I raise my head slowly

Old eyes peer through the glass

I see the leaves gently swaying

Fondly caressed,

By a soft south west breeze.

Rooftops baked in the sun

Shadows cast, as windows

Sparkle in reflection.

Higher and higher

I raise my gaze,

The heaven a deep blue wonder

Clouds yonder

Shaped by the wind.

I begin to remember and ponder.

Memories like dreams

Skipping through my mind

Frivolous or so it seems,

Good and bad ones I find.

My smile is gone,

Eyes close, and

Sadness descends.

My voice raises a song,

But it is only a lament,

In this old body spent.

So many regrets

Shivering in a cold sweat

So many lost loves

Who flew like doves

Into the heavens.

So many stolen

As life’s ending is spoken.

I lower my head slowly

Old eyes cast down dimly.

Shoulders sink in a deep sigh

My own journey will end,

With a last look to the sky.

Copyright ©: 

Alan Noakes


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