Lunar Eclipse by Satish Verma

Turn the corner and you will find, some dark figures huddled together under the rains of words. In a fractured embrace. One chunk of floating pain falls on you. The assassin had come quietly.  A song was knifed today.  Turn off the lights. A smeared moon will rise tonight in earth’s shadow. Now hashish eaters were coming, now hashish eaters. Unnoticed, disconnected, stinging. From olive to […]

Live Baits by Satish Verma

An autopsy was being conducted with brutality to silence the rising dialogue, pulling out the lethal crunch of scripted history. You want the kiss of a parting grain. A secondhand face crops up in a newspaper. Are you ashamed of curtains? They have covered all the skeletons. The tangerines, why do I remember them like […]

Listening To Rwanda Genocide by Satish Verma

In your azure eyes I was teaching myself: how to drown. What a nodal agency to receive the award.  The ailing moon will not come to my rescue. The seized cloud had failed to cry –  embarrassing the sidewalks. An unfathomable legend. A bloated name becomes the mother of rapes.  At stake were all the crutches. The tribal stain had a stark reality. The basic instinct, walks […]

INTO THE LAIR by Satish Verma

Would not wear the seasoned face. Eye for eye blasting the truth. The path becomes the tunnel. Unending, in pain of speech at the expense of ethics. Under the fingernails they start interbreeding the ideas, crimnalizing the upright past. A vultured darkness descends on the raped bed. The great seduction of moon had triumphed. Satish […]

Intimidation by Satish Verma

A chilled moon was standing between the lovers and night was cruising around to extract the blood of a hangman.  You want to go back and talk to old house for selling the dreams again. When the body ends, the hunger lives in another eye. Let me break the cycle and become fodder of a thought.  Layer up layer aching in half-sleep brings the frozen […]

In Transit by Satish Verma

A blind spot was clinging on to earth. Point of entry had an eye against eye.  obsidian falls unshaved. The guilt of dawn was palpable. A nimbus surrounds the pain.  A microdrone takes on the spider. Diffusion of hydrogen sulfide starts. Don’t break the window.  Through my love, I touch you on face with ashen fingers. I step out from the hawk’s talons into the prophecy. Satish […]

In Thoughtless Mind by Satish Verma

That fleeting incandescence was branded witch in grotto of a cloud. For the first time I saw your face in water.  You said this is manic depression talking to flowers and seeing a bizarre apparition in dark blue sky.  What was the thing called arrival? Every moment a truth dies before your eyes.  Between laughter and tears I touch your eyes. Is that real? And your brown […]

In Abeyance by Satish Verma

Take my body for sail, my wings to fly. I am trying to find out the meaning of a drop.  The point man was taking aim. There was no culpability. I asked, what was the need to know the verdict of a rape?  The bed always suffers. The secret of a muse overturns a disaster. In insane sky a beleaguered moon was taking a […]

In a Sombre Mood by Satish Verma

Are you sure after the sunset the hunger will find the mouths in black alley?  I go to my ailing land. Stand on a mass grave. No faces, No names.  Brother, I am not bickering I am listing on my fingers.  Was it possible that we could count the virgins in the town?  Mudslinging starts. Who was not corrupt? The prevailing conjugation. How […]

Impresa by Satish Verma

In culture of counterfeits a snip of intelligent gene brings the pink tears for the brown eyes.  A virgin goes for a spade in the naked sun. Let me think of polymorphism. Can there be an answer-  for oblique questions? Can this tottering frame live? Life can still stalk the death and stand for the body in the sack?  Fielding the enquiry about race […]

Immaculacy by Satish Verma

Consensual drop. White bougainvilleas were falling on green eyes, as I climb the sun.  Not a loss. The seeds will carry an image of a fallen hero on the hairy chest of a spilled sperm-  into the rippled lake of a crowd chanting the enemy’s death. The heritage of corrupt state will bury the memorial of a honeycomb.  Do you hear a meltdown of an ululating monk? A piercing […]

I Begin To Think by Satish Verma

Abdicating the shadows; totemic. I return back to dig up the buried- moon from the ruins of poetry.  It benumbs. No response was coming from cajoling the black secrets- of time-cast.  A storm was raging in a pack of emptiness. Like a dead fly between the pages of skulls. I couldn’t find the exact words.  The religion of wish-lists. Can you find the end of […]

Hurting Dive by Satish Verma

As if pruning was not enough. After severance from the peak, the ladder was becoming aloof and murky.  Acid burn on the day of breaking confidentiality. An imperfect mirror was wiping out the cloud, all night.  You are going to take on the starless sky. A moon was left out in the stillness of black sheen. You are now poking at the globes.  Give […]

