(For Nelson Auguste, my Grandson)

Nurture the finest traits to gild your time.
Extol the strengths and virtues of all things.
Let poets sing their songs, in prose or rhyme.
Serenely sip the joys the sweet sort brings.

Of all the habits which you might acquire,
None should impair that deity in your mind.
Ascribe to all fine thoughts – They’re yours, for hire,
Lest vain and callous ones make you unkind.

Extend a helping hand; relate to sorrow;
X-rays can show your heart, but not your soul;
Allow yourself to give, though you must borrow
Nothing that will debase – Impugn! – Your role.

Dare to be bold! Reach up, and far, and wide!
Enshrine ideals that will not devastate!
Rebut the chaff! Learn there’s no place to hide
Beyond barbed wire tentacles of hate….

Let Love become a metal staff beside you.
Obey Love’s rules – None’s sharp enough to hurt!
Obey Love’s rules – For royally they’ll guide you,
Marching on roads that do not lead to dirt.

Fear not! Fear not … the pitfalls on life’s journey.
Infuse your being with prowess of a knight!
Enclose your being in armor! Life’s a tourney
Leviathans can’t win – Unless they’re right!

Dare to be great! Dare to be up and running! –
Against the boldest beasts that fate can bring,
Unleash your inner strength! Unleash your cunning!
Go brave into life’s fray while your hopes sing!

Unite with truth and kindness to be fair.
Succumb with sympathy to forlorn cries.
Treat other beings to joy; curb their despair –
Eagles, you know, both rule and share the skies.
