Robert Burns: Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795: Second-Election Day

Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795 Second-Election Day1795 Type: Song Tune: Fy, let us a’ to the Bridal. Fy, let us a’ to Kirkcudbright, For there will be bickerin’ there; For Murray’s light horse are to muster, And O how the heroes will swear! And there will be Murray, Commander, And Gordon, the battle to […]

Robert Burns: :

  1795 Type: Poem ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of translating poetry  Poetry in Russian (you’d have to select Russian in the language switch area, otherwise you won’t be able to read poems in Russian) Robert BurnsRobert […]

Robert Burns: Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795: Ballad First

Ballads on Mr. Heron’s Election, 1795 Ballad First1795 Type: Poem Whom will you send to London town, To Parliament and a’ that? Or wha in a’ the country round The best deserves to fa’ that? For a’ that, and a’ that, Thro’ Galloway and a’ that, Where is the Laird or belted Knight The best […]

Robert Burns: O Wat Ye Wha’s In Yon Town:

O Wat Ye Wha’s In Yon Town   1795 Type: Song Tune: I’ll gang nae mair to yon toun. Chorus-O wat ye wha’s in yon town, Ye see the e’enin sun upon, The dearest maid’s in yon town, That e’ening sun is shining on. Now haply down yon gay green shaw, She wanders by yon […]

Robert Burns: I’ll Aye Ca’ In By Yon Town:

I’ll Aye Ca’ In By Yon Town   1795 Type: Song Tune: I’ll gang nae mair to yon toun. Chorus-I’ll aye ca’ in by yon town, And by yon garden-green again; I’ll aye ca’ in by yon town, And see my bonie Jean again. There’s nane sall ken, there’s nane can guess What brings me […]

Robert Burns: Her Answer:

Her Answer   1795 Type: Poem O tell na me o’ wind an’ rain, Upbraid na me wi’ cauld disdain, Gae back the gate ye cam again, I winna let ye in, jo. Chorus-I tell you now this ae night, This ae, ae, ae night; And ance for a’ this ae night, I winna let […]

Robert Burns: O Let Me In Thes Ae Night:

O Let Me In Thes Ae Night   1795 Type: Poem O Lassie, are ye sleepin yet, Or are ye waukin, I wad wit? For Love has bound me hand an’ fit, And I would fain be in, jo. Chorus-O let me in this ae night, This ae, ae, ae night; O let me in […]

Robert Burns: The Lass O’ Ecclefechan:

The Lass O’ Ecclefechan   1795 Type: Song Tune: Jack o’ Latin. Gat ye me, O gat ye me, O gat ye me wi’ naething? Rock an reel, and spinning wheel, A mickle quarter basin: Bye attour my Gutcher has A heich house and a laich ane, A’ forbye my bonie sel, The toss o’ […]

Robert Burns: O Steer Her Up An’ Haud Her Gaun:

O Steer Her Up An’ Haud Her Gaun   1795 Type: Poem O steer her up, an’ haud her gaun, Her mither’s at the mill, jo; An’ gin she winna tak a man, E’en let her tak her will, jo. First shore her wi’ a gentle kiss, And ca’ anither gill, jo; An’ gin she […]

Robert Burns: Gude Ale Keeps The Heart Aboon:

Gude Ale Keeps The Heart Aboon   1795 Type: Poem Chorus-O gude ale comes and gude ale goes; Gude ale gars me sell my hose, Sell my hose, and pawn my shoon- Gude ale keeps my heart aboon! I had sax owsen in a pleugh, And they drew a’ weel eneugh: I sell’d them a’ […]

Robert Burns: O Aye My Wife She Dang Me:

O Aye My Wife She Dang Me   1795 Type: Poem Chorus-O aye my wife she dang me, An’ aft my wife she bang’d me, If ye gie a woman a’ her will, Gude faith! she’ll soon o’er-gang ye. On peace an’ rest my mind was bent, And, fool I was! I married; But never […]

Robert Burns: Wee Willie Gray:

Wee Willie Gray   1795 Type: Song Tune: Wee Totum Fogg. Wee Willie Gray, and his leather wallet, Peel a willow wand to be him boots and jacket; The rose upon the breir will be him trews an’ doublet, The rose upon the breir will be him trews an’ doublet, Wee Willie Gray, and his […]

Robert Burns: There Was A Bonie Lass:

There Was A Bonie Lass   1795 Type: Poem There was a bonie lass, and a bonie, bonie lass, And she lo’ed her bonie laddie dear; Till War’s loud alarms tore her laddie frae her arms, Wi’ mony a sigh and tear. Over sea, over shore, where the cannons loudly roar, He still was a […]

Robert Burns: Inscription At Friars’ Carse Hermitage: To the Memory of Robert Riddell.

