Robert Burns: Epitaph For Gavin Hamilton, Esq.:

Epitaph For Gavin Hamilton, Esq.   1786 Type: Epitaph The poor man weeps-here Gavin sleeps, Whom canting wretches blam’d; But with such as he, where’er he be, May I be sav’d or damn’d! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph For Robert Aiken, Esq.:

Epitaph For Robert Aiken, Esq.   1786 Type: Epitaph Know thou, O stranger to the fame Of this much lov’d, much honoured name! (For none that knew him need be told) A warmer heart death ne’er made cold. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author […]

Robert Burns: A Bard’s Epitaph:

A Bard’s Epitaph   1786 Type: Epitaph Is there a whim-inspired fool, Owre fast for thought, owre hot for rule, Owre blate to seek, owre proud to snool, Let him draw near; And owre this grassy heap sing dool, And drap a tear. Is there a bard of rustic song, Who, noteless, steals the crowds […]

Robert Burns: Farewell To Eliza:

Farewell To Eliza   1786 Type: Song Tune: Gilderoy. From thee, Eliza, I must go, And from my native shore; The cruel fates between us throw A boundless ocean’s roar: But boundless oceans, roaring wide, Between my love and me, They never, never can divide My heart and soul from thee. Farewell, farewell, Eliza dear, […]

Robert Burns: On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies:

On A Scotch Bard, Gone To The West Indies   1786 Type: Poem A’ ye wha live by sowps o’ drink, A’ ye wha live by crambo-clink, A’ ye wha live and never think, Come, mourn wi’ me! Our billie ‘s gien us a’ a jink, An’ owre the sea! Lament him a’ ye rantin […]

Robert Burns: The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James’ Lodge, Tarbolton:

The Farewell To the Brethren of St. James’ Lodge, Tarbolton   1786 Type: Song Tune: Guidnight, and joy be wi’ you a’. Adieu! a heart-warm fond adieu; Dear brothers of the mystic tie! Ye favoured, enlighten’d few, Companions of my social joy; Tho’ I to foreign lands must hie, Pursuing Fortune’s slidd’ry ba’; With melting […]

Robert Burns: Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline:

Versified Note To Dr. Mackenzie, Mauchline   1786 Type: Poem Friday first’s the day appointed By the Right Worshipful anointed, To hold our grand procession; To get a blad o’ Johnie’s morals, And taste a swatch o’ Manson’s barrels I’ the way of our profession. The Master and the Brotherhood Would a’ be glad to […]

Robert Burns: A Dedication : To Gavin Hamilton, Esq.

A Dedication To Gavin Hamilton, Esq.1786 Type: Poem Expect na, sir, in this narration, A fleechin, fleth’rin Dedication, To roose you up, an’ ca’ you guid, An’ sprung o’ great an’ noble bluid, Because ye’re surnam’d like His Grace- Perhaps related to the race: Then, when I’m tir’d-and sae are ye, Wi’ mony a fulsome, […]

Robert Burns: A Dream: Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason; But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason. On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode, with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee: and, in his dreaming fancy, made the following Address:

A Dream Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason; But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason. On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode, with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee: and, in his dreaming […]

Robert Burns: Address Of Beelzebub: To the Right Honourable the Earl of Breadalbane, President of the Right Honourable and Honourable the Highland Society, which met on the 23rd of May last at the Shakespeare, Covent Garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred Highlanders, who, as the Society were informed by Mr. M’Kenzie of Applecross, were so audacious as to attempt an escape from their lawful lords and masters whose property they were, by emigrating from the lands of Mr. Macdonald of Glengary to the wilds of Canada, in search of that fantastic thing-Liberty.

Address Of Beelzebub To the Right Honourable the Earl of Breadalbane, President of the Right Honourable and Honourable the Highland Society, which met on the 23rd of May last at the Shakespeare, Covent Garden, to concert ways and means to frustrate the designs of five hundred Highlanders, who, as the Society were informed by Mr. […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To A Young Friend:

Epistle To A Young Friend   1786 Type: Epistle I Lang hae thought, my youthfu’ friend, A something to have sent you, Tho’ it should serve nae ither end Than just a kind memento: But how the subject-theme may gang, Let time and chance determine; Perhaps it may turn out a sang: Perhaps turn out […]

Robert Burns: My Highland Lassie, O:

My Highland Lassie, O   1786 Type: Song Tune: The deuks dang o’er my daddy. Nae gentle dames, tho’ e’er sae fair, Shall ever be my muse’s care: Their titles a’ arc empty show; Gie me my Highland lassie, O. Chorus.-Within the glen sae bushy, O, Aboon the plain sae rashy, O, I set me […]

