Robert Burns: Raving Winds Around Her Blowing: I composed these verses on Miss Isabella M’Leod of Raza, alluding to her feelings on the death of her sister, and the still more melancholy death of her sister’s husband, the late Earl of Loudoun, who shot himself out of sheer heart-break at some mortifications he suffered, owing to the deranged state of his finances.-R.B., 1971.

Raving Winds Around Her Blowing I composed these verses on Miss Isabella M’Leod of Raza, alluding to her feelings on the death of her sister, and the still more melancholy death of her sister’s husband, the late Earl of Loudoun, who shot himself out of sheer heart-break at some mortifications he suffered, owing to the […]

Robert Burns: My Hoggie:

My Hoggie   1788 Type: song What will I do gin my Hoggie die? My joy, my pride, my Hoggie! My only beast, I had nae mae, And vow but I was vogie! The lee-lang night we watch’d the fauld, Me and my faithfu’ doggie; We heard nocht but the roaring linn, Amang the braes […]

Robert Burns: Stay My Charmer:

Stay My Charmer   1788 Type: Song Tune: An gille dubh ciar-dhubh. Stay my charmer, can you leave me? Cruel, cruel to deceive me; Well you know how much you grieve me; Cruel charmer, can you go! Cruel charmer, can you go! By my love so ill-requited, By the faith you fondly plighted, By the […]

Robert Burns: M’Pherson’s Farewell:

M’Pherson’s Farewell   1788 Type: Song Tune: M’Pherson’s Rant. Farewell, ye dungeons dark and strong, The wretch’s destinie! M’Pherson’s time will not be long On yonder gallows-tree. Chorus.-Sae rantingly, sae wantonly, Sae dauntingly gaed he; He play’d a spring, and danc’d it round, Below the gallows-tree. O, what is death but parting breath? On many […]

Robert Burns: To The Weavers Gin Ye Go:

To The Weavers Gin Ye Go   1788 Type: Poem My heart was ance as blithe and free As simmer days were lang; But a bonie, westlin weaver lad Has gart me change my sang. Chorus.-To the weaver’s gin ye go, fair maids, To the weaver’s gin ye go; I rede you right, gang ne’er […]

Robert Burns: I’m O’er Young To Marry Yet:

I’m O’er Young To Marry Yet   1788 Type: Poem Chorus.-I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young, I’m o’er young to marry yet; I’m o’er young, ‘twad be a sin To tak me frae my mammy yet. I am my mammny’s ae bairn, Wi’ unco folk I weary, sir; And lying in a man’s bed, I’m […]

Robert Burns: Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul:

Clarinda, Mistress Of My Soul   1788 Type: Poem Clarinda, mistres of my soul, The measur’d time is run! The wretch beneath the dreary pole So marks his latest sun. To what dark cave of frozen night Shall poor Sylvander hie; Depriv’d of thee, his life and light, The sun of all his joy? We […]

Robert Burns: Go On, Sweet Bird, And Sooth My Care:

Go On, Sweet Bird, And Sooth My Care   1788 Type: Poem For thee is laughing Nature gay, For thee she pours the vernal day; For me in vain is Nature drest, While Joy’s a stranger to my breast. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by […]

Robert Burns: Love In The Guise Of Friendship:

Love In The Guise Of Friendship   1788 Type: Poem Your friendship much can make me blest, O why that bliss destroy! Why urge the only, one request You know I will deny! Your thought, if Love must harbour there, Conceal it in that thought; Nor cause me from my bosom tear The very friend […]

Robert Burns: Sylvander To Clarinda: Extempore Reply to Verses addressed to the Author by a Lady, under the signature of “Clarinda” and entitled, On Burns saying he ‘had nothing else to do.’

Sylvander To Clarinda Extempore Reply to Verses addressed to the Author by a Lady, under the signature of “Clarinda” and entitled, On Burns saying he ‘had nothing else to do.’1787 Type: Poem When dear Clarinda, matchless fair, First struck Sylvander’s raptur’d view, He gaz’d, he listened to despair, Alas! ’twas all he dared to do. […]

Robert Burns: Birthday Ode For 31st December, 1787:

Birthday Ode For 31st December, 1787   1787 Type: Ode Afar the illustrious Exile roams, Whom kingdoms on this day should hail; An inmate in the casual shed, On transient pity’s bounty fed, Haunted by busy memory’s bitter tale! Beasts of the forest have their savage homes, But He, who should imperial purple wear, Owns […]

Robert Burns: The Young Highland Rover:

