekend with her boyfriend, smiles like a big cat and says that she’s a conjugated verb. She’s been doing the direct object with a second person pronoun named Phil, and when she walks into the room, everybody turns: some kind of light is coming from her head. Even the geraniums look […]

Don’t Tell Anyone by Tony Hoagland

We had been married for six or seven years when my wife, standing in the kitchen one afternoon, told me that she screams underwater when she swims— that, in fact, she has been screaming for years into the blue chlorinated water of the community pool where she does laps every other day. Buttering her toast, […]

Disappointment by Tony Hoagland

I was feeling pretty religious standing on the bridge in my winter coat looking down at the gray water: the sharp little waves dusted with snow, fish in their tin armor. That’s what I like about disappointment: the way it slows you down, when the querulous insistent chatter of desire goes dead calm and the […]

Coming and Going by Tony Hoagland

My marriage ended in an airport long ago. I was not wise enough to cry while looking for my car, walking through the underground garage; jets were roaring overhead, and if I had been wise I would have looked up at those heavy-bellied cylinders and seen the wheelchairs and the frightened dogs inside; the kidneys […]

Book Ends by Tony Harrison

Book Ends by Tony Harrison I Baked the day she suddenly dropped dead we chew it slowly that last apple pie. Shocked into sleeplessness you’re scared of bed. We never could talk much, and now don’t try. You’re like book ends, the pair of you, she’d say, Hog that grate, say nothing, sit, sleep, stare… […]

Big Grab by Tony Hoagland

The corn chip engineer gets a bright idea, and talks to the corn chip executive and six months later at the factory they begin subtracting a few chips from every bag, but they still call it on the outside wrapper, The Big Grab, so the concept of Big is quietly modified to mean More or […]