!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>The Flash Reverses Time by A. Van Jordan/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>The Flash Reverses Time/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 itemprop=”author” class=”author”>by A. Van Jordan/h2> div itemprop=”genre” id=”content”> div class=”taxonomy-images”>a href=”/a-van-jordan/poems.html” class=”taxonomy-image-links”>img itemprop=”image” src=”https://www.best-poems.net/files/imagecache/poet/category_pictures/A.%20Van%20Jordan.jpg” alt=”A. Van Jordan” title=”A. Van Jordan” width=”180″ height=”200″ class=”taxonomy-image-term-11067 taxonomy-image-vid-22″/>/a>/div>p>When I’m running across the citybr /> on the crowded streetsbr /> to home, when, in a blur,br /> the grass turns brownbr /> beneath my feet, the asphaltbr /> steams under every stepbr /> and the maple leaves swaybr /> on the branches in my wake,br /> and the people look,br /> look in that bewildered way,br /> in my direction, I imaginebr /> walking slowly into my pastbr /> among them at a pacebr /> at which we can look one another in the eyebr /> and begin to make changes in the futurebr /> from our memories of the past—br /> the bottom of a bottomless well,br /> you may think, but why not dream a little:br /> our past doesn’t contradict our future;br /> they’re swatches of the same fabricbr /> stretching across our minds,br /> one image sewn into another,br /> like the relationship between a foot and a boot,br /> covariant in space and time—br /> one moves along with the other,br /> like an actor in a shadow play—br /> like a streak of scarlet lightbr /> across the skyline of your citybr /> sweeping the debris, which is simply confetti,br /> candy wrappers, a can of soda,br /> all the experience of a day discardedbr /> and now picked upbr /> even down to the youthful screams of playbr /> that put smiles on the faces of the adultsbr /> who hear remnants of their own voicesbr /> through a doorway leading backbr /> to a sunrise they faintly remember./p> br> /body> /html>