(In Memoriam, for Daryl, after Twenty Years)
We miss you so much, Son, in all these years,
Enduring in our hearts a constant woe.
Most thoughts of you still lead our souls to tears.
Increasingly, though slowly, as years go,
Sorrows engage our feelings … blow by blow.
So much remains of dreams we used to share!
Your eager hopes burn still, to keep them bright.
O Son, those dreams will always reappear,
Until we sleep, ourselves, in endless night.
So much remains – All still suffused in light!
Oceans of sorrows, deep, still flowing wide,
Measure our depth of pain – Our boundless grief.
Unending, too, Love flows on every tide!
Changeless and steady, Time brings no relief –
Months stretch like years … no day is ever brief.
Death cannot dim the lights you shine to Earth,
Although your death has surely dimmed Earth’s sun!
Reborn each day, from lights you brought at birth,
Your life will shine until our lives are done.
Love will not end – Love’s course is never run.