A poem by Alec Derwent-Hope (1907–2000)
by Alec Derwent Hope
What did I study in your School of Night?
When your mouth’s first unfathomable yes
Opened your body to be my book, I read
My answers there and learned the spell aright,
Yet, though I searched and searched, could never guess
What spirits it raised nor where their questions led.
Those others, familiar tenants of your sleep,
The whisperers, the grave somnambulists
Whose eyes turn in to scrutinize their woe,
The giant who broods above the nightmare steep,
That sleeping girl, shuddering, with clenched fists,
A vampire baby suckling at her toe,
They taught me most. The scholar held his pen
And watched his blood drip thickly on the page
To form a text in unknown characters
Which, as I scanned them, changed and changed again:
The lines grew bars, the bars a Delphic cage
And I the captive of his magic verse.
A few random poems:
- O Little Root of a Dream by Paul Celan
- Олег Григорьев – Яма
- Robert Burns: On Wm. Graham, Esq., Of Mossknowe:
- Sonet 43 by William Alexander
- Ode On Indolence poem – John Keats poems
- Hate Survives by Mac McGovern
- Rosalie’s Good Eats Cafe by Shel Silverstein
- On An Infant (From The Greek) by William Cowper
- To Arms! (II) poem – Alfred Austin
- When Smoke Stood Up From Ludlow poem – A. E. Housman
- Getting There by Sylvia Plath
- At Last She Comes by Robert Louis Stevenson
- Вергилий – Лидия
- Юнна Мориц – Цветок
- Composed on The Eve Of The Marriage Of A Friend In The Vale Of Grasmere by William Wordsworth
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Владимир Британишский – В болотах севера Евразии
- Владимир Британишский – Утром 10 мая 1945 года
- Владимир Британишский – Уронили, потеряли
- Владимир Британишский – Урочище
- Владимир Британишский – Унифицированный современный поэт
- Владимир Коркин – Август дозреет яблоком
- Владимир Гиппиус – Закон чего? – закона нет
- Владимир Гиппиус – Узел
- Владимир Гиппиус – Слава
- Владимир Гиппиус – Писать стихи
- Владимир Гиппиус – Иначе, как стихами, говорить
- Владимир Гиппиус – Друг, скажу тебе несказанное
- Владимир Гиппиус стихи: читать все стихотворения, поэмы поэта Владимир Гиппиус – Поэзия на Poetry Monster
- Владимир Гиляровский – Я эоловой арфы струна
- Владимир Гиляровский – Владимирка – большая дорога
- Владимир Гиляровский – Покаюсь
- Владимир Гиляровский – Песня Дона
- Владимир Гиляровский – Нива
- Владимир Гиляровский – На Севере
- Владимир Гиляровский – Кузьма Орел
More external links (open in a new tab):
Doska or the Board – write anything
Search engines:
Yandex – the best search engine for searches in Russian (and the best overall image search engine, in any language, anywhere)
Qwant – the best search engine for searches in French, German as well as Romance and Germanic languages.
Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Alec Derwent-Hope (1907–2000) was an Australian poet and essayist known for his satirical slant. He was also a critic, teacher and academic.