A poem by Alexander Pushkin – Pouchkine, Pooshkin (1799-1837), in English translation
I remember a marvellous instant,
Unto me bending down from above,
Thy radiant vision appearing
As an angel of beauty and love.
‘Mid the torments of desperate sadness,
In the torture of bondage and sighs,
To me rang thy voice so beloved–
And I dreamed thy miraculous eyes.
But the years rolled along–and life’s tempests
My illusions, my youth overcame,
I forgot that sweet voice full of music–
And thy glance like a heavenly flame.
In the covert and grief of my exile,
The days stretched unchanged in their flight,
Bereft inspiration or power,
Bereft both of love and of light.
To my soul now approaches awakening,
To me thou art come from above,
As a radiant and wonderful vision–
As an angel of beauty and love.
As before my heart throbs with emotion,
Life looks to me worthy and bright,
And I feel inspiration and power–
And again love and tears and the light!
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External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Алексей Плещеев – Твоя любовь мне утешенье
- Алексей Плещеев – Тобой лишь ясны дни мои
- Алексей Плещеев – Сон
- Алексей Плещеев – Смотрю на нее и любуюсь
- Алексей Плещеев – Сердцу
- Алексей Плещеев – Прости
- Алексей Плещеев – По чувствам братья мы с тобой
- Алексей Плещеев – Песня
- Алексей Плещеев – Ответ
- Алексей Плещеев – Она и он
- Алексей Плещеев – Ноктюрн
- Алексей Плещеев – На память
- Алексей Плещеев – Молчание
- Алексей Плещеев – Мною злых и глупых шуток
- Алексей Плещеев – Лучше гибель без возврата
- Алексей Плещеев – Когда твой кроткий, ясный взор
- Алексей Плещеев – Как солнце блещет ярко
- Алексей Плещеев – Есть дни, ни злоба, ни любовь
- Алексей Плещеев – Ее мне жаль
- Алексей Плещеев – Дети века все больные
More external links (open in a new tab):
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Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Alexander Pushkin (1799-1937) was a Russian poet, playwright and prose writer, founder of the realistic trend in Russian literature, literary critic and theorist of literature, historian, publicist, journalist; one of the most important cultural figures in Russia in the first third of the 19th century.