Bible Study by Tony Hoagland

Who would have imagined that I would have to go a million miles away from the place where I was born to find people who would love me? And that I would go that distance and that I would find those people? In the dream JoAnne was showing me how much arm to amputate if […]

Beauty by Tony Hoagland

When the medication she was taking caused tiny vessels in her face to break, leaving faint but permanent blue stitches in her cheeks, my sister said she knew she would never be beautiful again. After all those years of watching her reflection in the mirror, sucking in her stomach and standing straight, she said it […]

At the Galleria Shopping Mall by Tony Hoagland

Just past the bin of pastel baby socks and underwear, there are some 49-dollar Chinese-made TVs; one of them singing news about a far-off war, one comparing the breast size of an actress from Hollywood to the breast size of an actress from Bollywood. And here is my niece Lucinda, who is nine and a […]

America by Tony Hoagland

Then one of the students with blue hair and a tongue stud Says that America is for him a maximum-security prison Whose walls are made of RadioShacks and Burger Kings, and MTV episodes Where you can’t tell the show from the commercials, And as I consider how to express how full of shit I think […]

A Color of the Sky by Tony Hoagland

Windy today and I feel less than brilliant, driving over the hills from work. There are the dark parts on the road when you pass through clumps of wood and the bright spots where you have a view of the ocean, but that doesn’t make the road an allegory. I should call Marie and apologize […]

To His Mistress In Absence by Torquato Tasso

FAR from thy dearest self, the scope Of all my aims, I waste in secret flames; And only live because I hope. O when will Fate restore The joys, in whose bright fire My expectation shall expire, That I may live because I hope no more! ————— The End And that’s the End of the […]

“What weeping, or what dewfall,” by Torquato Tasso

What weeping, or what dewfall, Whose then were those tears, Flung from night’s cloak, I saw, And the white face of the stars? Why was the white moon sowing A pure cloud’s crystal mass In the lap of fresh new grass? Why were the winds heard, blowing, Through the dark air, round and round, Till […]

“Once we were happy” by Torquato Tasso

Once we were happy, I Loving and beloved, You loved and loving, sweetly moved. Then you became the enemy Of love, and I to disdain Found youthful passion change. Disdain demands I speak, Disdain, that in my breast Keeps the shame of my neglected offering fresh: And from your laurel Tears the leaves, now dry, […]

“O you, far colder, whiter” by Torquato Tasso

O you, far colder, whiter Than she who makes less fair The stars with shining there: Her purest silver cannot dim Nor any cloud, or rain or wind, Your sweet brightness, lovely eyes. Would you but turn to me, with delight, I should be happy, and my life a dream. ————— The End And that’s […]

“Life of my life, you seem to me” by Torquato Tasso

Life of my life, you seem to me Like some pallid olive tree Or the faded rose I see: Nor do you lack beauty, But pleasing in every way to me, In shyness or in flattery, Whether you follow me or flee, Consume, destroy me softly. ————— The End And that’s the End of the […]

“Hedge, that divides the lovely” by Torquato Tasso

Hedge, that divides the lovely Garden, and myself from me, Never in you so fair a rose I see As she who is my lady, Loving, sweet and holy: Who as I stretch my hand to you Presses it, so softly, too. ————— The End And that’s the End of the Poem © Poetry Monster, 2021. […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 06 – part 07 by Torquato Tasso

LXXXV “Or else my tender bosom opened wide, And heart though pierced with his cruel blade, The bloody weapon in my wounded side Might cure the wound which love before had made; Then should my soul in rest and quiet slide Down to the valleys of the Elysian shade, And my mishap the knight perchance […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 06 – part 06 by Torquato Tasso

LXXI “O spotless virgin,” Honor thus began, “That my true lore observed firmly hast, When with thy foes thou didst in bondage won, Remember then I kept thee pure and chaste, At liberty now, where wouldest thou run, To lay that field of princely virtue waste, Or lost that jewel ladies hold so dear? Is […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 06 – part 05 by Torquato Tasso

LVII He honored her, served her, and leave her gave, And willed her go whither and when she list, Her gold and jewels had he care to save, And them restored all, she nothing missed, She, that beheld this youth and person brave, When, by this deed, his noble mind she wist, Laid ope her […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 06 – part 03 by Torquato Tasso

