Robert Burns: Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes:

Ca’ The Yowes To The Knowes   1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Ca’ the yowes to the knowes, Ca’ them where the heather grows, Ca’ them where the burnie rowes, My bonie dearie As I gaed down the water-side, There I met my shepherd lad: He row’d me sweetly in his plaid, And he ca’d me his […]

Robert Burns: Willie Brew’d A Peck O’ Maut:

Willie Brew’d A Peck O’ Maut   1789 Type: Song O Willie brew’d a peck o’ maut, And Rob and Allen cam to see; Three blyther hearts, that lee-lang night, Ye wadna found in Christendie. Chorus.-We are na fou, we’re nae that fou, But just a drappie in our ee; The cock may craw, the […]

Robert Burns: Extemporaneous Effusion: On being appointed to an Excise division.

Extemporaneous Effusion On being appointed to an Excise division.1789 Type: Extempore Searching auld wives’ barrels, Ochon the day! That clarty barm should stain my laurels: But-what’ll ye say? These movin’ things ca’d wives an’ weans, Wad move the very hearts o’ stanes! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by […]

Robert Burns: Extemporaneous Effusion: On being appointed to an Excise division.

Extemporaneous Effusion On being appointed to an Excise division.1789 Type: Extempore Searching auld wives’ barrels, Ochon the day! That clarty barm should stain my laurels: But-what’ll ye say? These movin’ things ca’d wives an’ weans, Wad move the very hearts o’ stanes! ————- Home Robert Burns Collection Fledermausi’s Poetry Page Poetry from Scotland  Poetry by […]

Robert Burns: Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents:

Presentation Stanzas To Correspondents   1789 Type: Poem Factor John! Factor John, whom the Lord made alone, And ne’er made anither, thy peer, Thy poor servant, the Bard, in respectful regard, He presents thee this token sincere, Factor John! He presents thee this token sincere. Afton’s Laird! Afton’s Laird, when your pen can be spared, […]

Robert Burns: The Kirk Of Scotland’s Alarm:

The Kirk Of Scotland’s Alarm   1789 Type: Song Tune: Come rouse, Brother Sportsman! Orthodox! orthodox, who believe in John Knox, Let me sound an alarm to your conscience: A heretic blast has been blown in the West, “That what is no sense must be nonsense,” Orthodox! That what is no sense must be nonsense. […]

Robert Burns: My Eppie Adair:

My Eppie Adair   1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-An’ O my Eppie, my jewel, my Eppie, Wha wad na be happy wi’ Eppie Adair? By love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty, I swear to be true to my Eppie Adair! By love, and by beauty, by law, and by duty, I swear to […]

Robert Burns: Whistle O’er The Lave O’t:

Whistle O’er The Lave O’t   1789 Type: Poem First when Maggie was my care, Heav’n, I thought, was in her air, Now we’re married-speir nae mair, But whistle o’er the lave o’t! Meg was meek, and Meg was mild, Sweet and harmless as a child- Wiser men than me’s beguil’d; Whistle o’er the lave […]

Robert Burns: The Laddie’s Dear Sel’:

The Laddie’s Dear Sel’   1789 Type: Poem There’s a youth in this city, it were a great pity That he from our lassies should wander awa’; For he’s bonie and braw, weel-favor’d witha’, An’ his hair has a natural buckle an’ a’. His coat is the hue o’ his bonnet sae blue, His fecket […]

Robert Burns: Carle, An The King Come:

Carle, An The King Come   1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Carle, an the King come, Carle, an the King come, Thou shalt dance and I will sing, Carle, an the King come. An somebody were come again, Then somebody maun cross the main, And every man shall hae his ain, Carle, an the King come. Carle, […]

Robert Burns: Tam Glen:

Tam Glen   1789 Type: song My heart is a-breaking, dear Tittie, Some counsel unto me come len’, To anger them a’ is a pity, But what will I do wi’ Tam Glen? I’m thinking, wi’ sic a braw fellow, In poortith I might mak a fen; What care I in riches to wallow, If […]

Robert Burns: John Anderson, My Jo:

