The lighthouse shines across the sea;
The homing fieldfares sing for glee:
“Behold the shore!”
Alas for shattered wing and breast!
The lighthouse breakers make their nest,
And hedges bloom for them no more-
No more.
In their old church the lovers stand.
His wedding ring is on her hand,
All partings o’er.
Alas for mother still and cold,
The babe her dead young arms enfold!
Her lover will know love no more-
No more.
What fate is this for birds and men?-
The blue empyrean theirs-and then-
This fast-closed door.
One answers from his bended knee:
“Another morrow comes,” saith he,
“A day that brings the night no more-
No more.”
Ah, happy one! Yet happier he
Who knows he knows not what will be;
Who has no lore
To read the runes of life and death,
But lives his best while he has breath,
And leaves with God the evermore-
The evermore.
A few random poems:
- The Meehoo with an Exactlywatt by Shel Silverstein
- Fair Elanor by William Blake
- The Captive Trumpeter by William Somervile
- The Soundless Ocean by Tanmoy
- Day That I Have Loved by Rupert Brooke
- Screens (In a Hospital) by Winifred Mary Letts
- Robert Burns: A Dream: Thoughts, words, and deeds, the Statute blames with reason; But surely Dreams were ne’er indicted Treason. On reading, in the public papers, the Laureate’s Ode, with the other parade of June 4th, 1786, the Author was no sooner dropt asleep, than he imagined himself transported to the Birth-day Levee: and, in his dreaming fancy, made the following Address:
- Idylls of the King: The Last Tournament (excerpt) poem – Lord Alfred Tennyson poems
- Silent Steps by Rabindranath Tagore
- A Poet’s Welcome to his Love-Begotten Daughter by Robert Burns
- Prayers by Rainbow Reed
- Валерий Брюсов – Голос мертвого
- Give Me Back My Rags #11 by Vasko Popa
- Holy Day by Philip Levine
- Василий Тредиаковский – Дворы там весьма суть уединенны
External links
Bat’s Poetry Page – more poetry by Fledermaus
Talking Writing Monster’s Page –
Batty Writing – the bat’s idle chatter, thoughts, ideas and observations, all original, all fresh
Poems in English
- Юрий Галансков – Мне больно
- Юрий Галансков – Человеческий манифест
- Юрий Галансков стихи: читать все стихотворения, поэмы поэта Юрий Галансков – Поэзия на Poetry Monster
- Юрий Энтин – Слово про слово
- Юрий Левитанский – Не брести мне сушею
- Юрий Левитанский – Мое поколение
- Юрий Левитанский – Кто-то так уже писал
- Юрий Левитанский – Кинематограф
- Юрий Левитанский – Как зарок от суесловья, как залог
- Юрий Левитанский – Иронический человек
- Юрий Левитанский – Грач над березовой чащей
- Юрий Левитанский – Диалог у новогодней елки
- Юрий Левитанский – Что я знаю про стороны света
- Юрий Левитанский – Человек, строящий воздушные замки
- Юрий Левитанский – Белый снег
- Юрий Верховский – Зачем, паук, уходишь торопливо
- Юрий Верховский – Вариации на тему Пушкина
- Юрий Верховский – В майское утро
- Юрий Верховский – Судьба с судьбой
- Юрий Верховский – Рождественскою ночью
More external links (open in a new tab):
Doska or the Board – write anything
Search engines:
Yandex – the best search engine for searches in Russian (and the best overall image search engine, in any language, anywhere)
Qwant – the best search engine for searches in French, German as well as Romance and Germanic languages.
Ecosia – a search engine that supposedly… plants trees
Duckduckgo – the real alternative and a search engine that actually works. Without much censorship or partisan politics.
Yahoo– yes, it’s still around, amazingly, miraculously, incredibly, but now it seems to be powered by Bing.
Parallel Translations of Poetry
The Poetry Repository – an online library of poems, poetry, verse and poetic works

Ada Cambridge (1844 – 1926), also known as Ada Cross, was an English-born Australian author and poetess. She wrote more than 25 works of fiction, three volumes of poetry and two autobiographical works.