XXIX This youth was one of those, who late desired With that vain-glorious boaster to have fought, But Tancred chosen, he and all retired; Now when his slackness he awhile admired, And saw elsewhere employed was his thought, Nor that to just, though chosen, once he proffered, He boldly took that fit occasion offered. XXX […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 06 – part 02 by Torquato Tasso

XV “Say that a knight, who holds in great disdain To be thus closed up in secret new, Will with his sword in open field maintain, If any dare deny his words for true, That no devotion, as they falsely feign, Hath moved the French these countries to subdue; But vile ambition, and pride’s hateful […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 04 – part 04 by Torquato Tasso

XLIX “Three times the shape of my dear mother came, Pale, sad, dismayed, to warn me in my, Alas, how far from the same Whose eyes shone erst like Titan’s glorious beam: `Daughter,’ she says, `fly, fly, behold thy dame Foreshows the treasons of thy wretched eame, Who poison gainst thy harmless life provides:’ This […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 04 – part 03 by Torquato Tasso

XXXIII Thus passed she, praised, wished, and wondered at, Among the troops who there encamped lay, She smiled for, but well dissembled that, Her greedy eye chose out her wished prey; On all her gestures seeming sat, Toward the imperial tent she asked the way: With that she met a bold and lovesome knight, Lord […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 04 – part 01 by Torquato Tasso

THE ARGUMENT. Satan his fiends and assembleth all, And sends them forth to work the Christians woe, False Hidraort their aid from hell doth call, And sends Armida to entrap his foe: She tells her birth, her fortune, and her fall, Asks aid, allures and wins the worthies so That they consent her enterprise to […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 03 – part 05 by Torquato Tasso

LXI “Presages, ah too true:” with that a space He sighed for grief, then said, “Fain would I know The man in red, with such a knightly grace, A worthy lord he seemeth by his show, How like to Godfrey looks he in the face, How like in person! but some-deal more low.” “Baldwin,” quoth […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 03 – part 04 by Torquato Tasso

XLVI Three times he strove to view Heaven’s golden ray, And raised him on his feeble elbow thrice, And thrice he tumbled on the lowly lay, And three times closed again his dying eyes, He speaks no word, yet makes his signs to pray; He sighs, he faints, he groans, and then he dies; Argantes […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 03 – part 03 by Torquato Tasso

XXXI The villain flies, he, full of rage and ire, Pursues, she stood and wondered on them both, But yet to follow them showed no desire, To stray so far she would perchance be loth, But quickly turned her, fierce as flaming fire, And on her foes wreaked her anger wroth, On every side she […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 07 by Torquato Tasso

LXXXVI “But if our sins us of his help deprive, Of his high justice let no mercy fall; Yet should our deaths us some contentment give, To die, where Christ received his burial, So might we die, not envying them that live; So would we die, not unrevenged all: Nor Turks, nor Christians, if we […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 06 by Torquato Tasso

LXVI “True labour in the vineyard of thy Lord, Ere prime thou hast the imposed day-work done, What armies conquered, perished with thy sword? What cities sacked? what kingdoms hast thou won? All ears are mazed while tongues thine acts record, Hands quake for fear, all feet for dread do run, And though no realms […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 05 by Torquato Tasso

XLVI “Sir King,” quoth she, “my name Clorinda hight, My fame perchance has pierced your ears ere now, I come to try my wonted power and might, And will defend this land, this town, and you, All hard assays esteem I eath and light, Great acts I reach to, to small things I bow, To […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 04 by Torquato Tasso

XXXI Thus spake the nymph, yet spake but to the wind, She could not alter his well-settled thought; O miracle! O strife of wondrous kind! Where love and virtue such contention wrought, Where death the victor had for meed assigned; Their own neglect, each other’s safety sought; But thus the king was more provoked to […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 03 by Torquato Tasso

XXI It was amazement, wonder and delight, Although not love, that moved his cruel sense; “Tell on,” quoth he, “unfold the chance aright, Thy people’s lives I grant for recompense.” Then she, “Behold the faultier here in sight, This hand committed that supposed offence, I took the image, mine that fault, that fact, Mine be […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 02 by Torquato Tasso

XI But when the angry king discovered not What guilty hand this sacrilege had wrought, His ireful courage boiled in vengeance hot Against the Christians, whom he falters thought; All ruth, compassion, mercy he forgot, A staff to beat that dog he long had sought, “Let them all die,” quoth he, “kill great and small, […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 02 – part 01 by Torquato Tasso

