Robert Burns: A Stanza Added In A Mason Lodge:

A Stanza Added In A Mason Lodge   1782 Type: Poem Then fill up a bumper and make it o’erflow, And honours masonic prepare for to throw; May ev’ry true Brother of the Compass and Square Have a big-belly’d bottle when harass’d with care. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  […]

Robert Burns: No Churchman Am I:

No Churchman Am I   1782 Type: Song Tune: Prepare, my dear Brethren, to the tavern let’s fly. No churchman am I for to rail and to write, No statesman nor soldier to plot or to fight, No sly man of business contriving a snare, For a big-belly’d bottle’s the whole of my care. The […]

Robert Burns: I’ll Go And Be A Sodger:

I’ll Go And Be A Sodger   1782 Type: Poem O why the deuce should I repine, And be an ill foreboder? I’m twenty-three, and five feet nine, I’ll go and be a sodger! I gat some gear wi’ mickle care, I held it weel thegither; But now it’s gane, and something mair- I’ll go […]

Robert Burns: Raging Fortune:

Raging Fortune   1782 Type: Song O raging Fortune’s withering blast Has laid my leaf full low, O! O raging Fortune’s withering blast Has laid my leaf full low, O! My stem was fair, my bud was green, My blossom sweet did blow, O! The dew fell fresh, the sun rose mild, And made my […]

Robert Burns: Fickle Fortune: Fragment

Fickle Fortune Fragment1782 Type: Poem Though fickle Fortune has deceived me, She pormis’d fair and perform’d but ill; Of mistress, friends, and wealth bereav’d me, Yet I bear a heart shall support me still. I’ll act with prudence as far ‘s I’m able, But if success I must never find, Then come misfortune, I bid […]

Robert Burns Country: O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day:

O Tibbie, I Hae Seen The Day 1771-1779 Type: Song Tune: Invercauld’s Reel, or Strathspey. Choir. – O Tibbie, I hae seen the day, Ye wadna been sae shy; For laik o’ gear ye lightly me, But, trowth, I care na by. Yestreen I met you on the moor, Ye spak na, but gaed by […]

Robert Burns: First Six Verses Of The Ninetieth Psalm Versified, The :

First Six Verses Of The Ninetieth Psalm Versified, The   1781 Type: Poem O Thou, the first, the greatest friend Of all the human race! Whose strong right hand has ever been Their stay and dwelling place! Before the mountains heav’d their heads Beneath Thy forming hand, Before this ponderous globe itself Arose at Thy […]

Robert Burns: Under The Pressure Of Violent Anguish:

Under The Pressure Of Violent Anguish   1781 Type: Poem O Thou Great Being! what Thou art, Surpasses me to know; Yet sure I am, that known to Thee Are all Thy works below. Thy creature here before Thee stands, All wretched and distrest; Yet sure those ills that wring my soul Obey Thy high […]

Robert Burns: Winter: A Dirge:

Winter: A Dirge   1781 Type: Poem The wintry west extends his blast, And hail and rain does blaw; Or the stormy north sends driving forth The blinding sleet and snaw: While, tumbling brown, the burn comes down, And roars frae bank to brae; And bird and beast in covert rest, And pass the heartless […]

Robert Burns: Mary Morison:

Mary Morison   1780 Type: Song Tune: Bide ye yet. O Mary, at thy window be, It is the wish’d, the trysted hour! Those smiles and glances let me see, That make the miser’s treasure poor: How blythely was I bide the stour, A weary slave frae sun to sun, Could I the rich reward […]

Robert Burns: Bonie Peggy Alison:

Bonie Peggy Alison   1780 Type: Song Tune: The Braes o’ Balquhidder. Chor. – And I’ll kiss thee yet, yet, And I’ll kiss thee o’er again: And I’ll kiss thee yet, yet, My bonie Peggy Alison. Ilk care and fear, when thou art near I evermair defy them, O! Young kings upon their hansel throne […]

Robert Burns: Lass Of Cessnock Banks, The:

Lass Of Cessnock Banks, The   1780 Type: Song Tune: If he be a Butcher neat and trim. A Song of Similes On Cessnock banks a lassie dwells; Could I describe her shape and mein; Our lasses a’ she far excels, An’ she has twa sparkling roguish een. She’s sweeter than the morning dawn, When […]

Robert Burns: Here’s To Thy Health:

Here’s To Thy Health   1780 Type: Song Tune: Laggan Burn. Here’s to thy health, my bonie lass, Gude nicht and joy be wi’ thee; I’ll come nae mair to thy bower-door, To tell thee that I lo’e thee. O dinna think, my pretty pink, But I can live without thee: I vow and swear […]

Robert Burns Country: Ronalds Of The Bennals, The:

Ronalds Of The Bennals, The   1780 Type: Poem In Tarbolton, ye ken, there are proper young men, And proper young lasses and a’, man; But ken ye the Ronalds that live in the Bennals, They carry the gree frae them a’, man. Their father’s laird, and weel he can spare’t, Braid money to tocher […]

Robert Burns: Handsome Nell:

Handsome Nell   1771-1779 Type: Song Tune: I am a man unmarried.     Once I lov’d a bonie lass, Ay, and I love her still; And whilst that virtue warms my breast, I’ll love my handsome Nell. As bonie lasses I hae seen, And mony full as braw; But, for a modest gracefu’ mein, […]