Aye, strike with sacrilegious aim
The temple of the living God;
Hurl iron bolt and seething flame
Through aisles which holiest feet have trod;
Tear up the altar, spoil the tomb,
And, raging with demoniac ire,
Send down, in sudden crash of doom,
That grand, old, sky-sustaining spire.
That spire, for full a hundred years,[1]
Hath been a people’s point of sight;
That shrine hath warmed their souls to tears,
With strains well worthy Salem’s height;
The sweet, clear music of its bells,
Made liquid soft in Southern air,
Still through the heart of memory swells,
And wakes the hopeful soul to prayer.
Along the shores for many a mile,
Long ere they owned a beacon-mark,
It caught arid kept the Day-God’s smile,
The guide for every wandering bark;[2]
Averting from our homes the scaith
Of fiery bolt, in storm-cloud driven,
The Pharos to the wandering faith,
It pointed every prayer to Heaven!
Well may ye, felons of the time,
Still loathing all that’s pure and free,
Add this to many a thousand crime
‘Gainst peace and sweet humanity:
Ye, who have wrapped our towns in flame,
Defiled our shrines, befouled our homes,
But fitly turn your murderous aim
Against Jehovah’s ancient domes.
Yet, though the grand old temple falls,
And downward sinks the lofty spire,
Our faith is stronger than our walls,
And soars above the storm and fire.
Ye shake no faith in souls made free
To tread the paths their fathers trod;
To fight and die for liberty,
Believing in the avenging God!
Think not, though long his anger stays,
His justice sleeps–His wrath is spent;
The arm of vengeance but delays,
To make more dread the punishment!
Each impious hand that lights the torch
Shall wither ere the bolt shall fall;
And the bright Angel of the Church,
With seraph shield avert the ball!
For still we deem, as taught of old,
That where the faith the altar builds,
God sends an angel from his fold,
Whose sleepless watch the temple shields,
And to his flock, with sweet accord,
Yields their fond choice, from THRONES and POWERS;
Thus, Michael, with his fiery sword
And golden shield, still champions ours!
And he who smote the dragon down,
And chained him thousand years of time,
Need never fear the boa’s frown,
Though loathsome in his spite and slime.
He, from the topmost height, surveys
And guards the shrines our fathers gave;
And we, who sleep beneath his gaze,
May well believe his power to save!
Yet, if it be that for our sin
Our angel’s term of watch is o’er,
With proper prayer, true faith must win
The guardian watcher back once more I
Faith, brethren of the Church, and prayer–
In blood and sackcloth, if it need;
And still our spire shall rise in air,
Our temple, though our people bleed!
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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