Robert Burns: Wilt Thou Be My Dearie?:

Wilt Thou Be My Dearie?   1794 Type: Song Tune: The Sutor’s Dochter. Wilt thou be my Dearie? When Sorrow wring thy gentle heart, O wilt thou let me cheer thee! By the treasure of my soul, That’s the love I bear thee: I swear and vow that only thou Shall ever be my Dearie! […]

Robert Burns: Remorseful Apology:

Remorseful Apology   1794 Type: Poem The friend whom, wild from Wisdom’s way, The fumes of wine infuriate send, (Not moony madness more astray) Who but deplores that hapless friend? Mine was th’ insensate frenzied part, Ah! why should I such scenes outlive? Scenes so abhorrent to my heart!- ‘Tis thine to pity and forgive. […]

Robert Burns: Complimentary Epigram On Maria Riddell:

Complimentary Epigram On Maria Riddell   1793 Type: Epigram “Praise Woman still,” his lordship roars, “Deserv’d or not, no matter?” But thee, whom all my soul adores, Ev’n Flattery cannot flatter: Maria, all my thought and dream, Inspires my vocal shell; The more I praise my lovely theme, The more the truth I tell. ————- […]

Robert Burns: My Spouse Nancy:

My Spouse Nancy   1793 Type: Song Tune: My Jo Janet. “Husband, husband, cease your strife, Nor longer idly rave, Sir; Tho’ I am your wedded wife Yet I am not your slave, Sir.” “One of two must still obey, Nancy, Nancy; Is it Man or Woman, say, My spouse Nancy?’ “If ’tis still the […]

Robert Burns: On Mrs. Riddell’s Birthday:

On Mrs. Riddell’s Birthday   1793 Type: Poem Old Winter, with his frosty beard, Thus once to Jove his prayer preferred: “What have I done of all the year, To bear this hated doom severe? My cheerless suns no pleasure know; Night’s horrid car drags, dreary slow; My dismal months no joys are crowning, But […]

Robert Burns: Thine Am I, My Faithful Fair:

Thine Am I, My Faithful Fair   1793 Type: Song Tune: The Quaker’s Wife. Thine am I, my faithful Fair, Thine, my lovely Nancy; Ev’ry pulse along my veins, Ev’ry roving fancy. To thy bosom lay my heart, There to throb and languish; Tho’ despair had wrung its core, That would heal its anguish. Take […]

Robert Burns: Deluded Swain, The Pleasure:

Deluded Swain, The Pleasure   1793 Type: Song Tune: The Collier’s Dochter. Deluded swain, the pleasure The fickle Fair can give thee, Is but a fairy treasure, Thy hopes will soon deceive thee: The billows on the ocean, The breezes idly roaming, The cloud’s uncertain motion, They are but types of Woman. O art thou […]

Robert Burns: Where Are The Joys I have Met?:

Where Are The Joys I have Met?   1793 Type: Song Tune: Saw ye my father. Where are the joys I have met in the morning, That danc’d to the lark’s early song? Where is the peace that awaited my wand’ring, At evening the wild-woods among? No more a winding the course of yon river, […]

Robert Burns: Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie:

Thou Hast Left Me Ever, Jamie   1793 Type: Song Tune: Fee him, father, fee him. Thou hast left me ever, Jamie, Thou hast left me ever; Thou has left me ever, Jamie, Thou hast left me ever: Aften hast thou vow’d that Death Only should us sever; Now thou’st left thy lass for aye- […]

Robert Burns: Down The Burn, Davie:

Down The Burn, Davie   1793 Type: Poem As down the burn they took their way, And thro’ the flowery dale; His cheek to hers he aft did lay, And love was aye the tale: With “Mary, when shall we return, Sic pleasure to renew?” Quoth Mary-“Love, I like the burn, And aye shall follow […]

Robert Burns: Behold The Hour, The Boat Arrive:

Behold The Hour, The Boat Arrive   1793 Type: Poem Behold the hour, the boat arrive; Thou goest, the darling of my heart; Sever’d from thee, can I survive, But Fate has will’d and we must part. I’ll often greet the surging swell, Yon distant Isle will often hail: “E’en here I took the last […]

Robert Burns: Robert Bruce’s March To Bannockburn:

Robert Bruce’s March To Bannockburn   1793 Type: Poem Scots, wha hae wi’ Wallace bled, Scots, wham Bruce has aften led, Welcome to your gory bed, Or to Victorie! Now’s the day, and now’s the hour; See the front o’ battle lour; See approach proud Edward’s power- Chains and Slaverie! Wha will be a traitor […]

Robert Burns: Dainty Davie:

Dainty Davie   1793 Type: Poem Now rosy May comes in wi’ flowers, To deck her gay, green-spreading bowers; And now comes in the happy hours, To wander wi’ my Davie. Chorus.-Meet me on the warlock knowe, Dainty Davie, Dainty Davie; There I’ll spend the day wi’ you, My ain dear Dainty Davie. The crystal […]

Robert Burns: Come, Let Me Take Thee To My Breast:

Come, Let Me Take Thee To My Breast   1793 Type: Poem Come, let me take thee to my breast, And pledge we ne’er shall sunder; And I shall spurn as vilest dust The world’s wealth and grandeur: And do I hear my Jeanie own That equal transports move her? I ask for dearest life […]

Robert Burns: Phillis The Queen O’ The Fair:

Phillis The Queen O’ The Fair   1793 Type: Song Tune: The Muckin o’ Geordie’s Byre. Adown winding Nith I did wander, To mark the sweet flowers as they spring; Adown winding Nith I did wander, Of Phillis to muse and to sing. Chorus.-Awa’ wi’ your belles and your beauties, They never wi’ her can […]

Robert Burns: Whistle, And I’ll Come To You, My Lad:

Whistle, And I’ll Come To You, My Lad   1793 Type: Poem Chorus.-O Whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad, O whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad, Tho’ father an’ mother an’ a’ should gae mad, O whistle, an’ I’ll come to ye, my lad. But warily tent when ye come to […]

Robert Burns: By Allan Stream:

By Allan Stream   1793 Type: Song By Allan stream I chanc’d to rove, While Phoebus sank beyond Benledi; The winds are whispering thro’ the grove, The yellow corn was waving ready: I listen’d to a lover’s sang, An’ thought on youthfu’ pleasures mony; And aye the wild-wood echoes rang- “O, dearly do I love […]

Robert Burns: Had I A Cave:

Had I A Cave   1793 Type: Song Tune: Robin Adair. Had I a cave on some wild distant shore, Where the winds howl to the wave’s dashing roar: There would I weep my woes, There seek my lost repose, Till grief my eyes should close, Ne’er to wake more! Falsest of womankind, can’st thou […]

Robert Burns: Phillis The Fair:

Phillis The Fair   1793 Type: Song Tune: Robin Adair. While larks, with little wing, Fann’d the pure air, Tasting the breathing Spring, Forth I did fare: Gay the sun’s golden eye Peep’d o’er the mountains high; Such thy morn! did I cry, Phillis the fair. In each bird’s careless song, Glad I did share; […]

Robert Burns: Epigram On The Laird Of Laggan:

Epigram On The Laird Of Laggan   1793 Type: Epigram When Morine, deceas’d, to the Devil went down, ‘Twas nothing would serve him but Satan’s own crown; “Thy fool’s head,” quoth Satan, “that crown shall wear never, I grant thou’rt as wicked, but not quite so clever.” ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page […]

Robert Burns: Epigrams Against The Earl Of Galloway:

Epigrams Against The Earl Of Galloway   1793 Type: Epigram What dost thou in that mansion fair? Flit, Galloway, and find Some narrow, dirty, dungeon cave, The picture of thy mind. No Stewart art thou, Galloway, The Stewarts ‘ll were brave; Besides, the Stewarts were but fools, Not one of them a knave. Bright ran […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph On A Lap-Dog Named Echo:

Epitaph On A Lap-Dog Named Echo   1793 Type: Epitaph In wood and wild, ye warbling throng, Your heavy loss deplore; Now, half extinct your powers of song, Sweet Echo is no more. Ye jarring, screeching things around, Scream your discordant joys; Now, half your din of tuneless sound With Echo silent lies. ————- Home […]

Robert Burns: Bonie Jean-A Ballad:

Bonie Jean-A Ballad   1793 Type: Song Tune: its ain tune There was a lass, and she was fair, At kirk or market to be seen; When a’ our fairest maids were met, The fairest maid was bonie Jean. And aye she wrought her mammie’s wark, And aye she sang sae merrilie; The blythest bird […]

Robert Burns: O Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair:

O Were My Love Yon Lilac Fair   1793 Type: Song Tune: Hughie Graham. O were my love yon Lilac fair, Wi’ purple blossoms to the Spring, And I, a bird to shelter there, When wearied on my little wing! How I wad mourn when it was torn By Autumn wild, and Winter rude! But […]

Robert Burns: Blythe Hae I been On Yon Hill:

Blythe Hae I been On Yon Hill   1793 Type: Song Tune: The Quaker’s Wife. Blythe hae I been on yon hill, As the lambs before me; Careless ilka thought and free, As the breeze flew o’er me; Now nae langer sport and play, Mirth or sang can please me; Lesley is sae fair and […]