Robert Burns: Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?:

Will Ye Go To The Indies, My Mary?   1786 Type: Song Tune: Will ye go to the Ewe-Bughts, Marion. Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary, And leave auld Scotia’s shore? Will ye go to the Indies, my Mary, Across th’ Atlantic roar? O sweet grows the lime and the orange, And the […]

Robert Burns: Versified Reply To An Invitation:

Versified Reply To An Invitation   1786 Type: Reply Sir, Yours this moment I unseal, And faith I’m gay and hearty! To tell the truth and shame the deil, I am as fou as Bartie: But Foorsday, sir, my promise leal, Expect me o’ your partie, If on a beastie I can speel, Or hurl […]

Robert Burns: To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline,: Recommending a Boy.

To Gavin Hamilton, Esq., Mauchline, Recommending a Boy.1786 Type: Poem I hold it, sir, my bounden duty To warn you how that Master Tootie, Alias, Laird M’Gaun, Was here to hire yon lad away ‘Bout whom ye spak the tither day, An’ wad hae don’t aff han’; But lest he learn the callan tricks- An’ […]

Robert Burns: Despondency: An Ode:

Despondency: An Ode   1786 Type: Ode Oppress’d with grief, oppress’d with care, A burden more than I can bear, I set me down and sigh; O life! thou art a galling load, Along a rough, a weary road, To wretches such as I! Dim backward as I cast my view, What sick’ning scenes appear! […]

Robert Burns: Home.:

Home.   1786 Type: Poem O thou pale orb that silent shines While care-untroubled mortals sleep! Thou seest a wretch who inly pines. And wanders here to wail and weep! With woe I nightly vigils keep, Beneath thy wan, unwarming beam; And mourn, in lamentation deep, How life and love are all a dream! I […]

Robert Burns: The Lament: Occasioned by the unfortunate issue of a Friend’s Amour.

The Lament Occasioned by the unfortunate issue of a Friend’s Amour.1786 Type: Poem Alas! how oft does goodness would itself, And sweet affection prove the spring of woe! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of translating poetry  […]

Robert Burns: To Ruin:

To Ruin   1786 Type: Poem All hail! inexorable lord! At whose destruction-breathing word, The mightiest empires fall! Thy cruel, woe-delighted train, The ministers of grief and pain, A sullen welcome, all! With stern-resolv’d, despairing eye, I see each aimed dart; For one has cut my dearest tie, And quivers in my heart. Then low’ring, […]

Robert Burns: Ploughman’s Life, The:

Ploughman’s Life, The   1771-1779 Type: Poem As I was a-wand’ring ae morning in spring, I heard a young ploughman sae sweetly to sing; And as he was singin’, thir words he did say, – There’s nae life like the ploughman’s in the month o’ sweet May. The lav’rock in the morning she’ll rise frae […]

Robert Burns: Montgomerie’s Peggy:

Montgomerie’s Peggy   1771-1779 Type: Song Tune: Galla Water. Altho’ my bed were in yon muir, Amang the heather, in my plaidie; Yet happy, happy would I be, Had I my dear Montgomerie’s Peggy. When o’er the hill beat surly storms, And winter nights were dark and rainy; I’d seek some dell, and in my […]

Robert Burns: Third Epistle To J. Lapraik:

Third Epistle To J. Lapraik   1785 Type: Epistle Guid speed and furder to you, Johnie, Guid health, hale han’s, an’ weather bonie; Now, when ye’re nickin down fu’ cannie The staff o’ bread, May ye ne’er want a stoup o’ bran’y To clear your head. May Boreas never thresh your rigs, Nor kick your […]

Robert Burns: The Holy Fair:

The Holy Fair   1785 Type: Poem A robe of seeming truth and trust Hid crafty Observation; And secret hung, with poison’d crust, The dirk of Defamation: A mask that like the gorget show’d, Dye-varying on the pigeon; And for a mantle large and broad, He wrapt him in Religion. Hypocrisy A-La-Mode Upon a simmer […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To John Goldie, In Kilmarnock: Author Of The Gospel Recovered.