The Young Highland Rover   1787 Type: Song Tune: Morag. Loud blaw the frosty breezes, The snaws the mountains cover; Like winter on me seizes, Since my young Highland rover Far wanders nations over. Where’er he go, where’er he stray, May heaven be his warden; Return him safe to fair Strathspey, And bonie Castle-Gordon! The […]

Robert Burns: My Peggy’s Charms:

My Peggy’s Charms   1787 Type: Song Tune: Tha a’ chailleach ir mo dheigh. My Peggy’s face, my Peggy’s form, The frost of hermit Age might warm; My Peggy’s worth, my Peggy’s mind, Might charm the first of human kind. I love my Peggy’s angel air, Her face so truly heavenly fair, Her native grace, […]

Robert Burns: Braving Angry Winter’s Storms:

Braving Angry Winter’s Storms   1787 Type: Song Tune: Neil Gow’s Lament for Abercairny. Where, braving angry winter’s storms, The lofty Ochils rise, Far in their shade my Peggy’s charms First blest my wondering eyes; As one who by some savage stream A lonely gem surveys, Astonish’d, doubly marks it beam With art’s most polish’d […]

Robert Burns: The Banks Of The Devon:

The Banks Of The Devon   1787 Type: Song Tune: Bhanarach dhonn a’ chruidh. How pleasant the banks of the clear winding Devon, With green spreading bushes and flow’rs blooming fair! But the boniest flow’r on the banks of the Devon Was once a sweet bud on the braes of the Ayr. Mild be the […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph For Mr. W. Cruikshank:

Epitaph For Mr. W. Cruikshank   1787 Type: Epitaph Honest Will to Heaven’s away And mony shall lament him; His fau’ts they a’ in Latin lay, In English nane e’er kent them. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk:

A Rose-Bud By My Early Walk   1787 Type: Poem A Rose-bud by my early walk, Adown a corn-enclosed bawk, Sae gently bent its thorny stalk, All on a dewy morning. Ere twice the shades o’ dawn are fled, In a’ its crimson glory spread, And drooping rich the dewy head, It scents the early […]

Robert Burns: Blythe Was She:

Blythe Was She   1787 Type: Song Tune: Andro and his Cutty Gun. Chorus.-Blythe, blythe and merry was she, Blythe was she but and ben; Blythe by the banks of Earn, And blythe in Glenturit glen. By Oughtertyre grows the aik, On Yarrow banks the birken shaw; But Phemie was a bonier lass Than braes […]

Robert Burns: The Bonie Lass Of Albany:

The Bonie Lass Of Albany   1787 Type: Song Tune: Mary’s Dream. My heart is wae, and unco wae, To think upon the raging sea, That roars between her gardens green An’ the bonie Lass of Albany. This lovely maid’s of royal blood That ruled Albion’s kingdoms three, But oh, alas! for her bonie face, […]

Robert Burns: Theniel Menzies’ Bonie Mary:

Theniel Menzies’ Bonie Mary   1787 Type: Song Tune: The Ruffian’s Rant,” or “Roy’s Wife. In comin by the brig o’ Dye, At Darlet we a blink did tarry; As day was dawnin in the sky, We drank a health to bonie Mary. Chorus.-Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, Theniel Menzies’ bonie Mary, Charlie Grigor tint his […]

Robert Burns: Lady Onlie, Honest Lucky:

Lady Onlie, Honest Lucky   1787 Type: Song Tune: The Ruffian’s Rant. A’ The lads o’ Thorniebank, When they gae to the shore o’ Bucky, They’ll step in an’ tak a pint Wi’ Lady Onlie, honest Lucky. Chorus.-Lady Onlie, honest Lucky, Brews gude ale at shore o’ Bucky; I wish her sale for her gude […]

Robert Burns: Castle Gordon:

Castle Gordon   1787 Type: Poem Streams that glide in orient plains, Never bound by Winter’s chains; Glowing here on golden sands, There immix’d with foulest stains From Tyranny’s empurpled hands; These, their richly gleaming waves, I leave to tyrants and their slaves; Give me the stream that sweetly laves The banks by Castle Gordon. […]

Robert Burns: Strathallan’s Lament:

Strathallan’s Lament   1787 Type: Poem Thickest night, o’erhang my dwelling! Howling tempests, o’er me rave! Turbid torrents, wintry swelling, Roaring by my lonely cave! Crystal streamlets gently flowing, Busy haunts of base mankind, Western breezes softly blowing, Suit not my distracted mind. In the cause of Right engaged, Wrongs injurious to redress, Honour’s war […]

Robert Burns: Epigram On Parting With A Kind Host In The Highlands:

Epigram On Parting With A Kind Host In The Highlands   1787 Type: Epigram When Death’s dark stream I ferry o’er, A time that surely shall come, In Heav’n itself I’ll ask no more, Than just a Highland welcome. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by […]

Robert Burns: The Humble Petition Of Bruar Water: To the noble Duke of Athole.

