“Come listen, ye students of every degree” by Tobias Smollett

Come listen, ye students of every degree; I sing of a wit and a tutor perdie, A statesman profound, a critic immense, In short, a mere jumble of learning and sense; And yet of his talents though laudably vain, His own family arts he could never attain. His father, intending his fortune to build, In […]

Blue-Eyed Ann by Tobias Smollett

When the rough North forgets to howl, And Ocean’s billows cease to roll; When Libyan sands are bound in frost, And cold to Nova Zembla’s lost! When heavenly bodies cease to move, My blue-eyed Ann I’ll cease to love. No more shall flowers the meads adorn; Nor sweetness deck the rosy thorn; Nor swelling buds […]

Advice: A Satire. by Tobias Smollett

–Sed podice levi Caeduntur tumidæ, medico ridente, mariscæ. O proceres! censore opus est, an haruspice nobis? JUVENAL. –Nam quis Peccandi finem posuit sibi? quando recepit Ejectum semel atteritâ de fronte ruborem? Ibid. POET. Enough, enough; all this we knew before; ‘Tis infamous, I grant it, to be poor: And who, so much to sense and […]