Epistle To John Goldie, In Kilmarnock Author Of The Gospel Recovered.1785 Type: Epistle O Gowdie, terror o’ the whigs, Dread o’ blackcoats and rev’rend wigs! Sour Bigotry, on her last legs, Girns an’ looks back, Wishing the ten Egyptian plagues May seize you quick. Poor gapin’, glowrin’ Superstition! Wae’s me, she’s in a sad condition: […]

Robert Burns: Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux:

Elegy On The Death Of Robert Ruisseaux   1785 Type: Elegy Now Robin lies in his last lair, He’ll gabble rhyme, nor sing nae mair; Cauld poverty, wi’ hungry stare, Nae mair shall fear him; Nor anxious fear, nor cankert care, E’er mair come near him. To tell the truth, they seldom fash’d him, Except […]

Robert Burns: Rantin’, Rovin’ Robin:

Rantin’, Rovin’ Robin   1785 Type: Song Tune: Daintie Davie. There was a lad was born in Kyle, But whatna day o’ whatna style, I doubt it’s hardly worth the while To be sae nice wi’ Robin. Chor. – Robin was a rovin’ boy, Rantin’, rovin’, rantin’, rovin’, Robin was a rovin’ boy, Rantin’, rovin’, […]

Robert Burns: Tho’ Cruel Fate Should Bid Us Part:

Tho’ Cruel Fate Should Bid Us Part   1785 Type: Song Tune: The Northern Lass Tho’ cruel fate should bid us part, Far as the pole and line, Her dear idea round my heart, Should tenderly entwine. Tho’ mountains, rise, and deserts howl, And oceans roar between; Yet, dearer than my deathless soul, I still […]

Robert Burns: One Night As I Did Wander:

One Night As I Did Wander   1785 Type: Song Tune: John Anderson, my jo. One night as I did wander, When corn begins to shoot, I sat me down to ponder Upon an auld tree root; Auld Ayr ran by before me, And bicker’d to the seas; A cushat crooded o’er me, That echoed […]

Robert Burns: Second Epistle To J. Lapraik:

Second Epistle To J. Lapraik   1785 Type: Epistle While new-ca’d kye rowte at the stake An’ pownies reek in pleugh or braik, This hour on e’enin’s edge I take, To own I’m debtor To honest-hearted, auld Lapraik, For his kind letter. Forjesket sair, with weary legs, Rattlin the corn out-owre the rigs, Or dealing […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To J. Lapraik, An Old Scottish Bard:

Epistle To J. Lapraik, An Old Scottish Bard   1785 Type: Epistle While briers an’ woodbines budding green, An’ paitricks scraichin loud at e’en, An’ morning poussie whiddin seen, Inspire my muse, This freedom, in an unknown frien’, I pray excuse. On Fasten-e’en we had a rockin, To ca’ the crack and weave our stockin; […]

Robert Burns: Death and Doctor Hornbook : A True Story

Death and Doctor Hornbook A True Story1785 Type: Poem Some books are lies frae end to end, And some great lies were never penn’d: Ev’n ministers they hae been kenn’d, In holy rapture, A rousing whid at times to vend, And nail’t wi’ Scripture. But this that I am gaun to tell, Which lately on […]

Robert Burns: Tarbolton Lasses, The:

Tarbolton Lasses, The   1771-1779 Type: Poem If ye gae up to yon hill-tap, Ye’ll there see bonie Peggy; She kens her father is a laird, And she forsooth’s a leddy. There Sophy tight, a lassie bright, Besides a handsome fortune: Wha canna win her in a night, Has little art in courtin’. Gae down […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph On Holy Willie:

Epitaph On Holy Willie   1785 Type: Epitaph Here Holy Willie’s sair worn clay Taks up its last abode; His saul has ta’en some other way, I fear, the left-hand road. Stop! there he is, as sure’s a gun, Poor, silly body, see him; Nae wonder he’s as black’s the grun, Observe wha’s standing wi’ […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To Davie, A Brother Poet:

Epistle To Davie, A Brother Poet   1785 Type: Epistle January While winds frae aff Ben-Lomond blaw, An’ bar the doors wi’ driving snaw, An’ hing us owre the ingle, I set me down to pass the time, An’ spin a verse or twa o’ rhyme, In hamely, westlin jingle. While frosty winds blaw in […]

Robert Burns: The Twa Herds; Or, The Holy Tulyie: An Unco Mournfu’ Tale

The Twa Herds; Or, The Holy Tulyie An Unco Mournfu’ Tale 1784 Type: Poem “Blockheads with reason wicked wits abhor, But fool with fool is barbarous civil war,” Pope O a’ ye pious godly flocks, Weel fed on pastures orthodox, Wha now will keep you frae the fox, Or worrying tykes? Or wha will tent […]

Robert Burns: Man Was Made To Mourn: A Dirge:

Man Was Made To Mourn: A Dirge   1784 Type: Dirge When chill November’s surly blast Made fields and forests bare, One ev’ning, as I wander’d forth Along the banks of Ayr, I spied a man, whose aged step Seem’d weary, worn with care; His face furrow’d o’er with years, And hoary was his hair. […]