The Humble Petition Of Bruar Water To the noble Duke of Athole.1787 Type: Poem My lord, I know your noble ear Woe ne’er assails in vain; Embolden’d thus, I beg you’ll hear Your humble slave complain, How saucy Phoebus’ scorching beams, In flaming summer-pride, Dry-withering, waste my foamy streams, And drink my crystal tide. The […]

Robert Burns: The Birks Of Aberfeldy:

The Birks Of Aberfeldy   1787 Type: Song Tune: The Birks of Abergeldie. Chorus.-Bonie lassie, will ye go, Will ye go, will ye go, Bonie lassie, will ye go To the birks of Aberfeldy! Now Simmer blinks on flowery braes, And o’er the crystal streamlets plays; Come let us spend the lightsome days, In the […]

Robert Burns: The Libeller’s Self-Reproof:

The Libeller’s Self-Reproof   1787 Type: Poem Rash mortal, and slanderous poet, thy name Shall no longer appear in the records of Fame; Dost not know that old Mansfield, who writes like the Bible, Says, the more ’tis a truth, sir, the more ’tis a libel! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry […]

Robert Burns: The Poet’s Reply To The Threat Of A Censorious Critic: My imprudent lines were answered, very petulantly, by somebody, I believe, a Rev. Mr. Hamilton. In a MS., where I met the answer, I wrote below:-

The Poet’s Reply To The Threat Of A Censorious Critic My imprudent lines were answered, very petulantly, by somebody, I believe, a Rev. Mr. Hamilton. In a MS., where I met the answer, I wrote below:-1787 Type: Reply With Esop’s lion, Burns says: Sore I feel Each other’s scorn, but damn that ass’ heel! ————- […]

Robert Burns: To Miss Ferrier: Enclosing the Elegy on Sir J. H. Blair.

To Miss Ferrier Enclosing the Elegy on Sir J. H. Blair.1787 Type: Poem Nae heathen name shall I prefix, Frae Pindus or Parnassus; Auld Reekie dings them a’ to sticks, For rhyme-inspiring lasses. Jove’s tunefu’ dochters three times three Made Homer deep their debtor; But, gien the body half an e’e, Nine Ferriers wad done […]

Robert Burns: Impromptu On Carron Iron Works:

Impromptu On Carron Iron Works   1787 Type: Impromptu We cam na here to view your warks, In hopes to be mair wise, But only, lest we gang to hell, It may be nae surprise: But when we tirl’d at your door Your porter dought na hear us; Sae may, shou’d we to Hell’s yetts […]

Robert Burns: Elegy On The Death Of Sir James Hunter Blair:

Elegy On The Death Of Sir James Hunter Blair   1787 Type: Elegy The lamp of day, with-ill presaging glare, Dim, cloudy, sank beneath the western wave; Th’ inconstant blast howl’d thro’ the dark’ning air, And hollow whistled in the rocky cave. Lone as I wander’d by each cliff and dell, Once the lov’d haunts […]

Robert Burns: Epigram To Miss Jean Scott:

Epigram To Miss Jean Scott   1787 Type: Epigram O had each Scot of ancient times Been, Jeanie Scott, as thou art; The bravest heart on English ground Had yielded like a coward. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the […]

Robert Burns: The Bard At Inverary:

The Bard At Inverary   1787 Type: Poem Whoe’er he be that sojourns here, I pity much his case, Unless he comes to wait upon The Lord their God, His Grace. There’s naething here but Highland pride, And Highland scab and hunger: If Providence has sent me here, ‘Twas surely in his anger. ————- Home […]

Robert Burns: Elegy On “Stella”: The following poem is the work of some hapless son of the Muses who deserved a better fate. There is a great deal of “The voice of Cona” in his solitary, mournful notes; and had the sentiments been clothed in Shenstone’s language, they would have been no discredit even to that elegant poet.-R.B.

Elegy On “Stella” The following poem is the work of some hapless son of the Muses who deserved a better fate. There is a great deal of “The voice of Cona” in his solitary, mournful notes; and had the sentiments been clothed in Shenstone’s language, they would have been no discredit even to that elegant […]