Lingering soul, I am between the classics
Drowning inside each and every Sound of Music

Raindrops, pitter -pattering its footprints
Clusters of sound creating a “c-h-o-w” Music

Some days these beats of rain control my tears
Soaking in my sorrow in hers, accompanying Music

Showers of drizzles precipitate, on a sunny day
A dancing Rainbow bending colorfully to the Music

Drop by drop as each pebble touches its skin
The waters in pond spreads its wings smiling in Music

Thunders and lighting, the big uncle rain coming
Drums beating ‘ Sky Orchestra’, a big festive Music

Every special occasion are marked by this sound
All festivals and celebrations possess their Music

The sounds of Music “Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti To”
Have their presence in every piece of Music

My Baby laughing, surprised hearing different sounds
That intrigues her mind tickling her sense of Music

I sit here on the window sill admiring every of piece sound
Drowning in it and dancing within the rhythm of this unique “Music”