Homing by Satish Verma

Like each dropp of your humbleness engulfing my urbanite woes; the graffiti emerges in tender grace to resurrect a windmill.  My spirit, the abode of small birds carrying the sunset on its back was returning home for the final- sleep in the lap of twilight.  When autumn comes and crippled, brown leaves start falling, I will set the birds free in the winds to […]

Pandering by Satish Verma

In a haunting trove -; there was a synthetic insanity. I asked the moon to scan the chest.  Fever was rising. You eject your eyes in a bowl of silver to read the lines of money.  A stark effect overwhelms the spectrum, like the components of a booty, to be digested for deep flaws of society.  I should, if I could rip open the zipped […]

Holding On by Satish Verma

Bounty of landfall. I am collecting your berries.  The castle has connived with the moat to end an era.  The first step ends the journey. An avatar has accepted the bribe.  Gather the tents and return the sky. My morale is sinking very low.  The dream will wash the eyes to read the book again. Satish Verma Poetry In

OPTIONS by Satish Verma

Enemy was within; invisible, biting into iris.  Sea was asking, would you like to sign on my waves?  I was carrying the relics. Body wants to take revenge.  Lifting a kiss from your lips. O my death,  I am living again; changing the clothes.  A swarm of honey bees was decending, near a volcano. Satish Verma Poetry In

OFF-LIMITS by Satish Verma

There was a soul-searching after a negative assassination tearing my past, my future. Beneath the burden lies the mountain of bail-outs. You don’t feel whole in shadows of countings. The borders were breached for lavish darkness alive under the full moon. Was it a flight risk in a swan lake, when you were taking a […]

Oblivion by Satish Verma

A cutaneous drip. The young moon drinks the dew unbuttoning a rose.  A fierce wind rubs against the golden triangle to invite a violet sting.  Eyes armed with green thumbs go for a swim in rage. The lake unloosens a blood moon.  No inscense will rise from the tomb of a lover, unless he dies with a style.  Crossing the gray lines, I will […]

O You by Satish Verma

A monster from a tree jumps and runs around the bushes to mate.  A blank statement is issued. The system groans and collective pshyche fails.  A stark silence for the food for thoughts. I sit down to meditate-  to find the bloody answer for white death. The dirty work to sweep the floor.  It smells like an amputated leg. Do we need to draw a […]

NIGHT RAID by Satish Verma

It was night sin of domesticity. Dyed, I am loading the white secret of pain in the hollow of a mayhem. Till every blunder takes a downward flight striping the outsized image of a kill. His flames are now singeing the eyebrows of angels. His foes have entered the compound. The black was alluringly looped […]

Night Light by Satish Verma

That cameo was my secret grief. He will make you sing, the hooded moon.  Not a sacred thing Kissing the toes of a traveller for fecundity.  In doorway it was between us and them for bargaining for Dahlias.  Lips unkissed will call for honey from bees. Eyes will srarch for a candle.  In alien land of flames and tumultuous desires, the golden breasts will take […]

Muttering by Satish Verma

Miranda: talk to your restive soul, elementally abstract.  Home – was minimal comfort, for the flying birds.  Clock, to explode today on your face.  You were eying the bride, in turbulent sky.  Who had brought the moon at Agave’s feet? Satish Verma Poetry In

MOURNING by Satish Verma

Throw a nude at him and he will make it a weapon- to rape a moon. Becomes a study to flaunt the dipping sun.  Not mature enough to follow the hanging valley. Going nowhere. The black sky was immaculately blameless.  This is the destiny of charred words. Untouchable now like a violence from a dew drop. I will not wipe out the dust from the bleary eyes […]

Moony Affair by Satish Verma

I take you in my arms. O moon. Crazed. You have become a muse of a dervish. I hear the noises. Inside. Beyond perception. I could have swapped with you. My rage. My skin. My solitary inside. Becoming a dagger into your heart jumping. Never falling you said. The evergreens. I have again failed.The crops. Standing, on the river. Not crossing the bridge. […]

Monument by Satish Verma

A pithy moon climbs on a skull to unmask the alien, blacker than coal.  A pregnancy reduction was needed to prune out the motor plan of the moving target, who had-  a neural circuitry for obstructing the light. Can you transcend a prude who will not accept a celibate?  Not so sad, a beautiful face abandons the darkness. Satish Verma Poetry In

Metaphysical View by Satish Verma

Sitting between the knees, I am being bathed by intense anxiety and fear of harsh light.  A canopy of doubts confronts the dignity versus anarchy for a watchman who will not dare open-  the vault of truth. A fatal ire of imagination puts him to dire need of salvation.  Was I moving from the wrong side of history in my zodiac to change the […]

