The Other Side of Panic
by Martina Reisz Newberry
It begins
with the desert’s hot sky,
as always,
alchemizing grief and loathing
into love stories.
Here is the other side of panic:
a dug-in-deep
that makes your
marrow itch.
the desert underwrites
your soul’s story.
You become
untethered from yourself
which may
may not
be a good thing.
Such intricacy!
People in the sand
looking for closure
as if there was such an animal.
“We’ll do this
so we can have
they say when
what they mean is
they want every gory detail.
They want to smell and taste
the who/what/where/when/why
in each sanctification
of violence.
I dream a lot
in this desert.
My dreams
turn to fish line
which I use
to sew what is real
to what is not.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- 30th Birthday poem – Alice Notley
- Grumpy Old Man by Mary Etta Metcalf
- Whispers of Immortality by T. S. Eliot
- Johnny Rich by Will McKendree Carleton
- Buddha by Vachel Lindsay
- Николай Языков – Романс (Угрюм стоит дремучий лес)
- On Seeing the Ladies Crux-Easton Walk in the Woods by the Grotto. poem – Alexander Pope
- Николай Гумилев – Кенгуру
- Cats by Arthur Seymour John Tessimond
- Омар Хайям – Не устану в неверном театре теней
- Владимир Степанов – Угадай-ка, это кто?
- Why?
- Robert Burns: Lass Of Cessnock Banks, The:
- Seashore by Rabindranath Tagore
- On Friendship by Phillis Wheatley
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