“The Bogeyman will get you!”
That’s what Nana said.
“Brush your teeth and say your prayers,
And don’t get out of bed!”
But Grannies scary warnings,
Of this unknown, frightful fiend,
Is something I’ve often thought about,
What did Granny mean?
Who is this horrible Bogeyman?
This creature of the gloom.
The one who must use GPS,
To find you in your room.
Just where does he come from?
A land that time forgot?
Does he live in a bogey Castle,
That’s constructed out of snot?
Is there just one bogeyman?
He cannot work alone.
I bet there’s lots of Bogeymen,
Who stay in touch by phone.
What credentials have they gathered,
To join this Bogey Mob?
They must have passed an interview,
To wind up in the job.
Me, I’ve never seen one,
So these things I’ll never know.
I’m grown up, I’m older now,
And still wait for him to show.
If you meet a Bogeyman,
Don’t worry ‘bout what he’ll do.
I bet he only picks your nose,
To make a Bogey Stew.