Inscription At Friars’ Carse Hermitage To the Memory of Robert Riddell.1795 Type: Inscription To Riddell, much lamented man, This ivied cot was dear; Wandr’er, dost value matchless worth? This ivied cot revere. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay:

Bonie Peg-a-Ramsay   1795 Type: Poem Cauld is the e’enin blast, O’ Boreas o’er the pool, An’ dawin’ it is dreary, When birks are bare at Yule. Cauld blaws the e’enin blast, When bitter bites the frost, And, in the mirk and dreary drift, The hills and glens are lost: Ne’er sae murky blew the […]

Robert Burns: Epigram On Mr. James Gracie:

Epigram On Mr. James Gracie   1795 Type: Epigram Gracie, thou art a man of worth, O be thou Dean for ever! May he be damned to hell henceforth, Who fauts thy weight or measure! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph For Mr. Gabriel Richardson:

Epitaph For Mr. Gabriel Richardson   1795 Type: Epitaph Here Brewer Gabriel’s fire’s extinct, And empty all his barrels: He’s blest-if, as he brew’d, he drink, In upright, honest morals. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of […]

Robert Burns: Apology For Declining An Invitation To Dine:

Apology For Declining An Invitation To Dine   1795 Type: Poem No more of your guests, be they titled or not, And cookery the first in the nation; Who is proof to thy personal converse and wit, Is proof to all other temptation. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry […]

Robert Burns: Jerusalem Tavern, Dumfries.: Inscription On A Goblet

Jerusalem Tavern, Dumfries. Inscription On A Goblet1795 Type: Poem There’s Death in the cup, so beware! Nay, more-there is danger in touching; But who can avoid the fell snare, The man and his wine’s so bewitching! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category […]

Robert Burns: The Solemn League And Covenant:

The Solemn League And Covenant   1795 Type: Poem The Solemn League and Covenant Now brings a smile, now brings a tear; But sacred Freedom, too, was theirs: If thou’rt a slave, indulge thy sneer. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel […]

Robert Burns: Craigieburn Wood:

Craigieburn Wood   1795 Type: Poem Sweet fa’s the eve on Craigieburn, And blythe awakes the morrow; But a’ the pride o’ Spring’s return Can yield me nocht but sorrow. I see the flowers and spreading trees, I hear the wild birds singing; But what a weary wight can please, And Care his bosom wringing! […]

Robert Burns: A Man’s A Man For A’ That:

A Man’s A Man For A’ That   1795 Type: Song Tune: For a’ that. Is there for honest Poverty That hings his head, an’ a’ that; The coward slave-we pass him by, We dare be poor for a’ that! For a’ that, an’ a’ that. Our toils obscure an’ a’ that, The rank is […]

Robert Burns: For The Sake O’ Somebody:

For The Sake O’ Somebody   1794 Type: Poem My heart is sair-I dare na tell, My heart is sair for Somebody; I could wake a winter night For the sake o’ Somebody. O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody! I could range the world around, For the sake o’ Somebody. Ye Powers that smile on […]

Robert Burns: The Tear-Drop:

The Tear-Drop   1794 Type: Poem Wae is my heart, and the tear’s in my e’e; Lang, lang has Joy been a stranger to me: Forsaken and friendless, my burden I bear, And the sweet voice o’ Pity ne’er sounds in my ear. Love thou hast pleasures, and deep hae I luv’d; Love, thou hast […]

Robert Burns: My Nanie’s Awa:

My Nanie’s Awa   1794 Type: Song Tune: There’ll never be peace till Jamie comes hame. Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays, And listens the lambkins that bleat o’er her braes; While birds warble welcomes in ilka green shaw, But to me it’s delightless-my Nanie’s awa. The snawdrap and primrose our woodlands adorn, […]

Robert Burns: Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie:

Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie   1794 Type: Song Tune: Roy’s Wife. Chorus-Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Well thou know’st my aching heart, And canst thou leave me thus, for pity? Is this thy plighted, fond regard, Thus cruelly to part, my Katie? Is […]