Robert Burns: Logan Braes:

Logan Braes   1793 Type: Song Tune: Logan Water. O Logan, sweetly didst thou glide, That day I was my Willie’s bride, And years sin syne hae o’er us run, Like Logan to the simmer sun: But now thy flowery banks appear Like drumlie Winter, dark and drear, While my dear lad maun face his […]

Robert Burns: The Last Time I Came O’er The Moor:

The Last Time I Came O’er The Moor   1793 Type: Poem The last time I came o’er the moor, And left Maria’s dwelling, What throes, what tortures passing cure, Were in my bosom swelling: Condemn’d to see my rival’s reign, While I in secret languish; To feel a fire in every vein, Yet dare […]

Robert Burns: Impromptu On General Dumourier’s Desertion From The French Republican Army:

Impromptu On General Dumourier’s Desertion From The French Republican Army   1793 Type: Impromptu You’re welcome to Despots, Dumourier; You’re welcome to Despots, Dumourier: How does Dampiere do? Ay, and Bournonville too? Why did they not come along with you, Dumourier? I will fight France with you, Dumourier; I will fight France with you, Dumourier; […]

Robert Burns: Grace Before And After Meat :

Grace Before And After Meat   1793 Type: Poem O Lord, when hunger pinches sore, Do thou stand us in stead, And send us, from thy bounteous store, A tup or wether head! Amen. O Lord, since we have feasted thus, Which we so little merit, Let Meg now take away the flesh, And Jock […]

Robert Burns: Grace After Meat:

Grace After Meat   1793 Type: Poem Lord, we thank, and thee adore, For temporal gifts we little merit; At present we will ask no more- Let William Hislop give the spirit. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: Extempore Reply To An Invitation:

Extempore Reply To An Invitation   1793 Type: Reply The King’s most humble servant, I Can scarcely spare a minute; But I’ll be wi’ you by an’ by; Or else the Deil’s be in it. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel […]

Robert Burns: Kirk and State Excisemen:

Kirk and State Excisemen   1793 Type: Poem Ye men of wit and wealth, why all this sneering ‘Gainst poor Excisemen? Give the cause a hearing: What are your Landlord’s rent-rolls? Taxing ledgers! What Premiers? What ev’n Monarchs? Mighty Gaugers! Nay, what are Priests? (those seeming godly wise-men,) What are they, pray, but Spiritual Excisemen! […]

Robert Burns: The Raptures Of Folly:

The Raptures Of Folly   1793 Type: Poem Thou greybeard, old Wisdom! may boast of thy treasures; Give me with young Folly to live; I grant thee thy calm-blooded, time-settled pleasures, But Folly has raptures to give. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and […]

Robert Burns: Lines On The Commemoration Of Rodney’s Victory:

Lines On The Commemoration Of Rodney’s Victory   1793 Type: Poem Instead of a Song, boy’s, I’ll give you a Toast; Here’s to the memory of those on the twelfth that we lost!- That we lost, did I say?-nay, by Heav’n, that we found; For their fame it will last while the world goes round. […]

Robert Burns: Thanksgiving For A National Victory:

Thanksgiving For A National Victory   1793 Type: Poem Ye hypocrites! are these your pranks? To murder men and give God thanks! Desist, for shame!-proceed no further; God won’t accept your thanks for Murther! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, […]

Robert Burns: Lines Inscribed In A Lady’s Pocket Almanac:

Lines Inscribed In A Lady’s Pocket Almanac   1793 Type: Inscription Grant me, indulgent Heaven, that I may live, To see the miscreants feel the pains they give; Deal Freedom’s sacred treasures free as air, Till Slave and Despot be but things that were. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  […]

Robert Burns: On Commissary Goldie’s Brains:

On Commissary Goldie’s Brains   1793 Type: Poem Lord, to account who dares thee call, Or e’er dispute thy pleasure? Else why, within so thick a wall, Enclose so poor a treasure? ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: The True Loyal Natives:

The True Loyal Natives   1793 Type: Poem Ye true “Loyal Natives” attend to my song In uproar and riot rejoice the night long; From Envy and Hatred your corps is exempt, But where is your shield from the darts of Contempt! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by […]

Robert Burns: The Soldier’s Return:

The Soldier’s Return   1793 Type: Song Tune: The Mill, mill, O. When wild war’s deadly blast was blawn, And gentle peace returning, Wi’ mony a sweet babe fatherless, And mony a widow mourning; I left the lines and tented field, Where lang I’d been a lodger, My humble knapsack a’ my wealth, A poor […]