MANY NAMESAKES by Satish Verma

Boots in air an elite brain hangs out from the tall tears. It does not search an exit. Time moves out with a murder in eyes. Leading a spartan life in a lair, in tune with absolutely zilch. A sexy mouth mimes for a glittering tree. Parakeets were coming in swarms. Can you believe, he […]

Lying on a Slab by Satish Verma

Belly crawl after a dance. Carnivores were ready to jump on flesh.  That underground beauty still believes in battle of flowers –  skirting the hills. I am at loss of words, to describe the burial –  of a strongman. Misreading a child god, he still posits a human clause.  Darkness challenges the rival. Death for a believer of a spiteful cult.  Into the hole, a […]

Lunar Eclipse by Satish Verma

Turn the corner and you will find, some dark figures huddled together under the rains of words. In a fractured embrace. One chunk of floating pain falls on you. The assassin had come quietly.  A song was knifed today.  Turn off the lights. A smeared moon will rise tonight in earth’s shadow. Now hashish eaters were coming, now hashish eaters. Unnoticed, disconnected, stinging. From olive to […]

Live Baits by Satish Verma

An autopsy was being conducted with brutality to silence the rising dialogue, pulling out the lethal crunch of scripted history. You want the kiss of a parting grain. A secondhand face crops up in a newspaper. Are you ashamed of curtains? They have covered all the skeletons. The tangerines, why do I remember them like […]

Listening To Rwanda Genocide by Satish Verma

In your azure eyes I was teaching myself: how to drown. What a nodal agency to receive the award.  The ailing moon will not come to my rescue. The seized cloud had failed to cry –  embarrassing the sidewalks. An unfathomable legend. A bloated name becomes the mother of rapes.  At stake were all the crutches. The tribal stain had a stark reality. The basic instinct, walks […]

INTO THE LAIR by Satish Verma

Would not wear the seasoned face. Eye for eye blasting the truth. The path becomes the tunnel. Unending, in pain of speech at the expense of ethics. Under the fingernails they start interbreeding the ideas, crimnalizing the upright past. A vultured darkness descends on the raped bed. The great seduction of moon had triumphed. Satish […]

Intimidation by Satish Verma

A chilled moon was standing between the lovers and night was cruising around to extract the blood of a hangman.  You want to go back and talk to old house for selling the dreams again. When the body ends, the hunger lives in another eye. Let me break the cycle and become fodder of a thought.  Layer up layer aching in half-sleep brings the frozen […]

In Transit by Satish Verma

A blind spot was clinging on to earth. Point of entry had an eye against eye.  obsidian falls unshaved. The guilt of dawn was palpable. A nimbus surrounds the pain.  A microdrone takes on the spider. Diffusion of hydrogen sulfide starts. Don’t break the window.  Through my love, I touch you on face with ashen fingers. I step out from the hawk’s talons into the prophecy. Satish […]

In Thoughtless Mind by Satish Verma

That fleeting incandescence was branded witch in grotto of a cloud. For the first time I saw your face in water.  You said this is manic depression talking to flowers and seeing a bizarre apparition in dark blue sky.  What was the thing called arrival? Every moment a truth dies before your eyes.  Between laughter and tears I touch your eyes. Is that real? And your brown […]

In Abeyance by Satish Verma

Take my body for sail, my wings to fly. I am trying to find out the meaning of a drop.  The point man was taking aim. There was no culpability. I asked, what was the need to know the verdict of a rape?  The bed always suffers. The secret of a muse overturns a disaster. In insane sky a beleaguered moon was taking a […]

In a Sombre Mood by Satish Verma

Are you sure after the sunset the hunger will find the mouths in black alley?  I go to my ailing land. Stand on a mass grave. No faces, No names.  Brother, I am not bickering I am listing on my fingers.  Was it possible that we could count the virgins in the town?  Mudslinging starts. Who was not corrupt? The prevailing conjugation. How […]

Impresa by Satish Verma

In culture of counterfeits a snip of intelligent gene brings the pink tears for the brown eyes.  A virgin goes for a spade in the naked sun. Let me think of polymorphism. Can there be an answer-  for oblique questions? Can this tottering frame live? Life can still stalk the death and stand for the body in the sack?  Fielding the enquiry about race […]

Immaculacy by Satish Verma

Consensual drop. White bougainvilleas were falling on green eyes, as I climb the sun.  Not a loss. The seeds will carry an image of a fallen hero on the hairy chest of a spilled sperm-  into the rippled lake of a crowd chanting the enemy’s death. The heritage of corrupt state will bury the memorial of a honeycomb.  Do you hear a meltdown of an ululating monk? A piercing […]