In twists of fate, a serpentine shape
Slithers in the grass, a stealthy escape
Bites its prey, a venomous sting
Poison courses through the victim’s wing
A deadly dance, a wicked spin
As life drains out, a sorrowful din
Echoes of screams, a haunting refrain
As death claims another soul in vain
The snake’s embrace, a lethal hold
A grip that tightens, cold as gold
Fear and panic, a helpless flight
As the poison takes its toll tonight
The snake’s fangs, a razor-sharp bite
Tears open flesh, a crimson sight
A searing pain, an endless fight
As life slips away, a darkest night
But still the snake, it slithers on
Unfazed by death, a sinister throng
It strikes again, a merciless blow
Leaving behind a lifeless sow
And so the cycle repeats, a never-ending plight
A tale of horror, a constant fight
For survival, a desperate flight
Against the snake, a monstrous might
More poems by Poetry Slave
- Arrow through the bellybutton poem
- In shadows of night
- The Snake
- Putin, Our Savior and Dear Friend
- Shame
- A Poem about Lemonade
- About Wedding Dress

What’s all the rave? It’s the Poetry Slave! Enslaved by the art, and free at his heart, he’s a versifier and his verse burns with fire. he is honest and brave, the Poetry Slave.