The Well Of Love
by Walter William Safar
All my life I’ve been searching for treasure,
Fickle destiny was the sail of my life.
At the end of the long journey I realized
That treasure is not to be found in a golden chest,
But within the human heart.
Love shines most brightly when imprisoned in the darkness of solitude.
Even though it was offered empires by many,
It remained true to itself,
Because love cannot be bribed,
Just like death,
Carried along the rooftops of the world;
There is no ear that can hear it,
No eye that can see it,
Always barefoot, quietly marching on grass, desert,
Water, sea, following people
More closely than their own shadows.
My one and only, the closer I approach death,
The closer you are to my heart.
Slowly, very slowly you become reality;
Reality conceived from tens, hundreds, thousands of dreams
Falling down the steep cliffs of the subconcious
Into the inexhaustible well of life.
My one and only, when you are close to me,
I am not afraid of death,
Because when I look into your eyes,
It is as if I am looking into the eyes of infinity.
After many a lonely year of treasure hunting,
Now I can finally fall at Your feet
And clearly and loudly say:
‘My one and only, the greatest treasure of all is
Hidden within Your heart.
I love you! ‘
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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