!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>The prison of the past by Mirela Sula/title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>The prison of the past/h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by Mirela Sula/h2> div id=”content”> p>I escape from the prison of the pastbr /> Haunted by illusions gone awrybr /> Filled with accusation against own selfbr /> There I go to enjoy the air of renewalbr /> Desirebr /> Touches mebr /> To seduce mebr /> Pushes mebr /> To regain myself again/p> p>Releasedbr /> Like a mad chickenbr /> I crash against a gate which invites me to go inbr /> I feel rescuedbr /> Although with my head down I standbr /> From the warm eggs that I left in my other nestbr /> I hurry not to leave myself on the vigilant movements/p> p>I still hide from the sun that has setbr /> A falter whilst running away from the memoriesbr /> Who it never overcame the end of my shadow/p> br> /body> /html>