Robert Burns: Farewell Thou Stream:

Farewell Thou Stream   1794 Type: Song Tune: Nansie’s to the greenwood gane. Farewell, thou stream that winding flows Around Eliza’s dwelling; O mem’ry! spare the cruel thoes Within my bosom swelling. Condemn’d to drag a hopeless chain And yet in secret languish; To feel a fire in every vein, Nor dare disclose my anguish. […]

Robert Burns: Contented Wi’ Little And Cantie Wi’ Mair:

Contented Wi’ Little And Cantie Wi’ Mair   1794 Type: Song Tune: Lumps o’ Puddin’. Contented wi’ little, and cantie wi’ mair, Whene’er I forgather wi’ Sorrow and Care, I gie them a skelp as they’re creeping alang, Wi’ a cog o’ gude swats and an auld Scottish sang. Chorus-Contented wi’ little, &c. I whiles […]

Robert Burns: Philly And Willy:

Philly And Willy   1794 Type: Song Tune: The Sow’s tail to Geordie. He. O Philly, happy be that day, When roving thro’ the gather’d hay, My youthfu’ heart was stown away, And by thy charms, my Philly. She. O Willy, aye I bless the grove Where first I own’d my maiden love, Whilst thou […]

Robert Burns: Lassie Wi’ The Lint-White Locks:

Lassie Wi’ The Lint-White Locks   1794 Type: Song Tune: Rothiemurchie’s Rant. Chorus.-Lassie wi’the lint-white locks, Bonie lassie, artless lassie, Wilt thou wi’ me tent the flocks, Wilt thou be my Dearie, O? Now Nature cleeds the flowery lea, And a’ is young and sweet like thee, O wilt thou share its joys wi’ me, […]

Robert Burns: The Charming Month Of May:

The Charming Month Of May   1794 Type: Song Tune: Daintie Davie. It was the charming month of May, When all the flow’rs were fresh and gay. One morning, by the break of day, The youthful, charming Chloe- From peaceful slumber she arose, Girt on her mantle and her hose, And o’er the flow’ry mead […]

Robert Burns: Behold, My Love, How Green The Groves:

Behold, My Love, How Green The Groves   1794 Type: Song Tune: My lodging is on the cold ground. Behold, my love, how green the groves, The primrose banks how fair; The balmy gales awake the flowers, And wave thy flowing hair. The lav’rock shuns the palace gay, And o’er the cottage sings: For Nature […]

Robert Burns: The Winter Of Life:

The Winter Of Life   1794 Type: Poem But lately seen in gladsome green, The woods rejoic’d the day, Thro’ gentle showers, the laughing flowers In double pride were gay: But now our joys are fled On winter blasts awa; Yet maiden May, in rich array, Again shall bring them a’. But my white pow, […]

Robert Burns: The Lover’s Morning Salute To His Mistress:

The Lover’s Morning Salute To His Mistress   1794 Type: Song Tune: Deil tak the wars. Sleep’st thou, or wak’st thou, fairest creature? Rosy morn now lifts his eye, Numbering ilka bud which Nature Waters wi’ the tears o’ joy. Now, to the streaming fountain, Or up the heathy mountain, The hart, hind, and roe, […]

Robert Burns: Inconstancy In Love:

Inconstancy In Love   1794 Type: Song Tune: Duncan Gray. Let not Woman e’er complain Of inconstancy in love; Let not Woman e’er complain Fickle Man is apt to rove: Look abroad thro’ Nature’s range, Nature’s mighty Law is change, Ladies, would it not seem strange Man should then a monster prove! Mark the winds, […]

Robert Burns: How Lang And Dreary Is The Night:

How Lang And Dreary Is The Night   1794 Type: Poem How lang and dreary is the night When I am frae my Dearie; I restless lie frae e’en to morn Though I were ne’er sae weary. Chorus.-For oh, her lanely nights are lang! And oh, her dreams are eerie; And oh, her window’d heart […]

Robert Burns: Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly:

Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly   1794 Type: Song Tune: When she cam’ ben she bobbit. O saw ye my Dear, my Philly? O saw ye my Dear, my Philly, She’s down i’ the grove, she’s wi’ a new Love, She winna come hame to her Willy. What says she my dear, my Philly? […]