the dragon sat complacently looking at the unicorn as it grazed
‘tell me little unicorn how your golden horn upon your head doth work?’
raising its head chewing thoughtfully he finally turned to the dragon
wisdom comes unto the dragon and the unicorn as they talk

‘a good question to ask oh mighty dragon but a harder one to answer’
the dragon looked confused thought about it for awhile then asked another
‘if it is hard to answer does that infer that you are not sure yourself?’
wisdom comes unto the dragon and the unicorn as they talk

‘yes that is true, i know what it can do, alas i do not know how it is done’
totally abashed by the reply again he picked up a bone and began to eat it
‘it amazes me to think that something that is part of you is also unknown to you’
wisdom comes unto the dragon and the unicorn as they talk

‘it really doesn’t bother me, for i know it works upon an evil thought and destroys’
the dragon digested this bit of information than placidly placed the bone down
‘well little unicorn, i can see now that i must control my evil thoughts around you’
wisdom comes unto the dragon and the unicorn as they talk

the unicorn once again lowered his head silently began to graze in comfort
the dragon mulled this over staring at the sky then slowly picked up his bone
never noticing the grin upon the unicorns mouth as he continued to graze
wisdom comes unto the dragon and the unicorn as they talk

End of the poem

15 random poems


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Some external links:

The Bat’s Own Poetry Cave 

Talking Writing Monster. – the alternative in the US – a search engine from France, and also an alternative, at least for Europe

Yandex – the Russian search engine (it’s probably the best search engine for image searches).