John Anderson, My Jo   1789 Type: Poem John Anderson, my jo, John, When we were first acquent; Your locks were like the raven, Your bonie brow was brent; But now your brow is beld, John, Your locks are like the snaw; But blessings on your frosty pow, John Anderson, my jo. John Anderson, my […]

Robert Burns: The Captain’s Lady:

The Captain’s Lady   1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-O mount and go, mount and make you ready, O mount and go, and be the Captain’s lady. When the drums do beat, and the cannons rattle, Thou shalt sit in state, and see thy love in battle: When the drums do beat, and the cannons rattle, Thou […]

Robert Burns: The Banks Of Nith:

The Banks Of Nith   1789 Type: Poem The Thames flows proudly to the sea, Where royal cities stately stand; But sweeter flows the Nith to me, Where Comyns ance had high command. When shall I see that honour’d land, That winding stream I love so dear! Must wayward Fortune’s adverse hand For ever, ever […]

Robert Burns: Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad:

Young Jockie Was The Blythest Lad   1789 Type: Poem Young Jockie was the blythest lad, In a’ our town or here awa; Fu’ blythe he whistled at the gaud, Fu’ lightly danc’d he in the ha’. He roos’d my een sae bonie blue, He roos’d my waist sae genty sma’; An’ aye my heart […]

Robert Burns: The Gard’ner Wi’ His Paidle:

The Gard’ner Wi’ His Paidle   1789 Type: Song Tune: The Gardener’s March. When rosy May comes in wi’ flowers, To deck her gay, green-spreading bowers, Then busy, busy are his hours, The Gard’ner wi’ his paidle. The crystal waters gently fa’, The merry bards are lovers a’, The scented breezes round him blaw- The […]

Robert Burns: The Wounded Hare:

The Wounded Hare   1789 Type: Poem Inhuman man! curse on thy barb’rous art, And blasted be thy murder-aiming eye; May never pity soothe thee with a sigh, Nor ever pleasure glad thy cruel heart! Go live, poor wand’rer of the wood and field! The bitter little that of life remains: No more the thickening […]

Robert Burns: Beware O’ Bonie Ann:

Beware O’ Bonie Ann   1789 Type: Poem Ye gallants bright, I rede you right, Beware o’ bonie Ann; Her comely face sae fu’ o’ grace, Your heart she will trepan: Her een sae bright, like stars by night, Her skin sae like the swan; Sae jimply lac’d her genty waist, That sweetly ye might […]

Robert Burns: Impromptu Lines To Captain Riddell: On Returning a Newspaper.

Impromptu Lines To Captain Riddell On Returning a Newspaper.1789 Type: Impromptu Your News and Review, sir. I’ve read through and through, sir, With little admiring or blaming; The Papers are barren Of home-news or foreign, No murders or rapes worth the naming. Our friends, the Reviewers, Those chippers and hewers, Are judges of mortar and […]

Robert Burns: She’s Fair And Fause:

She’s Fair And Fause   1789 Type: song She’s fair and fause that causes my smart, I lo’ed her meikle and lang; She’s broken her vow, she’s broken my heart, And I may e’en gae hang. A coof cam in wi’ routh o’ gear, And I hae tint my dearest dear; But Woman is but […]

Robert Burns: Sappho Redivivus: Fragment

Sappho Redivivus Fragment1789 Type: Poem By all I lov’d, neglected and forgot, No friendly face e’er lights my squalid cot; Shunn’d, hated, wrong’d, unpitied, unredrest, The mock’d quotation of the scorner’s jest! Ev’n the poor support of my wretched life, Snatched by the violence of legal strife. Oft grateful for my very daily bread To […]

Robert Burns: Ode, Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Oswald Of Auchencruive:

Ode, Sacred To The Memory Of Mrs. Oswald Of Auchencruive   1789 Type: Ode Dweller in yon dungeon dark, Hangman of creation! mark, Who in widow-weeds appears, Laden with unhonour’d years, Noosing with care a bursting purse, Baited with many a deadly curse? Strophe View the wither’d Beldam’s face; Can thy keen inspection trace Aught […]

Robert Burns: Robin Shure In Hairst:

Robin Shure In Hairst   1789 Type: Poem Chorus.-Robin shure in hairst, I shure wi’ him. Fient a heuk had I, Yet I stack by him. I gaed up to Dunse, To warp a wab o’ plaiden, At his daddie’s yett, Wha met me but Robin: Robin shure, &c. Was na Robin bauld, Tho’ I […]

Robert Burns: Elegy On The Year 1788:

Elegy On The Year 1788   1788 Type: Elegy For lords or kings I dinna mourn, E’en let them die-for that they’re born: But oh! prodigious to reflec’! A Towmont, sirs, is gane to wreck! O Eighty-eight, in thy sma’ space, What dire events hae taken place! Of what enjoyments thou hast reft us! In […]

Robert Burns: Written In Friars Carse Hermitage: On Nithside

Written In Friars Carse Hermitage On Nithside1788 Type: Poem Thou whom chance may hither lead, Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these counsels on thy soul. Life is but a day at most, Sprung from night,-in darkness lost; Hope not sunshine ev’ry hour, Fear not clouds will always […]

Robert Burns: Auld Lang Syne:

Auld Lang Syne   1788 Type: Poem Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And auld lang syne! Chorus.-For auld lang syne, my dear, For auld lang syne. We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet, For auld lang syne. And surely ye’ll be your pint stowp! And […]

Robert Burns: It Is Na, Jean, Thy Bonie Face:

It Is Na, Jean, Thy Bonie Face   1788 Type: Poem It is na, Jean, thy bonie face, Nor shape that I admire; Altho’ thy beauty and thy grace Might weel awauk desire. Something, in ilka part o’ thee, To praise, to love, I find, But dear as is thy form to me, Still dearer […]

Robert Burns: I Reign In Jeanie’s Bosom:

I Reign In Jeanie’s Bosom   1788 Type: Poem Louis, what reck I by thee, Or Geordie on his ocean? Dyvor, beggar louns to me, I reign in Jeanie’s bosom! Let her crown my love her law, And in her breast enthrone me, Kings and nations-swith awa’! Reif randies, I disown ye! ————- Home Robert […]

Robert Burns: The Fall Of The Leaf:

The Fall Of The Leaf   1788 Type: Poem The lazy mist hangs from the brow of the hill, Concealing the course of the dark-winding rill; How languid the scenes, late so sprightly, appear! As Autumn to Winter resigns the pale year. The forests are leafless, the meadows are brown, And all the gay foppery […]

Robert Burns: O, Were I On Parnassus Hill:

O, Were I On Parnassus Hill   1788 Type: Song Tune: My love is lost to me. O, were I on Parnassus hill, Or had o’ Helicon my fill, That I might catch poetic skill, To sing how dear I love thee! But Nith maun be my Muse’s well, My Muse maun be thy bonie […]

Robert Burns: The Day Returns:

The Day Returns   1788 Type: Song Tune: Seventh of November. The day returns, my bosom burns, The blissful day we twa did meet: Tho’ winter wild in tempest toil’d, Ne’er summer-sun was half sae sweet. Than a’ the pride that loads the tide, And crosses o’er the sultry line; Than kingly robes, than crowns […]

Robert Burns: Epistle To Robert Graham, Esq., Of Fintry: Requesting a Favour

Epistle To Robert Graham, Esq., Of Fintry Requesting a Favour1788 Type: Epistle When Nature her great master-piece design’d, And fram’d her last, best work, the human mind, Her eye intent on all the mazy plan, She form’d of various parts the various Man. Then first she calls the useful many forth; Plain plodding Industry, and […]

Robert Burns: Anna, Thy Charms:

Anna, Thy Charms   1788 Type: Song Anna, thy charms my bosom fire, And waste my soul with care; But ah! how bootless to admire, When fated to despair! Yet in thy presence, lovely Fair, To hope may be forgiven; For sure ’twere impious to despair So much in sight of heaven. ————- Home Robert […]

Robert Burns: Lines Written In Friars’-Carse Hermitage:

Lines Written In Friars’-Carse Hermitage   1788 Type: Poem Thou whom chance may hither lead, Be thou clad in russet weed, Be thou deckt in silken stole, Grave these maxims on thy soul. Life is but a day at most, Sprung from night, in darkness lost: Hope not sunshine every hour, Fear not clouds will […]