!DOCTYPE html> html> head lang=”en-US”> title>xai-kou from book -seeds of faith by kapardeli eftichia /title> /div> h1 class=”pageTitle”>xai-kou from book -seeds of faith /h1> div class=”entry-content clearfix”> h2 class=”author”>by kapardeli eftichia /h2> div id=”content”> p>From my book Seeds of Faithbr /> winning first prizes/p> p>Passionately loved the worldbr /> Fermented in the sunbr /> and became a deep sigh/p> p>Joined on screamingbr /> painful echoesbr /> I have the dust of years/p> p>Do not ask you anythingbr /> secrets … but give me everything/p> p>Love the absolutebr /> Face of God/p> p>Surrendered in lovebr /> I forgot the tragedy of the world/p> p>angels accompany/p> p>the Mother of God/p> br> /body> /html>