Robert Burns: Epitaph For Mr. Gabriel Richardson:

Epitaph For Mr. Gabriel Richardson   1795 Type: Epitaph Here Brewer Gabriel’s fire’s extinct, And empty all his barrels: He’s blest-if, as he brew’d, he drink, In upright, honest morals. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of […]

Robert Burns: Apology For Declining An Invitation To Dine:

Apology For Declining An Invitation To Dine   1795 Type: Poem No more of your guests, be they titled or not, And cookery the first in the nation; Who is proof to thy personal converse and wit, Is proof to all other temptation. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry […]

Robert Burns: The Solemn League And Covenant:

The Solemn League And Covenant   1795 Type: Poem The Solemn League and Covenant Now brings a smile, now brings a tear; But sacred Freedom, too, was theirs: If thou’rt a slave, indulge thy sneer. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel […]

Robert Burns: Craigieburn Wood:

Craigieburn Wood   1795 Type: Poem Sweet fa’s the eve on Craigieburn, And blythe awakes the morrow; But a’ the pride o’ Spring’s return Can yield me nocht but sorrow. I see the flowers and spreading trees, I hear the wild birds singing; But what a weary wight can please, And Care his bosom wringing! […]

Robert Burns: For The Sake O’ Somebody:

For The Sake O’ Somebody   1794 Type: Poem My heart is sair-I dare na tell, My heart is sair for Somebody; I could wake a winter night For the sake o’ Somebody. O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody! I could range the world around, For the sake o’ Somebody. Ye Powers that smile on […]

Robert Burns: The Tear-Drop:

The Tear-Drop   1794 Type: Poem Wae is my heart, and the tear’s in my e’e; Lang, lang has Joy been a stranger to me: Forsaken and friendless, my burden I bear, And the sweet voice o’ Pity ne’er sounds in my ear. Love thou hast pleasures, and deep hae I luv’d; Love, thou hast […]

Robert Burns: My Nanie’s Awa:

My Nanie’s Awa   1794 Type: Song Tune: There’ll never be peace till Jamie comes hame. Now in her green mantle blythe Nature arrays, And listens the lambkins that bleat o’er her braes; While birds warble welcomes in ilka green shaw, But to me it’s delightless-my Nanie’s awa. The snawdrap and primrose our woodlands adorn, […]

Robert Burns: Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie:

Canst Thou Leave Me Thus, My Katie   1794 Type: Song Tune: Roy’s Wife. Chorus-Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Canst thou leave me thus, my Katie? Well thou know’st my aching heart, And canst thou leave me thus, for pity? Is this thy plighted, fond regard, Thus cruelly to part, my Katie? Is […]

Robert Burns: Farewell Thou Stream:

Farewell Thou Stream   1794 Type: Song Tune: Nansie’s to the greenwood gane. Farewell, thou stream that winding flows Around Eliza’s dwelling; O mem’ry! spare the cruel thoes Within my bosom swelling. Condemn’d to drag a hopeless chain And yet in secret languish; To feel a fire in every vein, Nor dare disclose my anguish. […]

Robert Burns: Contented Wi’ Little And Cantie Wi’ Mair:

Contented Wi’ Little And Cantie Wi’ Mair   1794 Type: Song Tune: Lumps o’ Puddin’. Contented wi’ little, and cantie wi’ mair, Whene’er I forgather wi’ Sorrow and Care, I gie them a skelp as they’re creeping alang, Wi’ a cog o’ gude swats and an auld Scottish sang. Chorus-Contented wi’ little, &c. I whiles […]

Robert Burns: Lassie Wi’ The Lint-White Locks:

Lassie Wi’ The Lint-White Locks   1794 Type: Song Tune: Rothiemurchie’s Rant. Chorus.-Lassie wi’the lint-white locks, Bonie lassie, artless lassie, Wilt thou wi’ me tent the flocks, Wilt thou be my Dearie, O? Now Nature cleeds the flowery lea, And a’ is young and sweet like thee, O wilt thou share its joys wi’ me, […]

Robert Burns: The Charming Month Of May:

The Charming Month Of May   1794 Type: Song Tune: Daintie Davie. It was the charming month of May, When all the flow’rs were fresh and gay. One morning, by the break of day, The youthful, charming Chloe- From peaceful slumber she arose, Girt on her mantle and her hose, And o’er the flow’ry mead […]