THE ARGUMENT. Ismeno conjures, but his charms are vain; Aladine will kill the Christians in his ire: Sophronia and Olindo would be slain To save the rest, the King grants their desire; Clorinda hears their fact and fortunes plain, Their pardon gets and keeps them from the fire: Argantes, when Aletes’ speeches are Despised, defies […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 01 – part 07 by Torquato Tasso

LXXXVI “I see,” quoth he, “some expectation vain, In these false Christians, and some new content, Our common loss they trust will be their gain, They laugh, we weep; they joy while we lament; And more, perchance, by treason or by train, To murder us they secretly consent, Or otherwise to work us harm and […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 01 – part 06 by Torquato Tasso

LXXI Aurora bright her crystal gates unbarred, And bridegroom-like forth stept the glorious sun, When trumpets loud and clarions shrill were heard, And every one to rouse him fierce begun, Sweet music to each heart for war prepared, The soldiers glad by heaps to harness run; So if with drought endangered be their grain, Poor […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 01 – part 03 by Torquato Tasso

XXVI “Turks, Persians conquered, Antiochia won, Be glorious acts, and full of glorious praise, By Heaven’s mere grace, not by our prowess done: Those conquests were achieved by wondrous ways, If now from that directed course we run The God of Battles thus before us lays, His loving kindness shall we lose, I doubt, And […]

Jerusalem Delivered – Book 01 – part 01 by Torquato Tasso

THE ARGUMENT. God sends his angel to Tortosa down, Godfrey unites the Christian Peers and Knights; And all the Lords and Princes of renown Choose him their Duke, to rule the wares and fights. He mustereth all his host, whose number known, He sends them to the fort that Sion hights; The aged tyrant Juda’s […]

Io v’amo sol perche (I Love You Simply Because) by Torquato Tasso

Io v’amo sol perchè voi siete bella, e perchè vuol mia stella, non ch’io speri da voi, dolce mio bene, altro che pene. E se talor gli occhi miei mostrate aver qualche pietate, io non spero da voi del pianger tanto altro che pianto. Nè, perchè udite i miei sospiri ardenti che per voi sprago […]

Io v’amo sol perche (I Love You Simply Because) by Torquato Tasso

Io v’amo sol perchè voi siete bella, e perchè vuol mia stella, non ch’io speri da voi, dolce mio bene, altro che pene. E se talor gli occhi miei mostrate aver qualche pietate, io non spero da voi del pianger tanto altro che pianto. Nè, perchè udite i miei sospiri ardenti che per voi sprago […]

Ecco Mormorar L’onde (Now The Waves Murmur) by Torquato Tasso

Ecco mormorar l’onde, E tremolar le fronde A l’aura mattutina, e gli arboscelli, E sovra i verdi rami i vaghi augelli Cantar soavemente, E rider l’Oriente; Ecco già l’alba appare, E si specchia nel mare, E rasserena il cielo, E le campagne imperla il dolce gelo, E gli alti monti indora: O bella e vaga […]

Vegetable Swallow by Tristan Tzara

Vegetable Swallow by Tristan Tzara two smiles meet towards the child-wheel of my zeal the bloody baggage of creatures made flesh in physical legends-lives the nimble stags storms cloud over rain falls under the scissors of the dark hairdresser-furiously swimming under the clashing arpeggios in the machine’s sap grass grows around with sharp eyes here […]

To Make A Dadist Poem by Tristan Tzara

To Make A Dadist Poem by Tristan Tzara Take a newspaper. Take some scissors. Choose from this paper an article the length you want to make your poem. Cut out the article. Next carefully cut out each of the words that make up this article and put them all in a bag. Shake gently. Next […]

The Last Breath of a Ship by Tri Tran

Salty nights blazed in my homeland, Vietnam, a crimson galaxy, melting. Blood and tears flooded within my tiny universe, While bombs exploded within my wailing soul. Tiny corpuscles, like aimless sailboats, On their way to find peace and freedom, Veins and arteries,like homeless cobras, Weaving from my head to my feet, seeking joy. Crimson stars, […]

The Great Lament Of My Obscurity Three by Tristan Tzara

The Great Lament Of My Obscurity Three by Tristan Tzara where we live the flowers of the clocks catch fire and the plumes encircle the brightness in the distant sulphur morning the cows lick the salt lilies my son my son let us always shuffle through the colour of the world which looks bluer than […]