The Pretense of Gathering Pebbles by the Shore by Syed Kawsar Jamal

The Pretense of Gathering Pebbles by the Shore Syed Kawsar Jamal Nothing do I know, yet I hang everywhere my portrait, Serious and grave, as if it knows all – On which, throughout the day, collects dust; And termites crump and chitter on each frame and gnaw. Descends something like a fog, and shrouds the […]

The Magician by Syed Kawsar Jamal

The Magician Syed Kawsar Jamal The boat sails through the veins of the Sunderbans. A magician riding over the waves and making whispering sound The engine pulsed while the Matla river expanded And its curly waves drummed softly in our ears. Mere onlookers we keep our eyes open. Always. The Royal Bengal lie in wait […]

Sunday Morning by Susan King Saunders

street still sleep from sinnin’ saturday night woman on her way to praise the lord she wear that wide white church hat tryin’ to shield her head from god don’t know why she think he can’t see into her cloaked and tellin’ mind woman on her way to church to sit in first pew she […]

Sitting atop the mountain hill by Swami Aaron Thomas

Sitting atop the mountain hill, established in my self, fragrance of bliss evaporates all around from my body and soul. Vapor spreads, starts dancing in form of Shiva. Flutes of Krishna fills the whole valley with its divine melody. Buddha in me dazzles in pristine radiance. I expand and permeate in the whole existence, I […]

Shattered Dreams by SWARAJ PRASAD

Hope, happiness and harmony harness. Dismay, disorder and disharmony discrete. Brutality, barbarism and bloodthirstiness bowdlerize. Vision, vividness and vicissitude vociferate. Transparency, transgression and transcendentalism tranquilize. Quest, query and quibble quieten. Protagonist, protector and Psalmist prosper. Reconciliation, Reconsideration and reconstruction recreate. Let dreams deepen into mighty ocean where nobody has shattered dreams. Poetry In

Romantic Hour by Suuk Simon Subinimah

The birds are chirping Far off vehicles hooting The sun goes sinking Sitting on a stump The brain goes wide Questions come rushing Who is what? Where from that? The brain continues to stride On and on goes he; busy Busy thinking a lot about what is not easy Sitting still on the stump Insects […]

Rememberance of that Power by sylvan lightbourne

Caesar the ruler, Julius the caregiver, two pieces pocket, profit the Roman empire. Fought amongst dreamers, the people want blood. Shrine the outcasts, crucifix the criminals money cents imprints, failure of democracy. Onto the eastern, where queens are fitted, enslaved all nations, the Brittan are equipted. The africans toiled, tell tale incarcerated upon benevolous action, […]

Protest poem by Susan King Saunders

Protest poem by Susan King Saunders don’t try to use me like a hole, dug out of dirt, a drop spot for dead ideas about my identity. i am not a ditch (void, and violable) a storage for stench-held bags of garbage crammed, leaking. don’t try to clothe my eyes with a veil of vanity […]

Od’d(ode) to Whitey Bulger by Susan King Saunders

Od’d(ode) to Whitey Bulger by Susan King Saunders OD’D (ode) TO WHITEY BULGER Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock Yo Whitey I hear you’re from Southy But you’re going Northy You were pretty Mouthy Now you’ll be a shorty You slaughtered the daughter The son father and mother Now your time is […]

Michelle Obama Tribute by Susan King Saunders

Michelle Obama Tribute by Susan King Saunders Michelle Obama Sasha and Malia’s momma First Lady 2008 -2016 is her fate the fashion queen brings class to any thing whether Vera Wang K-Mart Marshall’s or Ralph Lauren Essence Ellen People The View Vanity Fair to name a few Enlightened/ Elegant and so refined assertively she speaks […]

Little Girl Dancing by Susan King Saunders

Little Girl Dancing by Susan King Saunders There was no movie made about the little girl age three, who the doctor said would die in a year who I last saw alive at age five in a wheelchair dancing, dying, singing, smiling, waving goodbye Poetry In

Independent at Birth by Suuk Simon Subinimah

Seated he under the pavilion Grey bare chested with a mood As that of a chameleon An air of pride surrounds him That provokes anger Breasts cupped in two hands The women run around as if pursued By wild bees Infants with piteous faces and Pot-like stomachs dashing after their mothers Sons and daughters are […]

