Lock not the door in the face of your fate
The intruder lies dimly in your place
Will he die for you were he your true mate

Soft the dark wind taps in every haste late
Makes your darling come lie by your fire-place
Lock not the door in the face of your fate

Harsh words stifle your heart uttered so late
Behind closed doors locked by fear on your face
Will he die for you were he your true mate

Will he run as fast as feet duplicate
When you tug at the bed-sheets of his race
Lock not the door in the face of your fate

Whose screams you heard in your embattled state
Before four blasts broke the silence of your grace
Will he die for you were he your true mate

Now your voice shrieks still behind the loud gate
What mindless mistake takes you out of space
Lock not the door in the face of your fate
Will he die for you were he your true mate.

© T. Wignesan – Paris, 2013