The Storm
by Rainbow Reed
On granite rock,
The woman sat.
Damp hair trickled down her back,
Azure highlights glimmering,
Golden curls shimmering.
Seaweed sparkled; waving wildly
White foam horses rear and pound,
Surging through the rocky mound.
Crashing against the sleeping stone.
Woman sits and
Stares alone.
Black cloud glares,
Fog horn blares,
Lightning screams across the sky.
Green eyes pierce through crushing waves,
As raging waters tumble by,
Swirling through the hidden reef.
Sharp fanged rocks, lurk just beneath.
Hungry for their prey….
Fisherman caught
In the storm.
Spies cast off lover all forlorn.
His heart pounds with fear and shock,
Demon lover clinging to demon rock,
Soaked in sea spray but shining still
Fisherman feels a surging thrill,
Pulls rudder across hard and fast,
Sails moan and flap against the mast.
Fishing boat thrown up and down,
Fishermans’ face creased with frown.
Woman sits in silence
Undertones of
Green eyes glowing at her lovers face,
Thinking of happier times and place.
These eyes melt his heart of stone,
How could he have left her all alone?
Fishing boat drops from wave on high,
For a minute caught, seeming to fly.
Then falls and smashes into the foam,
Broken, drifting forever to roam.
Woman smiles and sings her song,
Waiting for another to come along….