How will I colour this home, O dear, for I do not remember those that would delight your eyes? How will I paint these walls for they are broken and torn by years bygone? Puzzled I am, yet let me ask rainbow to brush our home the colours celestial! Within this inn lone for ages, there is a space alone for you where the fallen petals of red-rose slumber dried of time. O sparrows, my playmates in boredom, come on, pick up these petals to weave your nest- a nest heavenly that would shelter your dreams!
I did not hear the beats of time for the clock on the wall has stopped ticking long ago. With mornings and evenings when I measured time, there were no reminders saved the bells from the distant mourning in deaths. Let me fix this dead needles that would perhaps show me the time when you arrive at the doorstep of the mansion. Let me count the moments of longing, O dear, the paces of time wavering and that play the rhythm for the melody of longing that I sing.
Look at the trees upon which sprouts the seedlings of longing; see there are flowers to be heaped on your way! Let me clean that path for I don’t want a thorn prick your softest feet. Breath deep the fragrance divine that would caress the senses tired of long way! When you approach this ancient bungalow, O dear you would hear my birds singing in joy seated upon the branches spread unto the skies. They are joy of heavens kept me alive with their melodies eternal.
I have forgotten your favourite dishes, but let me open the barrels that I kept deep within the heart of earth, for the wine must be ready of sweetest grapes. When the pangs of hunger leave you tired, O dear, taste this flesh, for life of my life I lived for you! Upon the sight of our union when the moon hides amidst the clouds ashamed, let me light up the candle of celestial love and get lost in the brightness. O mystic flames of love divine, raise above to the skies and then to the heavens where the clouds of darkness would melt unto earth!
O dear, it is raining! – Is this winter rain or heavens pouring its grace? I wish if I could stay right here enfolding you! Through my cheeks when these raindrops fall unto you, feel the salt for it carries my tears too! Tears of longing, tears of love, tears pure right from the heart- wipe this away with your kisses ardent! Upon my chest your bosoms blossom, feel my heart beating mad, amidst the rain my warmth is sweating. It is rain, but my beloved, it is darkness around, just darkness wreathing this lone!
I didn’t sleep, but was awaiting your footsteps; it is another morning and it is almost the end of winter. Upon the veranda when I sit laying my eyes on the zigzag road disappearing unto the woods dark, my eyes fill again with tears unknown. I have been alone, and would live alone, but pang of longing leaves me frozen again for a winter or so. When the last breath escape through my nostrils, I can hear the northern wind singing in his tired voice- O look at that man who died of longing!