!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>The King’s Breakfast by A. A. Milne/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>The King’s Breakfast/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by A. A. Milne/h2> div id=”content”> p>The King’s Breakfastbr /> The King askedbr /> The Queen, andbr /> The Queen askedbr /> The Dairymaid:br /> “Could we have some butter forbr /> The Royal slice of bread?”br /> The Queen asked the Dairymaid,br /> The Dairymaidbr /> Said, “Certainly,br /> I’ll go and tell the cowbr /> Nowbr /> Before she goes to bed.”/p> p>The Dairymaidbr /> She curtsied,br /> And went and toldbr /> The Alderney:br /> “Don’t forget the butter forbr /> The Royal slice of bread.”br /> The Alderneybr /> Said sleepily:br /> “You’d better tellbr /> His Majestybr /> That many people nowadaysbr /> Like marmaladebr /> Instead.”/p> p>The Dairymaidbr /> Said, “Fancy!”br /> And went tobr /> Her Majesty.br /> She curtsied to the Queen, andbr /> She turned a little red:br /> “Excuse me,br /> Your Majesty,br /> For taking ofbr /> The liberty,br /> But marmalade is tasty, ifbr /> It’s verybr /> Thicklybr /> Spread.”/p> p>The Queen saidbr /> “Oh!:br /> And went tobr /> His Majesty:br /> “Talking of the butter forbr /> The royal slice of bread,br /> Many peoplebr /> Think thatbr /> Marmaladebr /> Is nicer.br /> Would you like to try a littlebr /> Marmaladebr /> Instead?”/p> p>The King said,br /> “Bother!”br /> And then he said,br /> “Oh, deary me!”br /> The King sobbed, “Oh, deary me!”br /> And went back to bed.br /> “Nobody,”br /> He whimpered,br /> “Could call mebr /> A fussy man;br /> I only wantbr /> A little bitbr /> Of butter forbr /> My bread!”/p> p>The Queen said,br /> “There, there!”br /> And went tobr /> The Dairymaid.br /> The Dairymaidbr /> Said, “There, there!”br /> And went to the shed.br /> The cow said,br /> “There, there!br /> I didn’t reallybr /> Mean it;br /> Here’s milk for his porringer,br /> And butter for his bread.”/p> p>The Queen tookbr /> The butterbr /> And brought it tobr /> His Majesty;br /> The King said,br /> “Butter, eh?”br /> And bounced out of bed.br /> “Nobody,” he said,br /> As he kissed herbr /> Tenderly,br /> “Nobody,” he said,br /> As he slid down the banisters,br /> “Nobody,br /> My darling,br /> Could call mebr /> A fussy man -br /> BUTbr /> I do like a little bit of butter to my bread!”/p>/div> p>br /> br> /body> /html>