Robert Burns: The Winter Of Life:

The Winter Of Life   1794 Type: Poem But lately seen in gladsome green, The woods rejoic’d the day, Thro’ gentle showers, the laughing flowers In double pride were gay: But now our joys are fled On winter blasts awa; Yet maiden May, in rich array, Again shall bring them a’. But my white pow, […]

Robert Burns: How Lang And Dreary Is The Night:

How Lang And Dreary Is The Night   1794 Type: Poem How lang and dreary is the night When I am frae my Dearie; I restless lie frae e’en to morn Though I were ne’er sae weary. Chorus.-For oh, her lanely nights are lang! And oh, her dreams are eerie; And oh, her window’d heart […]

Robert Burns: Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly:

Saw Ye My Dear, My Philly   1794 Type: Song Tune: When she cam’ ben she bobbit. O saw ye my Dear, my Philly? O saw ye my Dear, my Philly, She’s down i’ the grove, she’s wi’ a new Love, She winna come hame to her Willy. What says she my dear, my Philly? […]

Robert Burns: Esteem For Chloris:

Esteem For Chloris   1794 Type: Poem As, Chloris, since it may not be, That thou of love wilt hear; If from the lover thou maun flee, Yet let the friend be dear. Altho’ I love my Chloris mair Than ever tongue could tell; My passion I will ne’er declare- I’ll say, I wish thee […]

Robert Burns: Pretty Peg:

Pretty Peg   1794 Type: Poem As I gaed up by yon gate-end, When day was waxin’ weary, Wha did I meet come down the street, But pretty Peg, my dearie! Her air sae sweet, an’ shape complete, Wi’ nae proportion wanting, The Queen of Love did never move Wi’ motion mair enchanting. Wi’ linked […]

Robert Burns: On An Innkeeper Nicknamed “The Marquis”:

On An Innkeeper Nicknamed “The Marquis”   1794 Type: Poem Here lies a mock Marquis, whose titles were shamm’d, If ever he rise, it will be to be damn’d. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of translating […]

Robert Burns: On A Swearing Coxcomb:

On A Swearing Coxcomb   1794 Type: Poem Here cursing, swearing Burton lies, A buck, a beau, or “Dem my eyes!” Who in his life did little good, And his last words were “Dem my blood!” ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category […]

Robert Burns: On A Suicide:

On A Suicide   1794 Type: Poem Earth’d up, here lies an imp o’ hell, Planted by Satan’s dibble; Poor silly wretch, he’s damned himsel’, To save the Lord the trouble. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world […]

Robert Burns: On Seeing Mrs. Kemble In Yarico:

On Seeing Mrs. Kemble In Yarico   1794 Type: Poem Kemble, thou cur’st my unbelief For Moses and his rod; At Yarico’s sweet nor of grief The rock with tears had flow’d. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: On Chloris: Requesting me to give her a Spring of Blossomed Thorn.

On Chloris Requesting me to give her a Spring of Blossomed Thorn.1794 Type: Poem From the white-blossom’d sloe my dear Chloris requested A sprig, her fair breast to adorn: No, by Heavens! I exclaim’d, let me perish, if ever I plant in that bosom a thorn! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry […]

Robert Burns: To The Beautiful Miss Eliza J-N: On her Principles of Liberty and Equality.

To The Beautiful Miss Eliza J-N On her Principles of Liberty and Equality.1794 Type: Poem How, Liberty! girl, can it be by thee nam’d? Equality too! hussey, art not asham’d? Free and Equal indeed, while mankind thou enchainest, And over their hearts a proud Despot so reignest. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page […]

Robert Burns: To Dr. Maxwell: On Miss Jessy Staig’s recovery.

To Dr. Maxwell On Miss Jessy Staig’s recovery.1794 Type: Poem Maxwell, if merit here you crave, That merit I deny; You save fair Jessie from the grave!- An Angel could not die! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel […]

Robert Burns: She Says She Loes Me Best Of A’:

She Says She Loes Me Best Of A’   1794 Type: Song Tune: Oonagh’s Waterfall. Sae flaxen were her ringlets, Her eyebrows of a darker hue, Bewitchingly o’er-arching Twa laughing e’en o’ lovely blue; Her smiling, sae wyling. Wad make a wretch forget his woe; What pleasure, what treasure, Unto these rosy lips to grow! […]

