The prison of the past
by Mirela Sula
I escape from the prison of the past
Haunted by illusions gone awry
Filled with accusation against own self
There I go to enjoy the air of renewal
Touches me
To seduce me
Pushes me
To regain myself again
Like a mad chicken
I crash against a gate which invites me to go in
I feel rescued
Although with my head down I stand
From the warm eggs that I left in my other nest
I hurry not to leave myself on the vigilant movements
I still hide from the sun that has set
A falter whilst running away from the memories
Who it never overcame the end of my shadow
Mirela Sula
Copyright ©:
Mirela Sula
A few random poems:
- Аля Кудряшева – Зима застыла среди теней
- Compromising my ego by Tanisha Avarsekar
- Вероника Тушнова – У всех бывают слабости минуты
- Lover’s Gifts XLIII: Dying, You Have Left Behind by Rabindranath Tagore
- Lallji My Desire
- Sonnet III: Look In Thy Glass, and Tell the Face Thou Viewest by William Shakespeare
- Георгий Иванов – А может быть, еще и не конец
- Владимир Вишневский – Заявка на романс
- Youth And Beauty by William Carlos Williams
- Владимир Маяковский – Гимн обеду
- English Poetry. Charles Wesley. Hark! A Voice Divides the Sky. Чарльз Уэсли.
- Growth: for Allen Qing Yuan by Mike Yuan
- Lover’s Gifts LXX: Take Back Your Coins by Rabindranath Tagore
- Late September poem – Amy Lowell poems | Poems and Poetry
- Louisa: After Accompanying Her On A Mountain Excursion by William Wordsworth
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Innocence
- In The Stone I Rooted
- In Between The Strophes
- Human Joys
- Human Charms
- He Who Creates Re Creates Himself
- Hai Kou Unpublished
- Hai Kou
- Greek Light
- Greece
- Golden Eangle
- Gesture Theory A Villanelle
- Gem Immortality
- Fruit Leaf Roots Flowers
- First Verse
- First Light
- Excerpt From The Gertrude Stein Collaborative Series
- Eudaemonism In A Senryu Novel
- Drunkenness
- Do Not Get Angry
More external links (open in a new tab):
Doska or the Board – write anything
Search engines:
Yandex – the best search engine for searches in Russian (and the best overall image search engine, in any language, anywhere)
Qwant – the best search engine for searches in French, German as well as Romance and Germanic languages.
Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works