As day did darken on the dewless grass,
There, still, wi’ nwone a-come by me
To stay a-while at hwome by me
Within the house, all dumb by me,
I zot me sad as the eventide did pass.
An’ there a win’blast shook the rattlèn door,
An’ seemed, as win’ did mwoan without,
As if my Jeäne, alwone without,
A-stannèn on the stwone without,
Wer there a-come wi’ happiness oonce mwore.
I went to door; an’ out vrom trees above
My head, upon the blast by me,
Sweet blossoms wer a-cast by me,
As if my Love, a-past by me,
Did fling em down-a token ov her love.
“Sweet blossoms o’ the tree where I do murn,”
I thought, “if you did blow vor her,
Vor apples that should grow vor her,
A-vallèn down below vor her,
O then how happy I should zee you kern!”
But no. Too soon I voun my charm a-broke.
Noo comely soul in white like her-
Noo soul a-steppèn light like her-
An’ nwone o’ comely height like her
Went by; but all my grief ageän awoke.
The End
And that’s the End of the Poem
© Poetry Monster, 2021.
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