Robert Burns: Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes: Second Version

Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes Second Version1794 Type: Poem Chorus.-Ca’the yowes to the knowes, Ca’ them where the heather grows, Ca’ them where the burnie rowes, My bonie Dearie. Hark the mavis’ e’ening sang, Sounding Clouden’s woods amang; Then a-faulding let us gang, My bonie Dearie. Ca’ the yowes, &c. We’ll gae down by […]

Robert Burns: On The Seas And Far Away:

On The Seas And Far Away   1794 Type: Song Tune: O’er the hills and far away. How can my poor heart be glad, When absent from my sailor lad; How can I the thought forego- He’s on the seas to meet the foe? Let me wander, let me rove, Still my heart is with […]

Robert Burns: Inscription To Miss Graham Of Fintry:

Inscription To Miss Graham Of Fintry   1794 Type: Inscription Here, where the Scottish Muse immortal lives, In sacred strains and tuneful numbers joined, Accept the gift; though humble he who gives, Rich is the tribute of the grateful mind. So may no ruffian-feeling in my breast, Discordant, jar thy bosom-chords among; But Peace attune […]

Robert Burns: It Was A’ For Our Rightfu’ King:

It Was A’ For Our Rightfu’ King   1794 Type: Poem It was a’ for our rightfu’ King We left fair Scotland’s strand; It was a’ for our rightfu’ King We e’er saw Irish land, my dear, We e’er saw Irish land. Now a’ is done that men can do, And a’ is done in […]

Robert Burns: The Highland Widow’s Lament :

The Highland Widow’s Lament   1794 Type: Poem Oh I am come to the low Countrie, Ochon, Ochon, Ochrie! Without a penny in my purse, To buy a meal to me. It was na sae in the Highland hills, Ochon, Ochon, Ochrie! Nae woman in the Country wide, Sae happy was as me. For then […]

Robert Burns: The Highland Balou:

The Highland Balou   1794 Type: Poem Hee balou, my sweet wee Donald, Picture o’ the great Clanronald; Brawlie kens our wanton Chief Wha gat my young Highland thief. Leeze me on thy bonie craigie, An’ thou live, thou’ll steal a naigie, Travel the country thro’ and thro’, And bring hame a Carlisle cow. Thro’ […]

Robert Burns: Bannocks O’ Bear Meal:

Bannocks O’ Bear Meal   1794 Type: Poem Chorus-Bannocks o’ bear meal, Bannocks o’ barley, Here’s to the Highlandman’s Bannocks o’ barley! Wha, in a brulyie, will First cry a parley? Never the lads wi’ the Bannocks o’ barley, Bannocks o’ bear meal, &c. Wha, in his wae days, Were loyal to Charlie? Wha but […]

Robert Burns: On John Bushby, Esq., Tinwald Downs:

On John Bushby, Esq., Tinwald Downs   1794 Type: Poem Here lies John Bushby-honest man, Cheat him, Devil-if you can! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category Parallel translations, the parallel world of translating poetry  Poetry in Russian (you’d have to select Russian in […]

Robert Burns: On Wm. Graham, Esq., Of Mossknowe:

On Wm. Graham, Esq., Of Mossknowe   1794 Type: Poem “Stop thief!” dame Nature call’d to Death, As Willy drew his latest breath; How shall I make a fool again? My choicest model thou hast ta’en. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and category […]

Robert Burns: On Capt. Lascelles:

On Capt. Lascelles   1794 Type: Poem When Lascelles thought fit from this world to depart, Some friends warmly thought of embalming his heart; A bystander whispers- “Pray don’t make so much o’t, The subject is poison, no reptile will touch it.” ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph On A Noted Coxcomb: Capt. Wm. Roddirk, of Corbiston.

Epitaph On A Noted Coxcomb Capt. Wm. Roddirk, of Corbiston.1794 Type: Epitaph Light lay the earth on Billy’s breast, His chicken heart so tender; But build a castle on his head, His scull will prop it under. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by subject Poems by author and […]

Robert Burns: Epitaph For Mr. Walter Riddell:

Epitaph For Mr. Walter Riddell   1794 Type: Epitaph Sic a reptile was Wat, sic a miscreant slave, That the worms ev’n damn’d him when laid in his grave; “In his flesh there’s a famine,” a starved reptile cries, “And his heart is rank poison!” another replies. ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page […]