Robert Burns: Thou Gloomy December :

Thou Gloomy December   1791 Type: Poem Ance mair I hail thee, thou gloomy December! Ance mair I hail thee wi’ sorrow and care; Sad was the parting thou makes me remember- Parting wi’ Nancy, oh, ne’er to meet mair! Fond lovers’ parting is sweet, painful pleasure, Hope beaming mild on the soft parting hour; […]

Robert Burns: Behold The Hour, The Boat, Arrive:

Behold The Hour, The Boat, Arrive   1791 Type: Poem Behold the hour, the boat, arrive! My dearest Nancy, O fareweel! Severed frae thee, can I survive, Frae thee whom I hae lov’d sae weel? Endless and deep shall be my grief; LNae ray of comfort shall I see, But this most precious, dear belief, […]

Robert Burns: Ae Fond Kiss, And Then We Sever:

Ae Fond Kiss, And Then We Sever   1791 Type: Song Tune: Rory Dall’s Port. Ae fond kiss, and then we sever; Ae fareweel, alas, for ever! Deep in heart-wrung tears I’ll pledge thee, Warring sighs and groans I’ll wage thee. Who shall say that Fortune grieves him, While the star of hope she leaves […]

Robert Burns: O May, Thy Morn:

O May, Thy Morn   1791 Type: Poem O may, thy morn was ne’er so sweet As the mirk night o’ December! For sparkling was the rosy wine, And private was the chamber: And dear was she I dare na name, But I will aye remember: And dear was she I dare na name, But […]

Robert Burns: A Grace After Dinner, Extempore:

A Grace After Dinner, Extempore   1791 Type: Extempore O thou, in whom we live and move- Who made the sea and shore; Thy goodness constantly we prove, And grateful would adore; And, if it please Thee, Power above! Still grant us, with such store, The friend we trust, the fair we love- And we […]

Robert Burns: A Grace Before Dinner, Extempore:

A Grace Before Dinner, Extempore   1791 Type: Extempore O thou who kindly dost provide For every creature’s want! We bless Thee, God of Nature wide, For all Thy goodness lent: And if it please Thee, Heavenly Guide, May never worse be sent; But, whether granted, or denied, Lord, bless us with content. Amen! ————- […]

Robert Burns: The Keekin’-Glass:

The Keekin’-Glass   1791 Type: Poem How daur ye ca’ me howlet-face, Ye blear-e’ed, withered spectre? Ye only spied the keekin’-glass, An’ there ye saw your picture. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of translating poetry  Poetry […]

Robert Burns: Divine Service In The Kirk Of Lamington:

Divine Service In The Kirk Of Lamington   1791 Type: Poem As cauld a wind as ever blew, A cauld kirk, an in’t but few: As cauld a minister’s e’er spak; Ye’se a’ be het e’er I come back. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by […]

Robert Burns: The Toadeater:

The Toadeater   1791 Type: Poem Of Lordly acquaintance you boast, And the Dukes that you dined wi’ yestreen, Yet an insect’s an insect at most, Tho’ it crawl on the curl of a Queen! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel […]

Robert Burns: Poem On Sensibility:

Poem On Sensibility   1791 Type: Poem Sensibility, how charming, Dearest Nancy, thou canst tell; But distress, with horrors arming, Thou alas! hast known too well! Fairest flower, behold the lily Blooming in the sunny ray: Let the blast sweep o’er the valley, See it prostrate in the clay. Hear the wood lark charm the […]

Robert Burns: Second Epistle To Robert Graham, ESQ., Of Fintry:

Second Epistle To Robert Graham, ESQ., Of Fintry   1791 Type: Epistle Late crippl’d of an arm, and now a leg, About to beg a pass for leave to beg; Dull, listless, teas’d, dejected, and deprest (Nature is adverse to a cripple’s rest); Will generous Graham list to his Poet’s wail? (It soothes poor Misery, […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To John Maxwell, ESQ., Of Terraughty : On His Birthday.

