The Luna
With all its celestial light,
Poured from the sky, the magic white,
On the newly wedded bride;
The cool breeze on terrace
Played with her locks
Like the wind plays with water,
The chill Fondled on her face
As surfs do gently shatter;
A sonic boom,
A mild heart quake,
Fission in the blood cells,
As she traveled fast into the past;
The dead leaves from old books
Suddenly became green,
The ancestral bangles on the hand
Identified the anguish of blood within,
Her obedient heart hurriedly
Shut the lids of grave,
The cunning mind assessed
The agony to be borne,
Confused she stared,
Like a drowning ship in the storm,
The past merged into present,
The memories compromised with reality,
A cloud veiled the moon.
Darkness transformed her into night,
A wedding night…..
The Sun on her forehead rose at the midnight.
End of the poem
15 random poems
- The Sea And The Skylark poem – Gerard Manley Hopkins poems
- Английская поэзия. Айзек Розенберг. Дочери войны. Isaac Rosenberg. Daughters of War
- Федор Сологуб – Светлый дом мой всё выше
- I Have Loved Hours At Sea by Sara Teasdale
- Sonnet 105: Let not my love be called idolatry by William Shakespeare
- Robert Burns: Address Spoken by Miss Fontenelle on her Benefit Night, December 4th, 1793, at the Theatre, Dumfries.:
- Михаил Лермонтов – Я не хочу, чтоб свет узнал
- Race by Vasko Popa
- Love Expression in Marriage
- Blake’s Victory poem – Andrew Marvell poems
- Morpheus poem – Alexander Pushkin
- Sonnet 07 poem – John Milton poems
- Complete Destruction by William Carlos Williams
- Николай Заболоцкий – Когда вдали угаснет свет дневной
- Юрий Левитанский – Не брести мне сушею
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