I am not ashamed of myself by Swami Aaron Thomas

I have been dumped by my own people, by my own kids, by my own wife, inflicting emotional trauma, infinite agony, ruthless torture, creating a total havoc in my life. All these things happened because I did not have money; I don’t have money. It’s not so that I am lazy and shirk doing works. […]

Hope by Swaraj Prasad

Sometimes…………………………………………………….. A mighty cup of water wades on waterfall. A silent stone can stomp the smooth soil. A beat-nick bird can bear the bedlam. A quiet breeze can change the chauvinism. A tiny ant can face the fierce fight. And even…………………………………. A broken leaf can linger in a limbo. If these non-livings can change the […]

Ematiated Souls by Suuk Simon Subinimah

Hungry for years , Dying in tears The rodents have no fears. For daily they nibble At our feeble Lifeline – the family cake. We toil sweat and blood to make, Theirs is to come and take. We try to cry but we are too weak. Our hearts are laden with grief and our future […]

Curtis by Susan King Saunders

Curtis by Susan King Saunders a primply prince passed my way no brighter shining sun that day i closed my eyes and prayed Lord let him be my special babe on Intervale Street he proved a pal that I’d soon meet he was sharp and fast on his feet he had his own syncopated beat […]

Caught by Susan Adams

Caught by Susan Adams Two tankers sit at the split between sky and water, our ankles are knit by rockpool eddies and arms wrap the other as linen, we are one cloth, bound. Rock fishermen arrive, its time, they throw lines from precipitous edges, their rods cut arches against smashed foam travelling the jag of […]

A soldier’s Pledge by Sylvan Lightbourne

When the heaven skies, bleed for many years no form of communication had to be shared. You can only hear, can’t feel no fear. What’s it like too build many disguise, to hide whats in but many men sin. Confuse to complain, when did it show self one gain. To pull information from my head, […]

A character of it’s own by Sylvan Lightbourne

A character of it’s own, earned to be earned, earned to be learned, a bitter burden turned. Catches me you called it, catches me you won’t, avoid all the friendship, possibly a curse, break bones softly, possibly a curse, father me badly, came out emberse. The further shall i sturdy, proves all to be a […]

Woman by Tala Bar

I’m as old as the mountain As young as Spring – Always changing, Always constant; I’m as rush as the river, As still as a pool – Always running, Always there – Waiting for you to discover The treasure hidden within. Poetry In

Walk with Me by Tammy L Ames

take a little walk with me a journey built for two and share with me the steps you took that led you to be you talk to me of onions the layers and the tears the sweet relief of sharing grief that bade you drink for years take a little walk with me so i’ll […]

Today’s News by Ted Berrigan

Today’s News by Ted Berrigan My body heavy with poverty (starch) It uses up my sexual energy constantly & I feel constantly crowded On the other hand, One Day in the Afternoon of The World Pervaded my life with a heavy grace today I’ll never smile again Bad Teeth But I’m dancing with tears in […]

The Woman Of His Dreams by Talha Jafri

The old man didn’t know how to love for his tender love was compensated by a loving wife She loved him endlessly while he did the same for her They were perfect in this imperfect world, Two answers to a larger question asked by God But she left him from the face of the Earth, […]

The Soundless Ocean by Tanmoy

It’s a soundless ocean. Little balls of faint light wave and move inside. A circular passage exists, which leads to another revealation. Each year passes like a second in this space, Every moment is useless here. From time to time, only darkness, someone’s flute plays a music, and throws down to the underlying creation. The […]

The Poet by Thom Douglas Carlisle

=== The Poet . . . ( Referencing Moonglow, ) Novels, novellas, writers of documents and manuscripts, Bred of grace and order, What makes a ‘Fellow-of-Letters’ construct for the mind that which the eye Can never see? New passive resident in moments of ancient breathing, held down, bound tightly In this ethereal, far dimension, Forged […]

The Narrative by Talha Jafri

Like a story told from a book Every detail is drawn in to create a larger picture Every high and low in the story are all drawn together so perfectly All the missing pieces to the puzzle all have a loose end that gets tied up And like a story told from the eyes of […]