Epistle To John Maxwell, ESQ., Of Terraughty On His Birthday.1791 Type: Epistle Tune: Health to the Maxwell’s veteran Chief! Health, aye unsour’d by care or grief: Inspir’d, I turn’d Fate’s sibyl leaf, This natal morn, I see thy life is stuff o’ prief, Scarce quite half-worn. This day thou metes threescore eleven, And I can […]

Robert Burns: O Kenmure’s On And Awa, Willie:

O Kenmure’s On And Awa, Willie   1791 Type: Poem O Kenmure’s on and awa, Willie, O Kenmure’s on and awa: An’ Kenmure’s lord’s the bravest lord That ever Galloway saw. Success to Kenmure’s band, Willie! Success to Kenmure’s band! There’s no a heart that fears a Whig, That rides by kenmure’s hand. Here’s Kenmure’s […]

Robert Burns: I Hae Been At Crookieden:

I Hae Been At Crookieden   1791 Type: Poem I Hae been at Crookieden, My bonie laddie, Highland laddie, Viewing Willie and his men, My bonie laddie, Highland laddie. There our foes that burnt and slew, My bonie laddie, Highland laddie, There, at last, they gat their due, My bonie laddie, Highland laddie. Satan sits […]

Robert Burns: Ye Jacobites By Name:

Ye Jacobites By Name   1791 Type: Poem Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, give an ear, Ye Jacobites by name, give an ear, Ye Jacobites by name, Your fautes I will proclaim, Your doctrines I maun blame, you shall hear. What is Right, and What is Wrang, by the law, by the law? […]

Robert Burns: Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation:

Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation   1791 Type: Poem Fareweel to a’ our Scottish fame, Fareweel our ancient glory; Fareweel ev’n to the Scottish name, Sae fam’d in martial story. Now Sark rins over Solway sands, An’ Tweed rins to the ocean, To mark where England’s province stands- Such a parcel of […]

Robert Burns: Frae The Friends And Land I Love:

Frae The Friends And Land I Love   1791 Type: Song Tune: Carron Side. Frae the friends and land I love, Driv’n by Fortune’s felly spite; Frae my best belov’d I rove, Never mair to taste delight: Never mair maun hope to find Ease frae toil, relief frae care; When Remembrance wracks the mind, Pleasures […]

Robert Burns: Nithsdale’s Welcome Hame:

Nithsdale’s Welcome Hame   1791 Type: Poem The noble Maxwells and their powers Are coming o’er the border, And they’ll gae big Terreagles’ towers And set them a’ in order. And they declare Terreagles fair, For their abode they choose it; There’s no a heart in a’ the land But’s lighter at the news o’t. […]

Robert Burns: Sweet Afton :

Sweet Afton   1791 Type: Poem Flow gently, sweet Afton! amang thy green braes, Flow gently, I’ll sing thee a song in thy praise; My Mary’s asleep by thy murmuring stream, Flow gently, sweet Afton, disturb not her dream. Thou stockdove whose echo resounds thro’ the glen, Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den, […]

Robert Burns: My Bonie Bell:

My Bonie Bell   1791 Type: Poem The smiling Spring comes in rejoicing, And surly Winter grimly flies; Now crystal clear are the falling waters, And bonie blue are the sunny skies. Fresh o’er the mountains breaks forth the morning, The ev’ning gilds the ocean’s swell; All creatures joy in the sun’s returning, And I […]

Robert Burns: Thou Fair Eliza:

Thou Fair Eliza   1791 Type: Poem Turn again, thou fair Eliza! Ae kind blink before we part; Rue on thy despairing lover, Can’st thou break his faithfu’ heart? Turn again, thou fair Eliza! If to love thy heart denies, Oh, in pity hide the sentence Under friendship’s kind disguise! Thee, sweet maid, hae I […]

Robert Burns: O For Ane An’ Twenty, Tam :

O For Ane An’ Twenty, Tam   1791 Type: Poem Chorus.-An’ O for ane an’ twenty, Tam! And hey, sweet ane an’ twenty, Tam! I’ll learn my kin a rattlin’ sang, An’ I saw ane an’ twenty, Tam. They snool me sair, and haud me down, An’ gar me look like bluntie, Tam; But three […]

Robert Burns: My Tocher’s The Jewel:

My Tocher’s The Jewel   1791 Type: Poem O Meikle thinks my luve o’ my beauty, And meikle thinks my luve o’ my kin; But little thinks my luve I ken brawlie My tocher’s the jewel has charms for him. It’s a’ for the apple he’ll nourish the tree, It’s a’ for the hinny he’ll […]

Robert Burns: Altho’ He Has Left Me:

Altho’ He Has Left Me   1791 Type: Poem Altho’ he has left me for greed o’ the siller, I dinna envy him the gains he can win; I rather wad bear a’ the lade o’ my sorrow, Than ever hae acted sae faithless to him. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry […]

Robert Burns: My Eppie Macnab:

My Eppie Macnab   1791 Type: Poem O saw ye my dearie, my Eppie Macnab? O saw ye my dearie, my Eppie Macnab? She’s down in the yard, she’s kissin the laird, She winna come hame to her ain Jock Rab. O come thy ways to me, my Eppie Macnab; O come thy ways to […]

