When the heart aches everyone thinks to the time where the heart achieved so much
It’s unable to fathom the fact that it is broken and needs to cured
But we carry on through each day routinely
Unable to bare the pain, we shield ourselves in the heartbreak
We listen to the world’s melody to relax us
Nothing seems to work to heal the pain
When the heart is denied of its love, it needs to reciprocate the love in the best possible way
We have the supports of friendship to not constrain us in our pain
Courage begins to pile up behind the excess of depression
Hope begins to shine through even though the heart is aching for redemption
It’s funny how the heart eventually finds it redemption
We often can’t understand
But in pain we put ourselves in a mirror and self examine
We look past our strengths and glorify the flaws within us
They shine, oh so brightly, to illuminate the darkness of the human soul
The devil decides to tempt us
And then, we walk towards the dark side
Only to find that we are beginning the construction of our human soul
Finding just what exactly it means to have everything fall apart
It’s unclear to us but as young people in this world
We cannot understand the extent of true love
How the heart can withstand the resistance
Constantly tugging in the game of love
We start off unfocused without a sense of commitment
And end up declaring the purpose of all commitments in the world
When the clouds begins to show the sunshine,
Our minds begin to clear up
And the beautiful heartbreak comes to an end
Where pain defines you and loves leaves you in mystery
Like it always will,
Definitions give us the meaning of life and the mysteries give us the beautiful uncertainty of life
Defining us and showing us just who we really are
Heartbreaks destroy us
But heartbreaks rebuild us in new ways that we didn’t know can be built
And the love that started off so strong
Becomes the love that keeps on guard
Until, eventually, we accept and eventually find ourselves back into love’s mystery