The Garden by Tammy L. Ames

Wearied by mine anguish Laden with my strife, I begged The Lord for mercy For flowers in my life. The Gardener took heed the call My desperate, mortal plea, And knowing hands, they tilled in love That life might root in me. The barren land He found there My heart, once cracked and dry, Grew […]

The Eclipsed Past by Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy

A long and steep gaze Into the eclipsed past, Provide my thoughts an edge To unroll the bygone past. Paths adorned with flowers Became skyscraper blocks, The playground glitters Sans the delightful brook. Childhood flew into teens Joys became a scarce rainbow, Age changed the directions Flooding me in life’s flow. Some gripping circumstances, Paved […]

The Call of the Crows by Tanmoy

I do not know why the crows are calling in this time of night, as if it is a morning! Now,again their spirits dampen. On the other room, she is an astrologer. She predicts futures,and she gains by showing half accuracy and half control over the mind. But to me,she has never lied. She says […]

The Blind Man by Théophile Gautier

The Blind Man by Théophile Gautier A blind man, on the thoroughfare, Startle-eyed as an owl by day, Piping a dismal little air, Taps here and there, loses his way, Tootles awry his time-old ditty Undauntedly, as by his side Lopes his dog, guides him through the city, Specter diurnal, sleepy-eyed. Days, stark, wash over […]

The Beautiful Heartbreak by Talha Jafri

When the heart aches everyone thinks to the time where the heart achieved so much It’s unable to fathom the fact that it is broken and needs to cured But we carry on through each day routinely Unable to bare the pain, we shield ourselves in the heartbreak We listen to the world’s melody to […]

Snow Flakes by Tala Bar

Gently falls the snow, and Bouncing – My swift, white sisters Dancing Cold, but Melting in the Sun, appearing for A second. Poetry In

Selecting A Reader by Ted Kooser

Selecting A Reader by Ted Kooser First, I would have her be beautiful, and walking carefully up on my poetry at the loneliest moment of an afternoon, her hair still damp at the neck from washing it. She should be wearing a raincoat, an old one, dirty from not having money enough for the cleaners. […]

Seasons by Tala Bar

I don’t believe in good and evil – Cool is the August Moon; I don’t believe in good and evil – On Midsummer noon; I don’t believe in good and evil – Flowery May so cries; I don’t believe in good and evil When my lover dies. Poetry In

Ritual by Tala Bar

From my peak of a mountain I see you, all. God is sad, but Life awakens my laughter And I laugh the sadness of life. In my heart of a mountain A cry is born, in time! The procession passes in slow motion Round and round the mountain; We bury my god, in time! At […]

Passion of Greatness by Terence Ray Robertson

Roses comes in pairs.  Left off from the weeds,  Cherish yourself cherish your seeds.  Left behind, leave a trail to follow the scents of this love.  Give in to this love watch it bloom forth.    As queens move foward   This battle is not yours.       ————— The End And that’s the […]

On The Move ‘Man, You Gotta Go. by Thom Gunn

On The Move ‘Man, You Gotta Go. by Thom Gunn The blue jay scuffling in the bushes follows Some hidden purpose, and the gush of birds That spurts across the field, the wheeling swallows, Have nested in the trees and undergrowth. Seeking their instinct, or their pose, or both, One moves with an uncertain violence […]

My Sad Captains by Thom Gunn

My Sad Captains by Thom Gunn One by one they appear in the darkness: a few friends, and a few with historical names. How late they start to shine! but before they fade they stand perfectly embodied, all the past lapping them like a cloak of chaos. They were men who, I thought, lived only […]

Meeting at an Airport by Taha Muhammad Ali

You asked me once, on our way back from the midmorning trip to the spring: “What do you hate, and who do you love?” And I answered, from behind the eyelashes of my surprise, my blood rushing like the shadow cast by a cloud of starlings: “I hate departure . . . I love the […]

Lucid Dreams by Talha Jafri

Can we pretend that this isn’t a dream, but a reality that tries to persists even against all my will? Now let’s go back to the days where situations weren’t so complicated With age, wisdom comes, but with age comes complications and emotions Emotions transform into whatever society wants it to become We had simpler […]