Robert Burns: Johnie Lad, Cock Up Your Beaver:

Johnie Lad, Cock Up Your Beaver   1791 Type: Poem When first my brave Johnie lad came to this town, He had a blue bonnet that wanted the crown; But now he has gotten a hat and a feather, Hey, brave Johnie lad, cock up your beaver! Cock up your beaver, and cock it fu’ […]

Robert Burns: Damon And Sylvia: Fragment

Damon And Sylvia Fragment1791 Type: Song Tune: The Tither Morn. Yon wandering rill that marks the hill, And glances o’er the brae, Sir, Slides by a bower, where mony a flower Sheds fragrance on the day, Sir; There Damon lay, with Sylvia gay, To love they thought no crime, Sir, The wild birds sang, the […]

Robert Burns: Lovely Polly Stewart:

Lovely Polly Stewart   1791 Type: Poem Chorus.-O lovely Polly Stewart, O charming Polly Stewart, There’s ne’er a flower that blooms in May, That’s half so fair as thou art! The flower it blaws, it fades, it fa’s, And art can ne’er renew it; But worth and truth, eternal youth Will gie to Polly Stewart, […]

Robert Burns: You’re Welcome, Willie Stewart:

You’re Welcome, Willie Stewart   1791 Type: Poem Chorus.-You’re welcome, Willie Stewart, You’re welcome, Willie Stewart, There’s ne’er a flower that blooms in May, That’s half sae welcome’s thou art! Come, bumpers high, express your joy, The bowl we maun renew it, The tappet hen, gae bring her ben, To welcome Willie Stewart, You’re welcome, […]

Robert Burns: Epigram At Brownhill Inn:

Epigram At Brownhill Inn   1791 Type: Epigram At Brownhill we always get dainty good cheer, And plenty of bacon each day in the year; We’ve a’ thing that’s nice, and mostly in season, But why always Bacon-come, tell me a reason? ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by […]

Robert Burns: The Gallant Weaver:

The Gallant Weaver   1791 Type: Poem Where Cart rins rowin’ to the sea, By mony a flower and spreading tree, There lives a lad, the lad for me, He is a gallant Weaver. O, I had wooers aught or nine, They gied me rings and ribbons fine; And I was fear’d my heart wad […]

Robert Burns: Verses On The Destruction Of The Woods Near Drumlanrig:

Verses On The Destruction Of The Woods Near Drumlanrig   1791 Type: Poem Verses On The Destruction Of The Woods Near Drumlanrig As on the banks o’ wandering Nith, Ae smiling simmer morn I stray’d, And traced its bonie howes and haughs, Where linties sang and lammies play’d, I sat me down upon a craig, […]

Robert Burns: Poem On Pastoral Poetry :

Poem On Pastoral Poetry   1791 Type: Poem Hail, Poesie! thou Nymph reserv’d! In chase o’ thee, what crowds hae swerv’d Frae common sense, or sunk enerv’d ‘Mang heaps o’ clavers: And och! o’er aft thy joes hae starv’d, ‘Mid a’ thy favours! Say, Lassie, why, thy train amang, While loud the trump’s heroic clang, […]

Robert Burns: On Glenriddell’s Fox Breaking His Chain: A Fragment

On Glenriddell’s Fox Breaking His Chain A Fragment1791 Type: Poem Thou, Liberty, thou art my theme; Not such as idle poets dream, Who trick thee up a heathen goddess That a fantastic cap and rod has; Such stale conceits are poor and silly; I paint thee out, a Highland filly, A sturdy, stubborn, handsome dapple, […]

Robert Burns: The Posie :

The Posie   1791 Type: Poem O luve will venture in where it daur na weel be seen, O luve will venture in where wisdom ance has been; But I will doun yon river rove, amang the wood sae green, And a’ to pu’ a Posie to my ain dear May. The primrose I will […]

Robert Burns: What Can A Young Lassie Do Wi’ An Auld Man:

What Can A Young Lassie Do Wi’ An Auld Man   1791 Type: Poem What can a young lassie, what shall a young lassie, What can a young lassie do wi’ an auld man? Bad luck on the penny that tempted my minnie To sell her puir Jenny for siller an’ lan’. Bad luck on […]

Robert Burns: The Charms Of Lovely Davies:

The Charms Of Lovely Davies   1791 Type: Song Tune: Miss Muir. O how shall I, unskilfu’, try The poet’s occupation? The tunefu’ powers, in happy hours, That whisper inspiration; Even they maun dare an effort mair Than aught they ever gave us, Ere they rehearse, in equal verse, The charms o’ lovely Davies. Each […]